Difference between revisions of "PCD PC 2008-08-27 Webex"

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(update action items)
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Action Items Brought Forward from August 13th:   
Action Items Brought Forward from August 13th:   
'' Action Items Brought Forward ''
! width="5%"  align="center" |Number
! width="20%"  align="left"  |Action
! width="15%"  align="left"  |Owner
! width="15%"  align="left"  |Participants
! width="10%"  align="left"  |Due Date
! width="10%"  align="left"  |Status
!              align="left"  |Comments
| align="center" | 26
| '''<Action Item>''' | Open discussions on unifying efforts for device interoperability - facility for year 'round lab
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Ray
| '''<Participants>''' | Ken
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 7/31/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Julian waiting for PCD to describe what we need; PCD waiting for proposal. This needs to be resolved. Todd and/or Ken will talk with Julian next week or early May.
| align="center" | 38
| '''<Action Item>''' | Purchasing Guide for PCD Users
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Elliot
| '''<Participants>'' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 8/14/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 55
| '''<Action Item>''' | Showcase vendor display policy
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Todd
| '''<Participants>''' | Ray, Elliot
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 7/17/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Will include in draft Domain Governance document.
| align="center" | 57
| '''<Action Item>''' | Develop PCD governance document.
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Ray
| '''<Participants>''' | Cochairs
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 8/14/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Supplements the IHE governance document (e.g., quorum and non-quorum meetings). Depends upon Ray's discussion with Didi, see #63, 64.
| align="center" | 61
| '''<Action Item>''' | Analyze, publish results of survey
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Ray
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 8/7/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Survey still open.
| align="center" | 62
| '''<Action Item>''' | Add Governance page to IHE PCD Wiki
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Todd
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 8/21/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | See #57, ITI as an exemplar
| align="center" | 63
| '''<Action Item>''' | IHE Governance: IP, participation in F2F, etc.
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Cochairs
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 7/10/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Add Quorum issues to Ray's discussion IP with Didi. Also see #64.
| align="center" | 64
| '''<Action Item>''' | IP and patent issues - risks to IHE
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Todd
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 9/1/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | What if WG on a Profile runs into an IP or patent issue?
| align="center" | 65
| '''<Action Item>''' | IHE and Continua
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' | Cochairs
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 6/5/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Initial MOU exchanged.
| align="center" | 66
| '''<Action Item>''' | Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Cochairs
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | Ongoing
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 68
| '''<Action Item>''' | IHE Board - Manny as alternate
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Ray
| '''<Participants>''' | Manny
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Manny to ask Didi if this is acceptable since he is secretariat
| align="center" | 69
| '''<Action Item>''' | HITSP Remote Monitoring Public Comment Period 
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Todd
| '''<Participants>''' | Small number of volunteers from PCD TC.
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 7/10/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Manny to survey interested members to set two meetings.
| align="center" | 70
| '''<Action Item>''' | IEEE MOU
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Ray
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | /08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Concern on two issues: use of IEEE intellectual property, need to establish mechanism to continue and maintain the RTM effort.
| align="center" | 71
| '''<Action Item>''' | October F2F
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Cochairs
| '''<Participants>''' | Manny
| '''<Due Date>'''  | /08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Need to provide hotel and other logistical information. Manny to obtain information from Darlene at TIM.
| align="center" | 72
| '''<Action Item>''' | Google Groups - can PC, TC roll up to a third? LaVerne to post all PCD Google Groups to IHE table.
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Manny
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 7/10/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | 
| align="center" | 73
| '''<Action Item>''' | Collaboration with HIBCC - transferred from TC
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Todd
| '''<Participants>''' | Cochairs and TC
| '''<Due Date>'''  | 9/9/08
| '''<Status>''' | OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | 

Revision as of 13:55, 28 August 2008

Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly scheduled meeting of the PCD Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1 Introductions and Agenda Review
2 Approval of Minutes of July 16 & August 13
3 Profiles & Connectathon
4 New Profile Proposal Status Review
  • Wiki page review
  • Example brief profile - RTM Brief Proposal
  • Proposal development activity review - Schedule according to Lisa Spellman:
    • By August 29, 2008: Announcement sent by email and posted on ihe.net website inviting profile submission for consideration using the attached “Brief” template
    • September 1-19, 2008: Invitation for profile submission open
    • September 19, 2008: Deadline by close of business in all time zones.
    • September 22-26, 2008: Review & time to confirm questions, etc.
    • September 29, 2008: Sent to all Domain Workgroup members for review prior to Planning mtg
    • October 15-17, 2008: ITI Planning Meeting, Paris
5 F2F Agenda Review
6 Action Items
7 Additional Business

Minutes and Action Items from Previous Meetings

Minutes from previous meetings for review/approval:

Minutes from 2008.07.16 and 2008.08.13,

Action Items Brought Forward from August 13th: TO BE ENTERED




Entries here are placeholders

Chair/Host: ___________
Jon Blasingame, Steve Borchers, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, John Garguilo, Colin FX Garstka, Peter Hendler, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Approval of Minutes
- Chair



3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • ...



4 xyz
- <lead>
  • ...



5 xyz
- <lead>
  • ...



6 xyz
- <lead>
  • ...



7 xyz
- <lead>
  • ...



8 xyz
- <lead>
  • ...



9 xyz
- <lead>
  • ...



n Next Meeting
- Chair



Next Meeting


<Add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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