PCD Connectathon&Showcase 2013-04-02 Webex

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PCD Connectathon & Showcase Meeting 2013-2014 Cycle

Action Items

You can find the Action Items at PCD-Connectathon&Showcase-ActionItemsCycle8-2013-2014


You can find the agenda at http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Connectathon%26Showcase_WG_2012-13

This meeting was ______ recorded,


Sue-fen Cuti (Careeverywhere), Bikram Day (Capsule), Al Engelbert (Protolink), Robert Flanders (GE), John Garguilo (NIST), Bob Gold (Philips), Richard Lane (West Health), Jeff McGeath (Accent on Integration), Monroe Pattillo (Practical Health Interoperability), Paul Sherman (Sherman Engineering), Manny Furst


Item3 Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Manny


No changes were made to the agenda.
Discussion Summary from last meetings were referred to (PIV Test Reviews).



2 2014 N A Connectathon: Review of PIV Tests
- Manny

DEC Tests Discussion April 2, 2013:

- Paul Sherman led the discussion. He began by reviewing the list of suggested changes (Word document).
- Richard suggested that rather than list the acronyms we provide a link to that portion of the TF.
- Paul suggested that safety concerns, references to JC, etc. could be helpful in planning tests and Showcase demonstrations.
- There was consensus that clarification is needed to make it clear that gateways, monitors, systems that support multiple device types will test at least two parameters from at least two types of devices.
- There was a consensus that point of care devices should include error/issue codes (as the Pump WG and POI WG have done). Manny to add to the F2F agenda.
- Paul noted that the WCM and POI option tests need to be extended. Manny provided background, indicating that tests for 2013 were intentionally superficial intended to gain some experience.
- Richard recommended that, in the future, multiple device types need to be tested simultaneously. E.g., devices streaming data may have multiple modes of data sharing for multiple purposes and receivers. One requirement may be for “average data” another for the raw data.



3 2013 AAMI Demonstration
- Manny

Manny summarized progress, indicating that we have several pump companies, Cerner as IOP and possibly as a DOC, and AOI as a DOC. There is a good chance we'll have a "work in process" demonstration of MEM-DCM.

- Manny indicated that planning for the AAMI demonstration will begin in earnest after the F2F. We will need to address posters at that time; whether to reuse the graphics from the past and what to add.
- Those participating in the work in process portion of the demonstration may meet this Friday.



4 Next Meetings
- Manny
- Next week’s meeting will continue review the DEC tests, and potential extensions to the POI and WCM tests.
- Next week to extend POI, WCM. Will invite Ioana, Ken to join the discussion.



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