PCD DPI 2009-05-14 WebEx

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(DPI Profile Main Page) DPI White Paper Page

Meeting Purpose

IHE PCD Device Point-of-care Integration (DPI) White Paper development discussions.

WebEx Information

Topic: IHE PCD DPI White Paper TG

Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009

Time: 15:00, Eastern Time (GMT -05:00, New York)

Duration: 120 Minutes

Note: Specific web & phone informaiton will be provided via e-mail to group members.

Contact Manny Furst for more information.

Proposed Agenda

1. DPI WP Programme Review
2. Review Current WP Draft
3. Open discussion

Attachments / Materials

(No attachments)



Chair/Host: Todd Cooper (BSF)
Anupriyo Chakravarti (SIS), Ken Fuchs (Draeger), John Garguilo (NIST), John Rhoads (Philips), Sandy Weininger (FDA/CDRH), Jan Wittenber (Philips)


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Agenda reviewed and approved


2 Approval of Discussion Notes
- Chair
  • No discussion notes to review / approve at this time.



3 Documents to Date Reviewed
- Group
  • Reviewed Presentations & Draft WP documents developed to date
  • ACTIONS related to specific WP discussions are listed below
  • WP Discussion included:
- Point-of-care includes "care" ... thus the clinician providing the care must be included!
- Include an Annex re. "MIB for Dummies" with examples extrated from MDCIG II document; morel detailed & focused examples will be addressed in the specific profile supplement documents (e.g., DPI-DR or DPI-SYM).
- Section 2 Executive Summary includes "operational" (i.e., architectural) and development (i.e., logical subsets, implementation alternatives) aspects.
- Should discuss use contexts, both topological and clinical workflow-based (which crossover between contexts)
- "Data types & examples" in the NIST WP draft, are NOT EXHAUSTIVE!
- Figure 5 - Directory is an extension of DEC...
- Figure 9 was not fully developed and should be "ignored"
  • Use of DPI Arcitecture Diagram (developed by Jan for NIST discussion):
- Should present diagram and then show how solutions for various use case subsets could be developed using this model
- Include the model in Section 4 Point-of-Care, and then lead into / leverage for Section 5
  • Phasing (Slide #8) - the IHE PCD & DPI work program and ROADMAP should include:
- Detailed device models (using ICS generator)
- Validation using the NIST "test harness"
- NOTE: The RoadMap section should address problem space similarly to what was done in the MDCIG program.
  • Device specialization development - for the initial devices, it was pointed out that there is significant momentum active:
- Physiological monitors are alread well represented in the Rosetta
- Infusion pump activity progressing (e.g., F2F in San Diego May 19 & 20)
- Vent Term Team meetings every couple of weeks to fill that gap.
  • Sandy asked about support for additional use cases such as:
- ICE related applications (Note: This will be addressed in a WP appendix)
- Pandemic support by integrated medical devices, such as collection of "local" data that feeds to the EHR (Note: this should be addressed by the DPI, DEC, and RTM profiles, which should also be leveraged by the HITSP CmDC use case analysis.



  • ACTION: (Cooper) Update DPI wiki page's Discussion Participants section
  • ACTION: (Rhoads/Cooper) Add updated Glossary section to White Paper; Rhoads to provide the content to Cooper.
  • ACTION: (Cooper) Update WP to 0.3 including content from Jan's "NIST" version (incl. Exective Summary section)
  • ACTION: (Cooper) Add Section 7.2 MEM; and include an SNMP discussion
  • ACTION: (Cooper) Add Section 7.3 Semantic Architecture (or Rosetta) for Device Specializations
  • ACTION: (Group) Define how the Device ICS' w/ NIST tools & volume 3 / RTM support will enable DPI verification & conformance testing.
  • ACTION: (Cooper) Develop an Annex with a simple example from device specialization UML model to data definitions to message sequence diagram examples. Link to previoius MDCIG activitie (e.g., MDCIG Demo II document), and include sample information from that document.
4 Next Meeting
- Chair


  • Next meeting <TBD>


Next Meeting

NOTE: Next Meeting will be held during the regularly scheduled time: 2009.05.18 (120 minutes)

(Reviewed & approved by PCD DPI TG 2009.05.18)

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