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| [[IHERO_UseCase_2010_1 | Radiation Oncology Patient Portal (ROPP)]]

Revision as of 19:20, 10 March 2010

IHE Radiation Oncology addresses information sharing, workflow, and patient care in radiation oncology.

IHE Radiation Oncology is sponsored by the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and manages the Radiation Oncology Profiles and the Radiation Oncology Technical Framework.

Timeline : 2009-2010 Development Cycle Milestones

The Timeline shows the main milestones of the development cycle, the Timeframe when they are typically expected to happen each year, and the actual date/time/location they have been Scheduled for this year. Specific meetings and their agendas and minutes are generally listed on the page of the relevant Committee.

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
July Request for new Use Cases July 9 Wiki
Aug. Deadline to Submit Use Cases August 18 Wiki
Aug Discussions on potential Use Cases (PC) Aug 18 Tele/Web-conference
Aug Use Case Prioritization August 20-31 Doodle.com
Sept. PC Final Selection of Proposals October 5 Tele/Web-conference
Nov Use Case Development and Profile Review Meeting (PC & TC) November 2 (during ASTRO Annual Meeting) Chicago, IL
Jan. TC Profile development kickoff January 25-29,2009 Mt. View, California
Feb TC Finalizes profile supplements for public comment
Mar. Publication of Public Comment Supplements www.ihe.net
Apr. Deadline for submission of public comments on supplements www.ihe.net
May Publication of Trial Implementation Supplements www.ihe.net
Sep (Test implementations at North American Connectathon) Chicago

Timeline : 2010-2011 Development Cycle Milestones

The Timeline shows the main milestones of the development cycle, the Timeframe when they are typically expected to happen each year, and the actual date/time/location they have been Scheduled for this year. Specific meetings and their agendas and minutes are generally listed on the page of the relevant Committee.

Timeframe Activity Location Scheduled
Feb Request for new Use Cases Wiki, ASTRO newsletter,

email, conferences, ??

blank templates on wiki, article in Feb 5 ASTROgram
May Deadline to Submit Use Cases Wiki
May Identify Use Case Champions Tele/Web-conference
Jun Deadline for Champions to flesh out Use Cases Wiki
Jul Discussions on potential Use Cases (PC) Tele/Web-conference
Aug Use Case Prioritization Doodle.com ?
Sept Generation of detailed profiles for selected Use Cases Wiki
Oct Detailed Profile Review Meeting (PC & TC) San Diego, CA Oct 31-Nov 4 (during ASTRO Annual Meeting)
Jan. TC Profile development kickoff
Feb TC Finalizes profile supplements for public comment
Mar. Publication of Public Comment Supplements www.ihe.net
Apr. Deadline for submission of public comments on supplements www.ihe.net
May Publication of Trial Implementation Supplements www.ihe.net
Sep (Test implementations at North American Connectathon)

Timeline : Previous Development Cycles


The Radiation Oncology Roadmap will outline goals and plans over the next 5-10 years.

Current Activity

The IHE-RO Technical Committee has published the following profile for Public Comment:

-Dose Compositing

For this profile, the term Dose Compositng is used to denote the process of combining information from two spatially-related 3-D dose (matrices) [represented as DICOM RT Dose objects]. Two use cases are supported by this profile. The first use case (Registered Dose Compositor) involves accepting two dose instances and a spatial registration instance and combining the spatially-registered doses to produce a new dose instance. The second use case (Compositing Planner) involves accepting a (prior) dose instance and a spatial registration instance and creating a new treatment plan and dose instance(s) based on the prior dose.

These Supplements can be found at


IHE Sponsors welcome comments on this document and the IHE initiative. They should be directed to the discussion server at http://forums.rsna.org or to:

Director of Research American Society for Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) 8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 500 Fairfax, VA 22031 ihero@astro.org

Comments will be accepted on this supplement until February 26, 2010.

Use Case Selection

Please read the Profile_Proposal_Process to understand the process for specifying, prioritizing and selecting profiles. Edit the following table to include new pages (using the above format) and use the Brief_Proposal_Template to create new Use Cases. The Detailed_Proposal_Template can be used later to provide full details. A high level Radiotherapy Process map provides a context for developing Use cases.

COMPLETED Use Cases and their Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case RFP Text Year Finished
2005 Simple treatment planning use case (NTPL-S) illustrates basic functionality for transferring data between treatment planning systems. See [NTPL-S] Normal Treatment Planning-Simple NTPL-S RFP 2007
2006 Image Fusion for Segmentation* See [MMR-RO] Multimodality Registration for Radiation Oncology MMR-RO RFP 2008
2006 Image Fusion for Dose Review* See [MMR-RO] Multimodality Registration for Radiation Oncology MMR-RO RFP 2008

Use Cases Being Developed into Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case Current Rank
2006 Treatment Delivery Workflow* In development. See [TRWF] RT Treatment Workflow. In development. Testing during 2009 Connectathon. 1
2006 Advanced Interoperability of Treatment Planning Systems (AITPS), an extension of the NTPL-S profile. Use Case development needed. In development. Testing during 2009 Connectathon. 2
2006 Dose Compositing* Use Case development needed. In development. Testing during 2010 Connectathon. 3
2007 Prescription Automation Needs DICOM WG7 changes. PC 2007 #1
2007 Transfer of Anatomy/Aperture Data for Localization Partially included in TRWF. PC 2007 #2
2007 Registration Data Transfer. Covered in the TRWF profile. PC 2007 #4

Use Cases Being Considered for Development into Integration Profiles

Year Introduced Use Case Current Rank
2006 Multi Modality Residual Dose Optimization This combines the two previous Use Cases Residual Dose Optimization and Brachytherapy. It may also overlap with the Dose Compositing Use Case. PC 2009 #1
2008 Structure Template Creation, Import, and Export PC 2009 #2
2007 User Authentication and Authorization Brief Template or Detailed Template PC 2007 #3, PC 2009 #3

Use Case Wish List

Year Introduced Use Case Current Rank
2006 On-line Image Review* Use Case development needed PC 2009 #5
2006 Off-line Image Review* Use Case development needed
2006 Instance-level Query Retrieve* Use Case development needed
2006 Configuration Management* Use Case development needed
2006 Clinical Trials Submission. This Use Case has been superceded by the Anonymization and the Structure Template Creation, Import, and Export use cases.
2007 Radiotherapy Planning and Treatment Record, see "Advanced Interoperability of Treatment Planning Systems" (AITPS). This Use Case is the IHERO 'Holy Grail'.
  • PC 2007 #5, PC 2009 #4
2008 Brachytherapy. Combined into Multi Modality Residual Dose Optimization (as of 18-Aug-2009 PC TCON).
2008 Integration with Proton therapy. Use Case development needed
2008 Bronchoscopy position data transfer. Use Case development needed
2008 Radiation Oncology Enterprise Schedule Integration (ESI). Under development by IHE-J RO
2008 Radiation Oncology Workflow Exchange with HIS
2010 Radiation Oncology Patient Portal (ROPP)
2010 Click on the link add your own _2. After you've filled in the use case information, edit this page and change "add your own" to an appropriate name.
2010 Click on the link add your own _3. After you've filled in the use case information, edit this page and change "add your own" to an appropriate name.
2010 Click on the link add your own _4. After you've filled in the use case information, edit this page and change "add your own" to an appropriate name.
2011 add your own
* Extracted from August 8, 2006 Technical Committee meeting (posted on AAPM BBS)

Demonstrations & Presentations

Date Location Event Details
2007.06.11-13 Chicago, IL IHE North America Workshop RT Objects Integration, Registration Profile, Workflow Profiles, 2008 Use Cases
2007.10.28-2007.11.1 Los Angeles, CA ASTRO 2007 Annual Meeting Public Demonstration: Basic Integration Profile
2008.09.21-2008.09.24 Boston, MA ASTRO 2008 Annual Meeting Public Demonstration: Multi-Modality Registration Profile and the Basic Objects Integration Profile

IHE-RO ASTROnews, ASTROgrams, and Publications

ASTROnews and ASTROgrams


Supporters and Endorsements

IHE Radiation Oncology is supported or endorsed by the following vendors and professional organizations.

See Also

IHE Committees

IHE Mailing Lists

Other IHE-RO resources:

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