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[[Mailing Lists]]

Revision as of 15:22, 6 September 2007

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<Your page name should simply be the Domain Name with spaces, with capitals, without the acronym.>

<BRIEFLY describe the scope of the domain: e.g. IHE Radiology addresses information sharing, workflow and patient care in radiology, including mammography and nuclear medicine.>

IHE <Domain Name> is sponsored by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and manages the <Domain Name> Profiles and the <Domain Name> Technical Framework.

Timeline : 2006-2007 Development Cycle

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
Aug. Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Planning Committee (PC) Sept 20 - Deadline E-mail
Sept. PC Selects "Short List" of Profiles Sept 21 10am T-Con
Oct. PC Selects Final Profiles Oct 19 0900-1730 Chicago
June. TC Publishes Trial Implementation Supplements www.ihe.net
Jan. Test implementations at Connectathon Chicago

See also the Radiology 2005-2006 Development Cycle <As years pass, the current Domain page gets renamed and linked from here>


This document <Insert link to your roadmap doc> outlines goals and plans over the next 5-10 years.

Current Activity

<BRIEFLY describe the current focus of attention of the domain committees. This should only change a few times a year. e.g. IHE Radiology has started work in the 2006-2007 Cycle on a Mammography Workflow Profile and possible updates in the area of Reporting. Contact the Technical Committee if you would like to participate, or watch for Public Comment drafts in mid-February 2007. >

Profile Selection

These Brief Profile Proposals were submitted for the 2006-2007 Development Cycle:

  • <links to proposals>
  • ...

These Detailed Profile Proposals were short-listed and evaluated by the Technical Committee

  • ...

These items were selected by the Planning Committee for this Cycle:

  • <links>
  • ...
  • TF Maintenance

Demonstrations & Presentations

Date Location Event Details
2006.11.26-30 Chicago, IL RSNA 2006 XDS-I Demo, TCE Demo, Educational Sessions

Supporters and Endorsements

IHE <Domain Name> is supported or endorsed by the following organizations:

See Also


Mailing Lists

This page is based on the Domain Template.

<Remember to add your Committees to the Committees page using the Committee Template>

<Delete this Category Templates line since your Profile page is no longer a template.>