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m (Begin entering minutes)
m (Enter draft Action Items discussion as part of developing minutes)
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Action Items Brought Forward from August 13th:   
Action Items Brought Forward from August 13th:   
Action Items Brought Forward from July 30. 
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== Participants ==
== Participants ==
'''Entries here are placeholders'''
:'''Chair/Host:'''  Ken Fuchs, Draeger
:'''Chair/Host:'''  Ken Fuchs, Draeger
: Alex Beechie, Jon Blasingame, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Peter Hendler, Monroe Pattillo, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Khalid Zubaidl, Manny Furst
: Alex Beechie, Jon Blasingame, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Peter Hendler, Monroe Pattillo, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Khalid Zubaidl, Manny Furst
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| align="center" | 2
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| '''Approval of Minutes''' <br>- Chair
| '''Approval of Minutes''' <br>- Chair
| '''Status/Discussion:'''
| '''Status/Discussion:''' Minutes of July 16 and August 13 were approved.
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| '''Action Items Review''' <br>- Chair
| '''Action Items Review''' <br>- Chair
| '''Status/Discussion:'''
| '''Status/Discussion:'''
:* ...
:* #26: Todd has been talking with Julian. Julian is planning to join the F2F on Thursday morning. A discussion will be held in Vancouver as well, simultaneously with the ICE meeting. Nothing to report about developing a test lab or developing the MOU that is intended to enable coordinating profiles, similar to the Continua document. Change date to Sept. 17 for a draft. Ken will open discussion with Julian re the MOU.
:* #38: no change
:* #55: Would be best to have in place by the F2F. Todd will develop a Wiki page for discussion, and vote at the F2F.
:* #57: Ray will review ITI document and modify. Sept. 17
:* #61: Change to Sept. 17
:* #62: Todd will post before F2F.
:* #63, 64: Ray will incorporate in Governance and submit to IHE.
:* #65: Close as done. There are two coordination issues in front of PCD: RMON and coordinate a demonstration. RMON is the subject of Action Item __ . The second is a new Action Item, #__ beginning with coordination with Didi and Joyce. Todd will initiate, and set the date Sept. 17.
:* #66: Close in favor of #74.
:* #68: Close, open new one for an alternate. Open new Action Item for co-chairs election.
:* #69: Close. Open new one for HITSP RMON coordination with IHE and Continua. Todd will ask Paul to take the lead and the PCD Cochairs will monitor.
:* #70: IEEE MOU, no change. Manny to ask Elliot for an update, what the cochairs need to do.
:* #71: F2F – maanny to send emails to half dozen or more
:* #72: cannot accomplish, close
:* #73: Todd has not received the HIBCC information requested.
:* #74: Ray will contact Rick Schrenker re F2F participation. Dr. Mun may attend F2F.
:* #75: PCI trademark: this should not be an TM issue. Close.
:* #__: Ray will contact three potential PC cochairs and two potential TC cochairs.

Revision as of 22:24, 1 September 2008

Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly scheduled meeting of the PCD Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1 Introductions and Agenda Review
2 Approval of Minutes of July 16 & August 13
3 Profiles & Connectathon
4 New Profile Proposal Status Review
  • Wiki page review
  • Example brief profile - RTM Brief Proposal
  • Proposal development activity review - Schedule according to Lisa Spellman:
    • By August 29, 2008: Announcement sent by email and posted on ihe.net website inviting profile submission for consideration using the attached “Brief” template
    • September 1-19, 2008: Invitation for profile submission open
    • September 19, 2008: Deadline by close of business in all time zones.
    • September 22-26, 2008: Review & time to confirm questions, etc.
    • September 29, 2008: Sent to all Domain Workgroup members for review prior to Planning mtg
    • October 15-17, 2008: ITI Planning Meeting, Paris
5 F2F Agenda Review
6 Action Items
7 Additional Business

Minutes and Action Items from Previous Meetings

Minutes from previous meetings for review/approval:

Minutes from 2008.07.16 and 2008.08.13,

Action Items Brought Forward from August 13th:

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
41 Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID Jeff Secunda October 1, 2008 Open FDA announced that nothing will happen before the election.
44 Define relationship between IEEE standards and IHE profiles; the role of the PCD in determining this relationship. Todd Cooper October 1, 2008 Open Elliot arranged for Didi to forward the current HL7 draft to IEEE for review as a template. That one is complete and signatures added. This MOU addresses intellectual property exchanges. Change date to Oct. 1.
66 Analysis of Survey Results Ray September 10, 2008 Open
69 Recruit Champions for development of Profiles, e.g., document transfer Ken October 1, 2008 Open Extensions to ACM, waveform segments, MEM, PnP likely.
70 Coordinate 12 lead ECG effort with Cardiology domain Ray Open Open Depends upon Cardiology Domain's success in finding sponsors. Defer until Cardiology Domain has updated its workplan and additional action is required.
71 Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules Ken, Manny None Open A few replies were recieved from Ken's email indicating nurses would not be able to participate in PC. Todd indicated that RTM ventilator WG has successfully recruited physicians. Profile development may be a reasonable initial focus for involvement and perhaps lead to further involvement in PCD. Paul had earlier suggested a booth at at ACC, other meetings. Liase with standards groups such as ASTM, professional societies.
72 Press releases as recruiting tool Manny September 10, 2008 Open Address in PCD cochairs tomorrow and issue. Possibly ask for distribution to other domains. This item and item 71 will be coordinated.
73 How to accommodate participation of non-members Cochairs September 10, 2008 Open Questions remain about IP aspect of IHE membership. PCD needs to find a way for public participation in developing profile proposals and to clarify how to go beyond that in developing supplements. Need to schedule a webinar with Didi, Chris, IHE's IP attorney. PCD Cochairs to continue discussion. Ray to call Didi, Chris to follow up. Todd will take to next cochairs Aug. 5.
74 Mapping PCD into v3 CDA with relevance to RTM Todd Peter Hendler September 10, 2008 Open Todd: VA was planning to move forward about use of CDA. He will talk with James McCain. Peter: Kaiser and VA working to trade documents as part of NHIN project.
Goal is to assure the appropriate set of documents is included the appropriate location in CCD and CDA.
Will be addressed in Vancouver meeting.
75 Continua/IHE Communication: Learn who the point-of-contact is, what the process is. Ray September 10, 2008 Open MOU is in place. Continua memorandum of understanding has been signed and Joyce is the point of contact. Todd suggested that discussion of RMON be coordinated through Joyce.
76 Test Tooling, NIST and MWB John Garguilo Al Engelbert, Todd Cooper, Robert Flanders, John Garguilo, John Rhoads, Peter Rontey, Paul Schluter September 10, 2008 Open Rob Snellick is working on this, will likely work with Pete Rontey to update the MWB. Manny will survey participants, set up conference call with Pete for mid-August.


Chair/Host: Ken Fuchs, Draeger
Alex Beechie, Jon Blasingame, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Peter Hendler, Monroe Pattillo, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Khalid Zubaidl, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Status/Discussion: Minutes of July 16 and August 13 were approved.



3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • #26: Todd has been talking with Julian. Julian is planning to join the F2F on Thursday morning. A discussion will be held in Vancouver as well, simultaneously with the ICE meeting. Nothing to report about developing a test lab or developing the MOU that is intended to enable coordinating profiles, similar to the Continua document. Change date to Sept. 17 for a draft. Ken will open discussion with Julian re the MOU.
  • #38: no change
  • #55: Would be best to have in place by the F2F. Todd will develop a Wiki page for discussion, and vote at the F2F.
  • #57: Ray will review ITI document and modify. Sept. 17
  • #61: Change to Sept. 17
  • #62: Todd will post before F2F.
  • #63, 64: Ray will incorporate in Governance and submit to IHE.
  • #65: Close as done. There are two coordination issues in front of PCD: RMON and coordinate a demonstration. RMON is the subject of Action Item __ . The second is a new Action Item, #__ beginning with coordination with Didi and Joyce. Todd will initiate, and set the date Sept. 17.
  • #66: Close in favor of #74.
  • #68: Close, open new one for an alternate. Open new Action Item for co-chairs election.
  • #69: Close. Open new one for HITSP RMON coordination with IHE and Continua. Todd will ask Paul to take the lead and the PCD Cochairs will monitor.
  • #70: IEEE MOU, no change. Manny to ask Elliot for an update, what the cochairs need to do.
  • #71: F2F – maanny to send emails to half dozen or more
  • #72: cannot accomplish, close
  • #73: Todd has not received the HIBCC information requested.
  • #74: Ray will contact Rick Schrenker re F2F participation. Dr. Mun may attend F2F.
  • #75: PCI trademark: this should not be an TM issue. Close.
  • #__: Ray will contact three potential PC cochairs and two potential TC cochairs.



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n Next Meeting
- Chair



Next Meeting


<Add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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