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PC & TC April 22, 2015, [[PCD PC&TC 2015-04-22 Webex]]
PC & TC April 22, 2015, [[PCD PC&TC 2015-04-22 Webex]]
PC & TC April F2F: [[PCD PC&TC 2014 April 1-4 F2F]]
PC & TC April F2F: [[PCD PC&TC 2015 April 27 - May 1 F2F]]
TC May 5, 2015  [[PCD TC 2015-05-05 Webex]]
TC May 5, 2015  [[PCD TC 2015-05-05 Webex]]

Revision as of 11:12, 8 April 2015

Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

PC At the Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Technical Committee

Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summary: PCD TC 2015-03-04 Webex
3. Standards Coordination
- Rules and descriptions for segment order to make a well-formed ORU
- Cyber Security and Patching White Papers - Axel Wirth
- IEEE 11073 10101a update (Paul Schluter)
4. Marketing and Recruiting PCD, IHE
Technical cochair - Jeff's role has changed
- John Rhoads has offered to help. Still need an additional cochair
5. Calendar http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD
- Status of Adopted Workitem Proposals
6. TC Action Item Review
7. Other Business
- 2015 Spring F2F -
Week of April 27, WHI facility in La Jolla
Wiki page started PCD PC&TC 2015 April 27 - May 1 F2F
- Change Proposals - please consider any you think may need done.
- Workgroup wiki pages - review your pages to update
- Workgroup leader contact info
Drafted, on Profiles Wiki page [[Profiles].
8. Next and Recent Meetings
- PC May 12,
- PC & TC April 22
- TC May 5, 2015

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Technical Committee Action Items

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


  • Published and Draft Versions of the TF, Supplements, Other Documents:
- The PCD ftp site has draft versions.
- Published (and possibly in the process of being replaced with new versions):
o http://ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#pcd
  • Not Yet Published:
o ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/


Chris Courville, Kurt Elliason, Al Engelbert, John Garguilo, Joe Good, Tom Kowalczyk, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Paul Sherman, Rob Wilder, Axel Wirth

Chair: John Rhoads


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- Accepted



3 Agenda Items
- Standards Coordination
3. Standards Coordination
- Rules and descriptions for segment order to make a well-formed ORU related to OBX-4 (John Rhoads)
A number of CPs clarifying OBX-4, Philips staff also had challenges. Will discuss at F2F, also want to discuss today for preliminary feedback. John provided info on reasons for proposal. Should be a unique identifier for devices, enables traceability for troubleshooting. Should 'dictionary order' be optional or required? Like it to enable plug and play. Ultimate goal – remove ambiguity as much as possible, to enhance compatibility and interoperability. There isn't anything that says there must be a distinct identifier for sub-fields.
Comments - May be a challenge to implement for multiple sources. Could require dotted number messages be in dictionary order. MDS always needs disclosed, PCD also requires VMD. Unique dotted notation recommended, numbered system would be helpful; goes a long way to support semantic validation. Concern over sending an OBX for each channel. Also looking at dotted notation for WCM to simplify data transmission.
- Cyber Security and Patching White Papers - Axel Wirth
Background – past 2 years, worked on generic med dev paper and another on patching. Both took a long time. Patching required MOU with MDIS, then took a long time to review. MEM wrote best practices WP, took a long time (day job challenges) and it expanded with a lot of review. Now ready to submit. Process: Submit to editor for IHE, then submitted for review. ITI chose to back out, suggest sending to ITI at same time as IHE.
John R – process: Needs reviewed by PCD TC, then notify DCC it's going out for public comment. Goes to submission spot on ftp, notify IHE editor. They then edit, announce and open for comments for 30 days. Authors and TC review comments and change as appropriate. Then it it's published.
Axel will send to PCD TC (via Paul Sherman) and ITI, then start next phase.
- Paul Sc – 10101a meets all of IEEE requirements for balloting, hope to conclude before IEEE Paris meeting. Thanks to John Rhoads, John Garguilo, Jan Wittenber and all others that helped.
4. Marketing and Recruiting PCD, IHE
Technical cochair - Jeff's role has changed
- John Rhoads has offered to help. Still need an additional cochair
5. Calendar http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD
- Status of Adopted Workitem Proposals
6. TC Action Item Review – Not reviewed
7. Other Business
- 2015 Spring F2F -
Week of April 27, WHI facility in La Jolla
Wiki page started PCD PC&TC 2015 April 27 - May 1 F2F
- Change Proposals - please consider any you think may need done.
- Workgroup wiki pages - review your pages to update
- Workgroup leader contact info
Drafted, on Profiles Wiki page [[Profiles].
- Please review and let paul know of any changes.
8. Next and Recent Meetings
- PC May 12,
- PC & TC April 22
- TC May 5, 2015



Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

PC May 12, 2015 PCD PC 2015-05-12 Webex

PC & TC April 22, 2015, PCD PC&TC 2015-04-22 Webex

PC & TC April F2F: PCD PC&TC 2015 April 27 - May 1 F2F

TC May 5, 2015 PCD TC 2015-05-05 Webex

PCD Home