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(add April 18 meeting)
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| colspan="6" align="center" style="background:#dddddd" | '''Start of season'''
| colspan="6" align="center" style="background:#dddddd" | '''Start of season'''
| '''2023.09.04'''||''' 11:00-12:30''' || [https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjhmYzgzZTAtYzgzYS00NGM1LWE3MDAtYjg0ZmU3YjFjMjQ3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22bed34c2f-541c-44fa-94e3-28e998fe4fd4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220ac3ee5a-2ad2-4e07-8f1e-ca20e8de1bb9%22%7d Teams] || '''Medication Prescription and Delivery Call'''
| '''2024.04.18'''||''' 16:00-17:00 CEST''' || [https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NmVkYWM1NDAtODE4MS00OGQ4LTg3Y2UtYTMyNmIyMGZmYTEx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2229ca3f4f-6d67-49a5-a001-e1db48252717%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2280d5db98-c4e4-494a-a087-11b685d6b562%22%7d Teams] || '''Medication Prescription and Dispense Call'''
| [[MPD Agenda 2023.09.04|Agenda]]
| [[MPD Minutes 2023.09.04|Minutes]]
| '''2023.09.04'''||''' 11:00-12:30''' || [https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjhmYzgzZTAtYzgzYS00NGM1LWE3MDAtYjg0ZmU3YjFjMjQ3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22bed34c2f-541c-44fa-94e3-28e998fe4fd4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220ac3ee5a-2ad2-4e07-8f1e-ca20e8de1bb9%22%7d Teams] || '''Medication Prescription and Dispense Call'''
| [[MPD Agenda 2023.09.04|Agenda]]
| [[MPD Agenda 2023.09.04|Agenda]]
| [[MPD Minutes 2023.09.04|Minutes]]
| [[MPD Minutes 2023.09.04|Minutes]]

Revision as of 10:10, 5 April 2024

Medication Prescription and Delivery (MPD)

The goal of this work item is to produce an IHE Profile for Medication Prescription and Delivery purposes.

Creation of a FHIR-based IHE Profile for the Medication Prescription and Delivery Workflow, fully utilizing medication related FHIR R5 resources and RESTful transport.

Work is performed in regular working meetings (see schedule, agenda and minutes on MPD main page).

This project is qualified as a "Gemini" project and is a cross-SDO cooperation work between IHE and HL7.

Work space

  • Google Drive

  • FHIR IG Guide and Github

Current Meetings

Dates and Times are Central European Time (CET) / Central European Summer Time (CEST) unless otherwise noted, for others times and dates click here

Date Time Location Topic Agenda Minutes
Start of season
2024.04.18 16:00-17:00 CEST Teams Medication Prescription and Dispense Call Agenda Minutes
2023.09.04 11:00-12:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Dispense Call Agenda Minutes
2023.08.21 11:00-12:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.07.24 11:00-12:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.07.12 11:00-12:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.06.28 10:00-11:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.06.12 11:00-12:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.04.26 12:00-13:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.04.17 12:00-13:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.04.03 11:00-12:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes
2023.03.20 11:00-12:30 Teams Medication Prescription and Delivery Call Agenda Minutes