Rad Tech Minutes 2024-04-15-19

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Meeting ID: 850 2675 3117 Passcode: 434350

Monday, April 15, 2024

Attendees: Andrei Leontiev (Visage), Kinson Ho (Tempus), Sean Doyle (Hyperfine), Shiokawa (Salt) Yasunari (JAHIS, IHE-J), David Kwan (IHE Canada, Insygnia), Wim Corbijn (Philips), Khaled Younis (SIIM), Antje Schroeder (Siemens), Kevin O'Donnell (Canon), Steve Nichols (GE), John Paulett, Jason Malobicky (Rad AI), Jaime Dulkowski, TeRhonda McGee, Chris Carr (RSNA), Lynn Felhofer (IHE RAD TPM)

  • A1: 8:45am-9:00am Administrative Time
    • Agenda Review - agenda will be modified in the afternoon. Takeaway: create a first draft of the next meeting agenda at the end of this one.
  • S1: 9:00am-11:00am: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Goal for this week is to prepare IDR for public comment publication
    • Public comment resolution is planned for an 'extra' RAD Tech meet during the Trieste Connectathon June 3-7 (perhaps half days)
    • Kevin walked through Vol 1 content to lay a roadmap for this week's discussions
    • Begin review of Vol 3 report content encoding specification
  • S2: 11:15am-12:15pm: Maintenance
    • CP Ballot 2024A comment resolution
      • 2024A CPs were reviewed, updated based on comments, and moved to Final Text status. The comment sheet is in the folder linked here.
      • The 4 CPs in Ballot 2024A are now Final Text status.
  • A2: 1:00pm-1:30pm: Administrative Time - agenda updated
  • S3: 1:30pm-3:00pm: Reject Analysis (RAM)
    • Progress on resolving public comments in Vol 1 content
  • S4: 3:15pm-5:00pm: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue Vol 3 discussion, with focus on Impressions

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Attendees: Ana Kostadinovska (Philips), Kevin O, David K, Wim C, Antje S, Khaled Y, Andrei L, Kinson H, Steve N, TeRhonda M, Jamie D, Chris C, Lynn F (also members of DICOM WG20 for morning discussion of IDR issues)

  • S1: 9:00-11:00am: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue review of IDR; gather topics for discussion with WG20
  • 10:00-11:00am - Joint Session with DICOM WG20
    • Discussion of FHIR-related open issues to seek guidance from members of WG20
  • S2: 11:15am-12:15pm: Reject Analysis (RAM)
    • Continue resolving public comments
  • S3: 1:30pm-3:00pm: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue fleshing out Vol 3 content, with focus on impressions, recommendations.
  • S4: 3:15pm-4:45pm: Maintenance
    • Finish evaluation of candidate profiles for promotion & deprecation: See rows 16-25 of the 2024 republication plan
    • Assign editors & dates in 2024 Republication Planning
    • Joint RAD Tech/Planning meeting needed to approve moving proposed profiles to Final Text and Retired status. Proposed date of April 30 -- Jamie to organize and confirm. Lynn agreed to draft an agenda containing a pointer to the list of profiles and associated evaluation forms.
    • Discussion of Retired vs Deprecated profile status
      • Retired = Stale technology. The profile is no longer maintained by IHE. Could be applied to TI or FT profiles.
      • Deprecated = Do not implement this. The profile is removed from the TF publication; remains in the archive. Could be applied to TI or FT profiles.
    • CP-RAD_473 (Final Text) will be moved to Cancelled status when MAWF is approved for retirement.
  • A3: 4:45pm-5:00pm: Administrative Time

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Attendees: Bas van den Heuvel, Chris Melo (Philips), Jason M, Kevin O, David K, Khaled Y, Wim C, Ana K, Salt, Antje S, Andrei L, John P, Kinson H, Steve N, Jamie, D, Chris C, TeRhonda M, Lynn F

Clinical Consult participants: Andrei Morariu, Namita Gandhi, Kathy Kent, Cree Gaskin, Adam Flanders, Chris Roth, Pete O'Toole

  • A1: 8:45am-9:00am Administrative Time
    • Brief overview of registration for RAD profiles at the Trieste Connectathon
  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue developing use case content in Vol 1
  • S2: 10:45am-12:15pm: Reject Analysis (RAM)
    • Continue public comment resolution
    • We agreed to move refactoring updates to RAD-29 and RAD-66 into CP-RAD-535. These changes were reviewed as part of RAM public comment. RAD Tech agreed to move this CP to Final Text and integrate it into the TF in 2024.
  • S3: 1:15pm-2:45pm: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue refining content specification, including Provenance
  • C1: 3:00pm-4:00pm: Clinical Consult
    • Clinical input received based on questions from Kevin. See list of participants above.
  • S4: 4:15pm-5:00pm: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue refining content specification

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Attendees: Andrei L, Antje S, Chris M, Salt, Sean D, Kevin O, Wim C, Ana K, Khaled Y, Kinson H, Steve N, David K, TeRhonda M, Lynn F

  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue processing TCQs
  • S2: 10:45am-12:15pm: Maintenance
    • Review and finalize Profile Evaluation forms for WIA and WIC . RAD Tech confirmed that these should be moved to Final Text
    • Process newly Submitted CPs (includes one for WIA)
      • New CP-RAD-536 - Add missing audit triggers for RAD-129, -107 - Assigned to Lynn
    • CP-related discussion topics for committee deliberation
      • CP-RAD-513 - SWF.b: Clarify Intermittently Modality behavior in RAD-10 Storage Commitment (Steve, Sean) - reviewed Steve's update to the CP. It is ready for ballot; move to status "Completed"
      • CP-RAD-501-FT - approved small update to WIA FT CP
  • S3: 1:30pm-3:00pm: Reject Analysis (RAM)
    • Continue addressing TCQs
  • S4: 3:15-4:45pm Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
  • A3: 4:45pm-5:00pm: Administrative Time

Friday, April 19, 2024

Attendees: Steve N, Salt, David K, Kinson H, Andrei L, Kevin O, Wim C, Antje S, TeRhonda M, Lynn F

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time -
    • 2024-25 Cycle planning:
    • Trieste meeting Agenda & Logistics
      • still TBD awaiting time/room confirmation from Catalyst staff
  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am Checkpoint assessments; Tcon scheduling
    • Complete RAM checkpoint assessment
    • Complete IDR checkpoint assessment
    • Timeline for IDR Public
      • May 2, 10:00 - noon - Finish IDR prep
      • May 6, 10:00 - noon - Finish IDR prep
      • May 7 - Submit document to Mary
      • May 10 - Public Comment announcement from Mary
      • May 31 - Comments due
      • Jun 4-7 - Resolve public comments at Trieste F2F
  • S2: 10:45am-12:15pm Maintenance
    • A few more comments from Lynn on the 2024 publication plan
    • CP-related discussion topics for committee deliberation
      • CP-RAD-531 - Fix Typos in Part 2 Sections - reviewed and approved to move to Final Text
      • CP-RAD-536 - Add missing audit triggers for RAD-129, -107 - reviewed and ready for ballot; change status to Completed
      • CP-RAD-423 - Add specificity to IOCM (unreject) (Steve)
    • Process newly Submitted CPs
      • CP-RAD-xxx-instanceStored audit definition.doc - assigned to Lynn as CP-RAD-537; ready for review by RAD Tech
  • A2: 12:30pm - Open time

Annex: RAM TI-Prep Closing Assessment

  • Did we line-by-line the entire document

No. Will circulate for review before tcon.

  • How ready is it to go out for TI: Completely, Almost, Soonish, Hmmm

Almost. Pretty good shape.

  • How did the work fit in the allocated bandwidth? (Time to spare? Just right? Things were left undone?)

Just Right.

  • Review the evaluation. Which complexity/uncertainty/effort points missed the mark?

Pretty much on target. IOCM interactions were simpler than expected. 29 vs 66 was a bit more discussion than expected. Code "hierarchies"

  • Or alternatively, estimate how many points you went over and assign the overage effort/complexity/uncertainty to the appropriate points.


  • Are all the open issues closed?


  • What significant debates in TI-prep were not anticipated in the Kickoff or PC-Prep

None really.

  • Did the Breakdown of Tasks accurately reflect the work? What extra tasks arose?

Basically. yes.

  • What residual risks are worth noting

Coverage/usability for Non-xray still a bit murky but that is peripheral use case.

  • Does it feel we've met all the use cases


  • Did the promised resources manifest

Mostly. Kevin L had a job move, wasn't able to join as much as hoped.

  • What vendors are engaged (for each actor)

Note Creator/Modality - Canon, SHS, Philips Archive - Canon, Visage, Philips, SHS, Reporter/Analyzer - ??

  • Who should specifically be targeted for TI notification (implementors & advocates)

AAPM, EFOMP and DICOM WGs, Kevin(s) will forward the notice

  • When will we have sample data/objects

Not hard to make.

  • Was the profile where it needed to be at the start of the TI meeting, if not what was the gap

Mostly. Would have been nice to have gotten more comment issues into draft text. Also fewer gaps in the other modality code tables would have been nice but maybe that just reflects the current lack of interest in the field there. It was about leaving the door open for the scope rather than covering that scope in detail. "Conditional Scope"

  • Was the profile where it needed to be at the end of the TI meeting, if not what was the gap

Mostly. Should have had time for line-by-line/page-by-page

  • Do you need any tcons between now and TI Publication

Yes. One 2-hour tcon to do a page-by-page and review any bits that turn out to be tricky in the final edit.

Annex: IDR PC-Prep Closing Assessment

Process edit: Going forward, do line-by-line for TI, and just page-by-page for PC

  • Did we line-by-line (top to bottom) the entire document

Hahahaha. No. Did go over a majority of the content with detailed discussions.

  • How ready is it to go out for PC: Completely, Almost, Soonish, Hmmm


  • Which open issues are risky, and why

Don't see any risk open issue, the risk is probably the open issue that we forgot to ask.

  • Are all open issues phrased to solicit the needed information to close them?

Gap. Haven't fully edited all the open issues yet.

  • Which use cases need more input

Query (#2) definitely. Feedback on all of them would be nice.

  • Which issues from the Kickoff Closing Assessment are still unresolved
    • Still no good way to split the work between two editors other than them having frequent long meetings.
    • Still need to engage consumers of these reports.
  • What significant debates in PC-prep were not anticipated in the Kickoff

Did some refocusing (conclusions/recommendations) that was new. Usage of .supportingInfo vs real attributes with reporting semantics still a point of discussion with FHIR.

  • Review ALL "uncertainty points" in the evaluation. Are all now resolved?

Satisfyingly, it looks pretty on target. Many have been resolved by careful scoping.

  • Review ALL "complexity points" in the evaluation. Did each get appropriate text coverage/resolution?

Mostly yes. Still haven't discussed IMR interweaving in detail. Examples where more than predicted

  • Review the "effort points" in the evaluation. Still seems right? Need more?

Use case sections were a bit shorter than budgeted, but Concept sections used the difference and then some. Need the concept element in the assessment. Also examples. Also getting up to speed on various FHIR resources and conventions. Maybe break the API/domain allocation from the transaction estimate out into it's own "new technology" row in the BoT.

  • How does the scope feel in terms of being a useful chunk of work? (Needs more? Just right? More than enough?)

Definitely useful. Definitely part of a bigger whole.

  • How is the work fitting in the allocated bandwidth? (Time to spare? Just right? Things were left undone?)

A lot to chew. Scoping is feeling right, but needs time.

  • Did the Breakdown of Tasks accurately reflect the work? What extra tasks arose?

Not fully. Shifting to 4-stage feels right (but was not assessed at the beginning). Lead author doing two profiles also caused some bandwidth challenges.

  • Looking forward, if you had to reduce scope to hit TI, what would you drop

Drop transactions (especially query). Do fewer examples.

  • Have the promised resources manifested

Mostly. Just hard to coordinate/split the work.

  • What vendors are engaged (for each actor)

Creator: RAD AI, SHS, (Visage), (Canon), (Philips), (Tempus) Archive: Visage, Philips Reader: Visage, SHS, Philips Consumer: RAD AI,

  • When will we have sample data/objects
-) Working on it. Hope to use the IG tooling to get some basic examples during TI. Also plan more hand crafted examples.
  • Who should specifically be targeted for Public Comment feedback

FHIR folk, WG-20, CDE/Tarik, Marc's AI folks, Mohannad's reporting/iAIP, RSNA IHE Cmte - point to sections

  • Was the profile where it needed to be at the start of the PC meeting (See "PC Prep Meeting" above), if not what was the gap

No. More complete draft on all fronts would be better. Partly due to size/scope/resource/bandwidth issues discussed above, also partly doing an ad hoc 4-stage since we hadn't closed enough issues last meeting. The gap was more about not having a variety of issues resolved, rather than just being about not having the editorial writing done. During effort assessment, identify the layers of uncertainty. Then focus on the broad uncertainties during kickoff, the finer grained uncertainties during 2nd kickoff, so wee can author text for stage 3 PC

  • Was the profile where it needed to be at the end of the PC meeting, if not what was the gap

No. But really good progress to agree on uncertainty items so there is a lot of cleanup left but most of it is editorial/authoring. Not too many PC stopping uncertainties.

  • How many tcons would you like between now and PC Publication

At least 2 two hour. Need to review/approve.

  • Do you need any tcons before TI Prep Meeting

It would be nice but there will be no time for it.

Maintenance topics for the week

Link to RAD CP Tracking sheet

Link to RAD TF Maintenance folder in google drive

Maintenance topics:

  • CP-related discussion topics for committee deliberation
    • CP-RAD-513-02 SWF.b: Clarify Intermittently Modality behavior in RAD-10 Storage Commitment (Steve, Sean) - Reworked as discussed.
    • CP-RAD-423 Add specificity to IOCM (unreject) (Steve)
    • CP-RAD-501- FT - review small update to this WIA FT CP, suggested by Lynn
  • Review / update Top Ten CP list
  • Finalize content and timing of next CP ballot
  • Other CPs ready for committee review:
    • CP-RAD-463 - Add RDSR Display option in REM (Kevin)
    • CP-RAD-496-01 - Missing arrow in in SWF.b actor/transaction diagram (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-478-01 - Remove out-of-date references to DICOM and supplement (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-515-01 - Vol 2x: Fully integrate SWF.b into Appendix D (Lynn) -- cmte input needed
    • CP-RAD-483-00 - Deprecate PWF transactions (Lynn) -- get go-ahead from RAD Tech to do this
    • CP-RAD-305-02 - Revise profile dependencies (grouping) in Vol 1) (Lynn) -- cmte input needed; do it, or kill it...
    • CP-RAD-436-02 - Fix inconsistencies in IOCM actor / transaction and grouping requirements (Lynn) -- cmte input needed
    • CP-RAD-410-03 - XCA-I is out of date for Async (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-491-01 - Code Mapping WP update (Lynn)