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IHE Technical Frameworks

IHE Technical Frameworks specify the technical details of the Integration Profiles.

Each IHE Domain publishes a Technical Framework used by engineers to implement IHE functionality. Official Templates are used for consistent layout and content.

Technical frameworks are published in volumes. The first volume typically defines each Profile, the use cases, the actors involved and the requirements for conformance. Subsequent volume(s) specify how to implement the transactions used in the Profiles. The last volume is usually reserved for National / Regional extensions.

Official Publication

Public Comment Drafts

Public Comment Resolutions

Public Comment Resolutions describe how each public comment was handled (accepted, revised, rejected).


Change Proposals are fixes and clarifications which get incorporated into a Technical Framework.

IHE Technical Frameworks General Introduction and Shared Appendices

Information about the IHE General Introduction and Shared Appendices can be found here

See Also

Technical Framework Development Process for details on how they are organized and how they are developed.