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==Systems Affected==
==Systems Affected==
* Simple Display Workstations or Viewing Software might comply with BIR.
* Simple '''Display Workstations''' or Viewing Software might comply with BIR.
* CD Burning Workstations might offer to put a BIR compliant viewer on the media.
* '''CD Burning''' Workstations might offer to put a BIR compliant viewer on the media.
* PACS systems might provide a web portal that complies with BIR.
* PACS systems might provide a '''web portal''' that complies with BIR.
* EHR systems might provide image viewing that complies with BIR.
* '''EHR''' systems might provide image viewing that complies with BIR.

Revision as of 19:47, 23 February 2010

Basic Image Review (BIR) defines a set of baseline features and user interface relevant to the simple review of DICOM images.


Compliant software must provide a predictable user interface and functionality sufficient to review images for the purpose of clinical decision-making by ordering physicians:

  • display of grayscale and color images from any modality
  • visual navigation of the available series of images through the use of thumbnails
  • side-by-side comparison of at least two sets of images (with synchronized scroll, pan and zoom for cross-sectional modalities)
  • annotation of laterality, orientation, and spatial localization
  • annotation of demographics, management and basic technique information for safe identification and usage
  • simple measurements of linear distance and angle
  • cine capability for images that involve cardiac motion (e.g., cardiac US, XA, 500 CT or MR)

BIR is not intended to be a reading workstation.


Reduce Errors or Delays in Patient Care

  • Reduce the need to work with unfamiliar interfaces
  • Reduce CD data that is effectively inaccessible by making sure viewers are runnable and usable
  • Reduce interpretation problems by ensuring critical basic functions are present

Improve Efficiency

  • Reduce time spent learning new viewer interfaces by requiring similar layout, icons and interactions
  • Reduce time wasted on viewers that do not run and images that do not load by requiring support for a basic reference platform and minimum installation footprint.

Reduce Cost and Dose

  • Avoid repeating scans by making the original results properly accessible


To ensure adequate, predictable functionality, the profile defines a specific, simplified set of functions.

To minimize errors and learning time, the user interface elements are described to the level needed for consistency, while allowing the implementer some flexibility with the fine details.

The BIR user interface includes:

  • a strip or panel containing a thumbnail for each series
  • one or more viewports which open to display selected series following predictable default image guidance
  • a toolbar or panel containing a standard set of icons for the specified functions
    • patient selection
    • image, series, study navigation within a patient
    • viewport and tile layout control
    • viewport selection and synchronization control
    • windowing and greyscale inversion control and presets
    • scrolling, rotation, panning and zooming control
    • annotation, localizer and crosshair display control
    • distance and angle measurement
    • cine control
    • report display control
    • printing

The profile allows implementers to include an "Advanced" button which gives users the choice of moving past the initial familiar interface and gives vendors a place to demonstrate their creativity.

The profile does not require (or permit) advanced image processing like pseudo-coloring, multi-planar reconstruction, multi-modality fusion, surface rendering, volume rendering, etc. in the basic interface. Vendors may choose to provide such functionality in their Advanced interface.

An implementation may choose to support screen calibration such as that described in the Consistent Presentation of Images Profile however the profile does not mandate it since this often depends on hardware which may not be present on the system where the BIR software is being run. As a result, the software may inform the user that the display environment may or may not be adequate for diagnostic purposes. However to comply with the profile there shall be nothing about the software or the data which precludes diagnostic use so the software may NOT declare either to be unsuitable.

Finally, the profile does not address application or modality specific requirements, such as may be needed for primary interpretation of mammography by radiologists, or primary interpretation of nuclear medicine image, which are addressed by other profiles.

Performance Examples for Reference Platform 60 sec. startup for test dataset “Large” 2 sec from series selection to display

Systems Affected

  • Simple Display Workstations or Viewing Software might comply with BIR.
  • CD Burning Workstations might offer to put a BIR compliant viewer on the media.
  • PACS systems might provide a web portal that complies with BIR.
  • EHR systems might provide image viewing that complies with BIR.

Actors & Transactions:

<Insert an actor-transaction diagram, and or list of Content Definitions>


Profile Status: Trial Implementation


Basic Image Review Supplement

Underlying Standards:

See Also

<The following sections can be left out if there is nothing to point to. This is just to show where such information can go.>

Related Profiles

<List profiles this one depends on, profiles that depend on this one, profiles that are synergistic with this one. Start with the name of the other profile as a link and then explain the relationship.>

Consumer Information

The Profile FAQ Template answers typical questions about what the Profile does. <Replace the link with a link to the actual FAQ page for the Profile>

The Profile Purchasing Template describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Purchasing page for the Profile>

Implementer Information

The Basic Image Review Implementation provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software. <Replace the link with a link to the actual Implementation page for the Profile>

Reference Articles

<List References (good and bad) (with link if possible) to Journal Articles that mention IHE's work (and hopefully include some analysis). Go ahead, Google: IHE <Profile Name> abstract or something. You might be surprised. >

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template