PCD RTM 2008-04-24 F2F

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Meeting Logistics


CIMIT Landsdowne
Partners Research Building
65 Landsdowne Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Room #217 (2nd Floor; Check in with Security in Main Lobby)
Directions to CIMIT in Cambridge
Hotels near CIMIT in Cambridge


2008-04-24 Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
2008-04-25 Friday 08:00 - 15:00

Dress: Business Casual

Proposed Agenda

  1. Introductions & Agenda Review
  2. IHE PCD Background (Cooper)
  3. Rosetta Terminology Mapping (RTM) Profile Review (Cooper/Schluter)
  4. ISO/IEEE 11073 Nomenclature / Terminology Design Review (Cooper) <deferred>
  5. Ventilator Operational Mode Proposal (Marks)
  6. ISO TC121 / SC3 Update (Weismann)
  7. Breath-to-Breath Annotations Discussion (Group)
  8. Additional Term Gap Identification
  9. Planning for post F2F activities
  • WebEx & F2F Meetings?
  • Expert Engagement?
  • SDO coordination
  • Schedule

Attachments / Materials

Working documents posted on main RTM profile page

Ventilator State Machine Overview (Weismann)



Mark Berryhill (Mark.Berryhill@viasyshc.com)
Todd Cooper (t.cooper@ieee.org)
William "Chip" Furniss (William.Furniss@respironics.com)
Joel Halle (Joel.Halle@viasyshc.com)
Ken Marks (Kenneth.Marks@med.ge.com)
Paul Schluter (Paul.Schluter@med.ge.com)
Dieter Weismann (Dieter.Weismann@draeger.com)
Jan Wittenber (Jan.Wittenber@Philips.com)


1 IHE PCD RTM Vent TG Overview (Cooper)

2 RTM Overview (Schluter)

3 Ventilation Mode Proposal (Marks)

4 ISO TC121/SC3 Vent Mode Nomenclature Standard Update (Weismann)

5 General Vent Mode Discussion. Ventilation Mode Proposal Notes (Marks) More Ventilation Mode Proposal Notes with Waveforms (Schluter)

Agenda ID Discussion
1 Use case / "scope" of RTM activity is currently limited to applications of the [DEC] profile. This may be expanded in the future, but currently the set of parameters within scope of this activity are limited to those that are likely to be reported to the enterprise from a gateway system / application.
5 General discussion about vent mode models and issues. Three approaches from Marks, Weismann & Furniss were evaluated.

A basic vent state machine was presented to clarify transitioning between inspiratory & expiratory breath phases.

Action Items

ID Participant Date Action
0 Schluter/Marks 2008-05-05 Update Discussion section with notes per the groups discussion.
1 Marks 2008-05-05 Write up final approach for representing vent operational modalities, including some examples that were worked out during the discussion. Update the wiki.
2 Group 2008-05-12 Apply mode approach for (in Action #1) to various ventilator modalities.
(Berryhill) VTPS & HF
(Halle) SIMV & CSV
(Marks) Bi-Level & PCV/VG GE Vent Modes using discussed classification
(Furniss) AutoTrak & Speaking "mode"
3 Group <tbd> Gap Identification - Analyze Rosetta tables to determine which terms are present and which are missing: "gaps". Update tables.
4 Todd 2008-04-28 Setup weekly WebEx Session for Every other Thursday @ 09:00 Pacific starting May 15th.

Next Meeting

2008-05-05 Presentation @ IEEE / ISO / HL7 Meetings in Phoenix

2008-05-15 @ 12:00 Eastern

(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-05-15)