PCD Connectathon&Showcase WG 2013-14

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This is the entry point for this Working Group in the 2013-14 Connectathon and HIMSS Showcase cycle.

Meeting Purpose

Collaborative effort to discuss implementation and demonstration issues and preparations

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Connectathon and Showcase Working Group

Dates: Regularly Scheduled Weekly Meetings -- Most Tuesdays, through some time in March, 2014

Time: 2 pm, Eastern Time (New York EST, or EDT depending upon the date)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Related Pages and Documents

This page will continue to be updated for the 2014 North American Connectathon and HIMSS14

North American Connectathon

Orientation to IHE Connectathons and Showcases (demonstrations): Webinars: the entire schedule is available at http://ihe.net/Webinars/. They were recorded.

The IHE USA website: http://iheusa.org/connectathon-contacts.aspx. IHE USA Participant Resources: http://iheusa.org/connectathon-participantresources.aspx Consider joining IHE USA or, at least, subscribing to their emails.

Consider joining IHE International: www.ihe.net/governance.

The home page of gazelle is http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/home.seam.

IHE NA Connectathon 2014: Technical Support Material website: http://na2014.wustl.edu. Technical Prep webpage: http://na2014.wustl.edu/TechnicalPrep.html

Sign up for the Google Group (GG) used for connectathon-related technical preparation & logistics announcement: NA_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.com.

NA Connectathon Participant Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AkpIuejcpSerdFZxeHd3T0tuMzJSZjRxd2JyeGNDekE&single=true&gid=0&output=html

Please see the October 22, 2013 meeting and associated recording https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=71782507&rKey=8bbdf2ba85e23dc3 for an overview of the Connectathon process and to learn about PCD resources. The recording is titled CD Connectathon and Showcase WG-20131022 1817-1, Tuesday, October 22, 2013 2:17 pm New York Time and the discussion lasted about 45 Minutes.

November & December Connectathon preparation steps, the recording is here: https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=EC&rID=72022052&rKey=690cabc6d726f664. For future reference, that link and the slides are posted on the Support Materials website: http://na2014.wustl.edu/Training.html

Drafts of the PCD Connectathon tests are available in Excel format. Contact the Project Manager for copies of the latest version or look in the email archive of the PCD Connnectathon and Showcase WG's GG.

Index of IHE Test Tools (all domains): http://ihewiki.wustle.edu/wiki/index.php/Index_to_Preconnectathon_Test_Software

NIST Tools: A Year Ago (in 2012) John Garguilo described some background information about the tool and future direction. This was recorded in the Thursday morning Webex (not in the NIST Tool Tutorial). https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=62698142&rKey=0a435beba33d5a6c

PCD F2F Th Morning-20121018 1416-1 Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:16 am New York Time (20 Minutes)

NIST Test Tool Tutorial: https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=72200047&rKey=1be183a6eb158808 The recording details:

PCD Connectathon and Showcase WG-20131105 1900-1 Tuesday, November 5, 2013 2:00 pm New York Time 1 Hour

Message Workbench Tutorials: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Tools/MWB/MWB%20Recordings/ The MWB is a development tool provided by the VA. Unfortunately, it has not been updated, but it may still be useful in developing HL7 v 2 messages. A tutorial was recorded and is available at this location. The last version (several years old) may be downloaded as well.

2014 North American Connectathon Overview and Detail - Important to View Periodically: http://na2014.wustl.edu/. Please bookmark these pages and refer to it and the related pages regularly for updates. Pages include:


Expectations for your participation at the IHE NA Connectathon 2014 are outlined in the Policies & Guidelines: http://iheusa.org/connectathon-participantresources-guidelines.aspx

We strongly encourage testing with potential partners in advance of the Connectathon - over the Internet or by means of a workaround if a firewall interferes (see last year's site): PCD Virtual Connectathon Testing

The 2012-13 cycle may provide a useful introduction to the preparation for the 2013-14 cycle: http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Connectathon%26Showcase_WG_2012-13.

Background information about PCD:

PCD Getting Started page with useful links http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Getting_Started

Published and Draft Versions of the TF, Supplements, Other Documents:

- The PCD ftp site has draft versions. For those submitted to IHE for publication in most cases there will be few significant changes and these drafts will be useful while waiting for the published version.
- Published (and possibly in the process of being replaced with new versions):
- Not Yet Published:
PCD CPs are found at PCD_CP_grid - CPs that have not yet been incorporated into the Technical Framework Final Text or into an updated Supplement may be in effect for Connectathon Testing and demonstration at HIMSS. Watch for the deadline announcements and consult the Project Manager if there are questions.

The recent PCD Face to Face meeting: http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_PC%26TC_2013_Oct._8-11_F2F

IHE and IHE Processes

IHE International home page: www.IHE.net.

HIMSS Showcase:

HIMSS14 http://www.interoperabilityshowcase.org/himss14/ Note: Registration extended, now closes October 31, 2013.

HIMSS14 Information including deadlines, schedule (set up, etc.): http://www.interoperabilityshowcase.org/himss14/sponsor_home.aspx

HIMSS provides a First Timers Meeting November 5, 2013: http://www.interoperabilityshowcase.org/himss14/sponsor_firsttimers.aspx

Of possible interest: PCD Showcase 2013 Scenario, PCD Showcase 2012 Scenario, PCD Showcase 2011 Scenario

Pictures from past HIMSS Interoperability Showcases are on the PCD ftp site.

Some of the meetings are recorded. Links to the recordings are provided below, along with links to the discussion summaries when available.

Profiles and Supplements

PCD links to profiles are found at http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Profiles

Profile candidates for testing in the North American Connectathon in January, 2013: ACM with WCM option; DEC with SPD, POI, WCM options; IDCO; IPEC; PIV; RTM

Other profiles that are works in process can be found through the PCD Wiki page above.

Action Items (Details in meeting notes)

Action Items are tracked on PCD-Connectathon&Showcase-ActionItemsCycle8-2013-2014

March, 2013 Meetings

Please see the Wiki page for the 2012-13 cycle for the earlier meetings


Preparation for the 2014 N. A. Connectathon and HIMSS14 begins with these reviews.

Thirtieth meeting, 2012-2013 Cycle; First Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: March 19, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-03-19_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded:
  • Introductions
  • Announcements
- Planning the AAMI Mini-demonstration
- Any possibility of device condition messages to CMMS?
  • Review of Pump PIV Tests
  • Showcase
- Additional Suggestions: Experience

Thirtyfirst meeting, 2012-2013 Cycle; Second Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: March 26, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-03-26_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded:
  • Introductions
  • Announcements
- Registration for the F2F
- Volunteering for Development of Approved Workitems
- Planning the AAMI Mini-demonstration
- Device condition messages to CMMS?
- Transition to the 2013-14 Cycle for This Meeting and Wiki Page
  • Review of PIV Tests Continued

April, 2013 Meetings

Preparation for the 2014 N. A. Connectathon and HIMSS14 begins this year in March, 2013.

See last cycle for activities leading up to the 2013 North American Connectathon and HIMSS13 Interoperability Showcase.

Thirty Second meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle; Third Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: April 2, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-04-02_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded: Introductions


- Planning the AAMI Mini-demonstration
- Device condition messages to CMMS

Review of DEC Tests

Fourth Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: April 9, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-04-09_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded: Introductions


- Planning the AAMI Mini-demonstration
o Posters - please see email with link to previous posters
o Meeting Friday on the Device Management Communication demo
o Exhibit hall registrations
- Device condition messages to CMMS

Continue Review of DEC Tests

Fifth Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: April 23, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-04-23_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded: Introductions


AAMI Demonstration: Overall

- Planning the AAMI Demonstration
o Need to know physical requirements (see Excel)
Monroe's switch: b, g sufficient?
o Exhibit hall registrations
o Posters - please see email with link to previous posters
Review, update, responsible persons
o Handouts: PCD, HIMSS
o Vendor Participation Poster

AAMI Demonstration: Work in Process/New Directions

- Meeting Friday on the Device Management Communication and RTLS demo
o Feasibility update - what can be demonstrated?
o Posters
o Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI

Sixth Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: April 30, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-04-30_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded: Introductions


AAMI Demonstration: Overall

- Planning the AAMI Demonstration
o Need to know physical requirements (see Excel)
o Exhibit hall registrations
o Posters - please see email with link to previous posters
o Handouts: PCD, HIMSS
o Vendor Participation Poster

AAMI Demonstration: Work in Process/New Directions

- Meeting Friday on the Device Management Communication and RTLS demo
o Feasibility update - what can be demonstrated?
o Posters
o Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI

May, 2013 Meetings

Sixth Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: May 7, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-05-07_Webex



AAMI Demonstration: Overall

Planning the AAMI Demonstration
• Arrival times to organize setup
• Posters Reviewed:
o All reviewed will be considered final unless someone requests review
o Need to review the need for and design of the "Commercially Available" poster
o Space remains for __ posters (TBD)
• Flyer similar to the Vendor poster
• Handouts: Have been requested from HIMSS.
• Invitation/Heads Up to AAMI Exhibitors and Others - email, newsletters
• Network, provided by Monroe
• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI
• Other to consider?

AAMI Demonstration: Work in Process/New Directions

• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMIMeetings Fridays on the Device Management Communication and RTLS demo
• Technical update - what will be demonstrated?
• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI

Next Meeting:

• Last chance to discuss any issue, questions
• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI
• Brainstorming next year's demonstration

Meeting Dates Post AAMI

Seventh Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: May 14, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-05-14_Webex


AAMI Demonstration: Overall

• Discuss any issue, questions
• Review Two Posters: Device Connectivity (Wheel), ACM-ECM
• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI
• Brainstorming next year's demonstration
• Other to consider?

AAMI Demonstration: Work in Process/New Directions Meetings Fridays on the Device Management Communication and RTLS demo

• Technical update - what will be demonstrated?
• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI

Meeting Dates Post AAMI

Eighth Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: May 21, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-05-21_Webex

The meeting was not recorded: Introductions


- Manny noted the VIPs
- Communicating Consistent Messages

AAMI Demonstration: Overall

• Any issue, questions
Patient ID: see email
• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI
• Brainstorming next year's demonstration
• Other to consider?

Meeting Dates Post AAMI: Will resume June 11 with a discussion of Lessons Learned. After that

- The Tuesday meetings will focus on Cycle 8 Connectathon and the activities leading up to the Connectathon
- The Location Services and Device Management Communications efforts will take place within their WGs

AAMI Demonstration: Work in Process/New Directions Meetings Fridays on the Device Management Communication and RTLS demo

• Technical update
• Recruiting at AAMI, Pre- and Post-AAMI

Ninth Meeting, 2013-2014 Cycle: May 28, 2013, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-05-28_Webex

AAMI Demonstration: Overall - Short Meeting to Address Questions, Concerns

Meeting Dates Post AAMI:

- Tuesday meetings resume June 11 with a discussion of Lessons Learned. After that the Tuesday meetings will focus on the Cycle 8 Connectathon and the activities leading up to the Connectathon (e.g., review and update of tests).
- The Location Services and Device Management Communications efforts will take place within their WG(s)

DMC and LS Demonstration: Work in Process/New Directions

Meeting Friday June 7 for Lessons Learned
Meeting Friday June 14 to introduce existing members and orient new participants for profile development: Device Management Communication and Location Services

June, 2013 Meetings

Tenth Meeting June 11, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-06-11_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded: Introductions


Discussion of Lessons Learned AAMI13

Brainstorming: Ideas for AAMI14, Layout Choice: 10x40 or 20x20

Next Meetings: Review and Update of Connectathon, Pre-Connectathon and Virtual Testing

Eleventh Meeting June 18, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-06-18_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded: Introductions


- The Tuesday meetings will focus on Cycle 8 Connectathon and the activities leading up to the Connectathon
- The Location Services and Device Management Communications efforts will take place within their WGs

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- No test review

Twelfth Meeting June 25, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-06-25_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded: Introductions


Discussion Summary from last meetings were deferred

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Review of __________ Tests

July, 2013 Meetings

Thirteenth Meeting July 9, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-07-09_Webex


- DMC Will Begin Meeting Friday, LS The Following Friday
o Volunteer TC Member for Each WG

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Review of PIV, IPEC Tests
- Proposed Schedule for DEC, ACM
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

Fourteenth Meeting July 16, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-07-16_Webex


- LS Will Begin Meeting Friday. DMC, LS Meet Alternate Fridays
o Volunteer TC Member for Each WG

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Review of PIV, IPEC Tests
- Proposed Schedule for DEC, ACM
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

Fifthteenth Meeting July 23, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-07-23_Webex


- HIMSS14 Planning Has Begun
o Request New Directions for DMC, LS
o Volunteer TC Member Co-chair for Each WG, CMMS and User Leadership

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Review of DEC Tests
- Proposed Schedule for ACM and Return to Complete PIV, IPEC
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

Sixteenth Meeting July 30, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-07-30_Webex


- Volunteer TC Member for Each WG

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Review of ACM Tests
- Proposed Schedule to Complete PIV, IPEC
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

August, 2013 Meetings

Seventeenth Meeting August 6, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-08-06_Webex


- Volunteer TC Member for Each WG

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Continue review of ACM Tests
- Proposed Schedule to Complete PIV, IPEC
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

Eighteenth Meeting August 13, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-08-13_Webex


- Volunteer TC Member for Each WG

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Completed ACM test review.
- Proposed Schedule to Complete PIV, IPEC
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

Nineteenth Meeting August 20, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-08-20_Webex


- No topics or items to review today, call adjourned early.

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Proposed Schedule to Complete PIV, IPEC
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

September, 2013 Meetings

Twentieth Meeting September 3, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-09-03_Webex


N A Connectathon Preparation:

- IPEC Tests Review
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

Twenty First Meeting September 10, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-09-10_Webex


- Commercially Available Table
- IPEC Updated and Distributed for Comments
- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD
- ACM, PIV and IPEC will not be offered as available for Supportive Testing. Paul Sherman will be considering whether DEC should be available for Supportive Testing.

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- PIV Tests Review
- Drug Table Review

Twenty Second Meeting September 17, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-09-17_Webex


- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- PIV: Tests Review

Twenty Third Meeting September 24, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-09-24_Webex


- DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD

N A Connectathon and HIMSS14 Showcase:

- Registration Process Update
Sept. 23 - Oct. 18, Pre-C Testing, Virtual Testing, Connectathon, Supportive Testing
- Showcase: Early Information
New Structures, Clinical Look and Feel
Request for Entries Into Doodle Survey

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- PIV: Tests Review

October, 2013 Meetings

Twentyfourth Meeting October 1, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-10-01_Webex


- Test Review:
PIV and IPEC: Latest Test Versions Distributed
Drug and Patient Demographic Tables TBD
Supportive Testing
DEC POI and WCM, IDCO Schedule TBD
CT for IDCO Under Discussion


- What is new
- Registration Update
- Scenarios
New Structures, Clinical Look and Feel
Request for Entries Into Doodle Survey

N A Connectathon Preparation:

- Registration Process Update
- Sept. 23 - Oct. 18, Pre-C Testing, Virtual Testing, Connectathon, Supportive Testing

Twentyfifth Meeting October 15, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-10-15_Webex

Twentysixth Meeting October 22, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-10-22_Webex

This meeting was recorded. Click the link to play it: https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=71782507&rKey=8bbdf2ba85e23dc3

Title: PCD Connectathon and Showcase WG-20131022 1817-1 Tuesday, October 22, 2013 2:17 pm New York Time 45 Minutes


HIMSS: Request for Entries Into Doodle Survey
Planning Committee Meeting Nov. 4-6
New Participant Orientation Nov. 5

N A Connectathon Preparation:

See Wiki page.

Twentyseventh Meeting October 29, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-10-29_Webex

The primary focus will be the HIMSS Showcase and the AAMI Demonstration

Additional items will relate to Connectathon updates.

November, 2013 Meetings

Twenty-eighth Meeting November 5, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-11-05_Webex

This meeting was recorded. Click the link to play it:


If you don't have the player, it is available here: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Tools/nbr2player.msi

This meeting was a tutorial on the NIST IHE Connectathon tools

Twenty-nineth Meeting November 12, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-11-12_Webex

This meeting was recorded. You can find the recording at https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=72400982&rKey=9cafb779e8e6377a

PCD Connectathon and Showcase WG-20131112 1907-1 Tuesday, November 12, 2013 2:07 pm New York Time 49 Minutes

The primary focus will be the HIMSS14 Interoperability Showcase, next pass at allocating systems to individual vignettes/use cases.

Second pass placing systems within individual vignettes
- Are all systems accounted for?
- Are they appropriately located?
- If you have multiple devices can they use the single server/gateway located elsewhere?
- Which systems require an LCD display?
- Which systems require a keyboard and mouse available after setup?
- Which systems require a simulator on the "bed" or "counter" or shelf.
- How far away can the laptop/server, keyboard/mouse and display be from each other?
- What devices, systems are wider than 2 ft., taller than 2 ft.?
Q and A

Thirtieth Meeting November 19, 2013 PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2013-11-19_Webex


December, 2013 Meetings

Placeholder Only

January 2014 Meetings

Placeholder Only

February 2014 Meetings

Placeholder Only

March, 2014 Meetings

Placeholder Only

Links to PCD Home and Meetings

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