Main Page

From IHE Wiki
Revision as of 23:50, 21 November 2006 by Kevino (talk | contribs)
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Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

<Caution - Construction Zone: Read Help, create an account>


<The above is a proposal for the navigation box on left>

<Main Page proposal Starts Here>

We didn't discuss what we want to convey to visitors on the front page so for now it is just a list of entry points.

Templates is an autopopulating page that gathers pages we identify as templates.

IHE in 200 words or less. (which could be the front page)

IHE Process for now, people who know can go to

IHE Committees for now, people who know can go to

Official IHE Web Site <Need to define "rules" for when to put stuff in the Wiki vs. when to put stuff on>