MPD Minutes 2023.07.24

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  • Participants
Present Name
X Jürgen Brandstätter
José Costa Teixeira
X Anne van Berkel
Reinhard Egelkraut
Oliver Egger
X Rutt Lindström
X Marc Robberecht
X Hernany Silva Costa Melo
X Stephane Spahni
Sylvia Stein
X Michael Tan
X Leonidas Tzimis
Joao Almeida
Matthias Frohner
X Triin Hirvlaan
X Fernanda Bigolin
  • Agenda Approval
  • Approval

Action item list

Action item list


See GitHub Issues starting with "MPD work-item"

  • Areas of work in this call:
  • Primary
  • Decide on method how to group Prescription items
  • Attempt to assess, whether or not all information elements on a "Prescription" can be found in the FHIR MedicationRequest resource (and referenced resources) could not be completed
  • Decision: Logical Model will be created first. This work will be continued afterwards
  • Based on the current status, Rutt/Triin will create a logical model draft until next call on August 21
  • Secondary
  • Define set of transactions between the actors
  • Not worked due to time
  • Continue discussion on status handling
  • Continue work
  • Not worked due to time

Next meeting

  • Monday, August 21, 2023, 11:00-12:30 CEST
  • (August 7th call cancelled due to holidays)

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