Difference between revisions of "PCD Planning Committee Action Items"

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m (→‎Action Items 100-109: continue entries)
m (add roster maintenance)
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==Action Items 40-89==
==Action Items 40 -149==
! width="5%"  align="center" |No.
! width="15%"  align="left"  |Action Item
! width="5%"  align="left"  |Owner
! width="5%  align="left"  |Participants
! width="10%  align="left"  |Due
! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
All items have been closed
| align="center" | 71
| Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules
| Ken, Manny
| --
| Open
| Open
| Profile development may be a reasonable initial focus for involvement and perhaps lead to further involvement in PCD. Paul had suggested a booth at at ACC, other meetings. Liase with standards groups such as ASTM, professional societies. Manny spoke with Cristal Anderson, HIMSS. Steve is talking with the Mass Health Data Consortium. Nov. 4: Todd will talk with Chris Dinegar about the AAMI program, and is preparing a Tcon for ACCE Dec. 2, 2009: Manny and Todd did a presentation for ACCE. Manny and Todd to get in touch with Chris Dinegar.'''
==Action Items 160-169==
| align="center" | 72
| Press releases as recruiting tool, including the Showcase. Modify to include marketing IHE, PCD
| Manny
| --
| Open
| Open
| Manny to ask Tom, Nick for information to use re IDCO Trial Implementation version. October 21, 2009: Erin offered to solicit publications. Steve suggested a Wiki page for this purpose. November 4: Steve's page will be available in November. Item 99, marketing PCD, IHE to be included with Item 72.'''Dec. 2, 2009: Steve will post Wiki page, Erin will continue effort. '''
| align="center" | 78
| 2010 Stakeholder Survey Development
| Ray Zambuto
| Manny
| June 5, 2010
| Open
| See earlier meetings for history. Ray released updated survey to HIMSS. Steve asked if the results will be available at the October F2F. October 21, 2009: Manny to call Ray this week. November 11, 2009: Ray is attempting to gain HIMSS Analytics support.'''May 12, 2010: Change date.'''
All items have been closed
| align="center" | 86
| Contribute to, or develop a glossary.
| Steve
| --
| September 18, 2010
| Open
| Ray will contact Patrick Bernat to arrange collaboration. Ray’s discussion with Patrick at AAMI revealed that Yadin is working on a glossary for a related area, but the CE-IT group has nothing on the agenda. PCD will take the lead. Steve Merritt will fold this into the User Handbook. DPI will include a specialized glossary and coordinate with Steve. This work should lead to a harmonized glossary. Steve will take responsibility. Ken will ask Ray about this one. Dec. 2, 2009: Glossary to be addressed following completion of Users Handbook '''May 12, 2010: Change date.'''
==Action Items 170-179==
==Action Items 90-99==
:{| class="wikitable"
! width="5%"  align="center" |No.
! width="5%"  align="center" |No.
Line 68: Line 27:
! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
| align="center" | 92
| align="center" | 174
| '''<Action Item>''' | Vendor Recruiting for Cycle 5
| '''<Action Item>''' | Strengthen marketing communications for PCD, especially in Europe
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Manny
| '''<Owner>:'''  |Rob Wilder
| '''<Participants>''' | Barbara, Monroe, Steve Merritt
| '''<Participants>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  | June 15, 2010
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Manny offered to make initial contacts with potential participating companies and asked Barbara to provide a list of what users want. Manny will contact companies identified by ECRI Institute and Monroe, and include a list of user needs and priorities for ACM. Press releases represent another tool. Manny to remind participants that PCD should provide press releases. He will draft a release. Barriers to vendor participation were identified. Steve will develop the “Getting Started” Wiki page. The PCD webinar being prepared(HIMSS09 Showcase presentation) may be useful. Manny will make phone calls and requested contact information for potential participants. Also see #91. Sept. 23: Manny working to get AC actors, requested help with that and other recruiting. October 21: Revisit after the ballot. November 11, 2009: Ask PCD members to contact others who may be interested, based upon Brief Profile Proposals and Manny to draft a message. Dec. 2, 2009: Change date to Jan. 6.'''May 12, 2010: Change date. '''
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Charles Parisot points out that status and progress of PCD efforts is basically unknown in Europe ([[PCD PC 2021-11-10 Zoom Meeting]]). Rob Wilder suggests making use of existing video presentations for general overview. 'Deeper Dive', more technically-oriented presentations about a particular area, such as infusion pump profiles, ventilator nomenclature and modes, and others would be useful.
| align="center" | 93
| align="center" | 175
| '''<Action Item>''' | Certification of Systems Claiming Conformance
| '''<Action Item>''' | Complete and maintain the Roster
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Elliot
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Sarah Bell
| '''<Participants>''' | Ioana
| '''<Participants>''' | Kurt Elliason, Rob Wilder
| '''<Due Date>'''  | None Available
| '''<Due Date>'''  | Prior to Connectathon registration
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  | Elliot and Ioana will approach John Halamka, Steve Lieber and NIST regarding certification for PCD. Greg will follow up with Iaona this afternoon. Todd emphasized the importance of quick action to assure that PCD is on their radar. Todd will talk to Elliot and Iaona about progress.
| '''<Comments>:'''  | This is an ongoing responsibility for the Planning Committee and Coordinator.
Manny to ask Todd what to do with this item. November 11, 2009: Todd has had conversations with Elliot about certification. Among the issues that are out there: What will the role be for CCHIT, how will other national actions affect certification? Elliot is looking at this. Ken mentioned a company that plans to enter into the certification arena. There’s a question about CCHIT’s scope. Todd noted that this is very important from a user’s perspective, and their ability to specify certification in the purchase, and therefore this is very important to vendors. Erin noted that their evaluation of pumps will address components of this issue.''' May 12, 2010: IHE is discussing; no date available.'''
==Action Items 100-109==
! width="5%"  align="center" |No.
! width="15%"  align="left"  |Action Item
! width="5%"  align="left"  |Owner
! width="5%  align="left"  |Participants
! width="10%  align="left"  |Due
! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
| align="center" | 103
| align="center" | 176
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
Develop language for RFPs that is meaningful to clinicians.
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
Aug. 25, 2010
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
Initiated F2F May 3, 2010. ''May 26, 2010: Todd noted that this came up last week in Rio; Charles Parisot addressed this. It is a general issue for the entire IHE. This should be addressed by the IHE Marketing Committee. Manny to send Erin a note and ask about a time line. Keep this on the list to monitor.'''
| align="center" | 104
| align="center" | 177
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Action Item>'''|  
Explore the possibility that HIMSS’ Patient Safety publication be integrated with the User Handbook.
| '''<Owner>:'''  b|  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' c|  
Christel Anderson
| '''<Due Date>'''  d|  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
| '''<Status>''' e|OPEN
Steve Merritt
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
June 30, 2010
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
Initiated F2F May 3, 2010. '''May 26, 2010: Add Steve.'''
| align="center" | 105
| align="center" | 178
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
Implementation Guide issues
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
John Garguilo
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
Aug. 25, 2010
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
Initiated F2F May 3, 2010: Erin raised the issue of workflow – e.g., infusion pump messaging takes too long, hospitals complain. Christian observed that clinicians need an indication when data is not reliable for the purpose (e.g., latency, other). John Rhoads indicated that applications need to specify their own behavior. John Garguilo suggested that the implementation guide needs to address these issues. '''May 26, 2010: John Garguilo will participate, noting this is a broad issue that applies to all domains. Steve noted that this should be addressed by individual profiles and both the PC and TC. Steve asked if a template exists and Todd believes they have this as a Wiki page. This will be a PC item initially. John Garguilo will discuss with others at NIST to gain insight.'''
| align="center" | 106
| align="center" | 179
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
PCD Meaningful Use - Vendor Recruiting
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
Christian, Barbara
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
Initiated F2F May 3, 2010: Christian and Barbara Majchrowski will share information and attempt to recruit participants to develop profiles and participate in subsequent activities that increase the profiles, transactions contributing to MU as well as increasing deployment of PCD profiles. '''May 26, 2010: Manny to ask Barbara and Christian if they have an idea or if there are other Action Items that support this goal. See Item 107.'''
| align="center" | 107
| '''<Action Item>''' |
Clinical System Integration
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
June 30, 2010
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
Initiated F2F May 3, 2010: Develop overarching integration of the various profiles and therefore, have core critical-mass functionality that forms a solid foundation; seek integration with other domains. '''May 26, 2010: Change title to Clinical System Integration. Start with the PC. Todd will take the lead on the Board level. Erin will participate (medication administration). Todd is having a hard time getting Board support. It has implications for IHE’s marketing message.'''
==Tracking Related Items, 21-40 ==
| align="center" | 108
| '''<Action Item>''' |
Recruiting HIMSS Nursing Informatics
| '''<Owner>:'''  | Christel
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
June 30, 2010
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
Initiated F2F May 3, 2010: Address opportunities to increase clinician involvement; contribute to Use Case development.  '''May 26, 2010: The PC has recruiting items. Make this two items. This will focus on HIMSS Nursing Informatics - 109 will focus on corporate clinical staff. '''
| align="center" | 109
| '''<Action Item>''' |
Recruiting Corporate Clinicians
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' | Anupriyo, Jon, Paul Kelley, Steve, Ken, George, Mike
| '''<Due Date>'''  | June 30, 2010
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
Initiated F2F May 3, 2010: Address opportunities to increase clinician involvement; contribute to Use Case development.  '''May 26, 2010: The PC has recruiting items. Make this two items. This will focus on Corporate Clinical Staff - 108 will focus on HIMSS Nursing Informatics. '''
==Action Items 110-119==
! width="5%"  align="center" |No.
! width="5%"  align="center" |Number
! width="15%"  align="left"  |Action Item
! width="50%"  align="left"  |Item and Relationships
! width="5%"  align="left"  |Owner
! width="5%  align="left"  |Date Added to List
! width="5%  align="left"  |Participants
! width="5%  align="left"  |Date Closed
! width="10%  align="left"  |Due
! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
| align="center" | 110
| align="center" | 21
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Participants>''' |  
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 22
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Closed>''' |
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |
| align="center" | 111
| align="center" | 23
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>''' |  
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 112
| align="center" | 24
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>''' |  
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 113
| align="center" | 25
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Due Date>''' |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 114
| align="center" | 26
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>''' |  
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 115
| align="center" | 27
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 116
| align="center" | 28
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Due Date>''' |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 117
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 118
| align="center" | 29
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>''' |  
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
| align="center" | 119
| align="center" | 30
| '''<Action Item>''' |  
| '''<Item and Relationships>''' |  
| '''<Owner>:'''  |  
| '''<Date Added>:'''  |  
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Date Closed>''' |  
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Description/Update>'''  |  
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |  
==Action Items 100-109==
! width="5%"  align="center" |No.
! width="15%"  align="left"  |Action Item
! width="5%"  align="left"  |Owner
! width="5%  align="left"  |Participants
! width="10%  align="left"  |Due
! width="5%  align="left"  |Open/Closed
!              align="left"  |Description/Update
| align="center" | 100
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 101
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 102
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 103
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 104
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 105
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 106
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
| align="center" | 107
| '''<Action Item>''' |
| '''<Owner>:'''  |
| '''<Participants>''' |
| '''<Due Date>'''  |
| '''<Status>''' |OPEN
| '''<Comments>:'''  |
[[Category: PCD]]
[[Category: PCD]]
[[Category: PCD Reference Pages]]

Latest revision as of 11:26, 7 December 2021

To see changes between current and last(or any earlier) versions of the action item list, click the history tab at the top of the page, select versions to compare and click compare command.

Significant recent changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Decision meetings will have minutes that require approval. This may be accomplished by email ballot.

See also PCD Planning Committee Closed Action Items page.

Action Items 40 -149

All items have been closed

Action Items 160-169

All items have been closed

Action Items 170-179

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
174 Strengthen marketing communications for PCD, especially in Europe Rob Wilder OPEN Charles Parisot points out that status and progress of PCD efforts is basically unknown in Europe (PCD PC 2021-11-10 Zoom Meeting). Rob Wilder suggests making use of existing video presentations for general overview. 'Deeper Dive', more technically-oriented presentations about a particular area, such as infusion pump profiles, ventilator nomenclature and modes, and others would be useful.
175 Complete and maintain the Roster Sarah Bell Kurt Elliason, Rob Wilder Prior to Connectathon registration OPEN This is an ongoing responsibility for the Planning Committee and Coordinator.
176 OPEN
177 OPEN
178 OPEN
179 OPEN

Tracking Related Items, 21-40

Number Item and Relationships Date Added to List Date Closed Description/Update