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:: IPEC (Kurt)
:: IPEC (Kurt)
:: Pump (Kurt)
:: Pump (Kurt)
:: DPI  (John R)
:: Physio monitor (John R)
:: Physio monitor (John R)
:: PCIM (John R)
:: PCIM (John R)

Revision as of 08:48, 29 April 2021

PCD Home

Paul Sherman and Michael J. Kirwan, DEV Domain TPM's

Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the programs and committees involved:
  • DEV Domain level Discussions
  • DEV PCD Program Discussion
  • DEV PCH Program Discussion
  • DEV DPi Program Discussion
Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; Adjourn Joint PC&TC meeting. contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

- Virtual via Webex (Info below)

- To assist European participants, all meetings(except the Pump WG) will be morning meetings, with a meeting on Friday.
the times will be 9AM EDT - 1PM EDT
  • Monday : Pump Meeting (Noon to 3pm Eastern)
  • Wednesday : PCD Planning Committee (9am to 1pm Eastern)
  • Thursday, : PCD Technical Committee (9am to 1pm Eastern)
  • Friday, : Joint DEV Domain meeting (PCD+DPi+PCH)(9am to 1pm Eastern)
The schedule is proposed; actual meeting times may change during the week.
Daily Schedule - All times Eastern Daylight Time (US)
  • 09:00 - 11:00 Session #1
  • 11:15 - 13:00 Session #2

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

From the DEV PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:

No current open Action Items

From the DEV PCD TC Action Items: PCD Technical Committee Action Items:

196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional

Webex Support

Because of COVID-19, these meetings will be held via Webex. The links are provided below.

Reminders: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

Please note: the log in and phone number for each meeting is the same as for our WG meetings. The password is included in the email sent to participants. These are not provided here for security reasons (this is a public Wiki page).

The IHE Webex page is [IHE Webex]

DEV PCD Meetings
  • Monday, April 26: IHE DEV April'21 vF2F: DEV PCD Pump WG: Meeting Number: 167 728 8656
  • Wednesday April 28: DEV PCD PC: Meeting Number: 167 892 6443
  • Thursday April 29: DEV PCD TC: Meeting Number: 167 419 4377
  • Friday, April 30: DEV Domain joint: Meeting Number: 167 109 3080

Updated 4/12/2021 KE

Updated 4/19/2021 MJK

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when available will be found at the [Devices Google Drive] unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda

Monday, April 26 (PCD Pump Workgroup)

Date Hours Committees Topics
Monday Pt. 1 12:00 - 1:30 PCD Pump workgroup
  • Pump Terms containment model update - .5 hr
  • Rack/Pillar/Stack terms and CP - .5 hr
  • Units of measure - .5 hr
How are the UOM codes below used?
Break 1:30 - 1:40 PM
Monday Pt. 2 1:40 PM - 3:10 PM Meeting Continued
  • Discussion of new terms for Maintenance (used for flush, prime, and KVO) - .5 hr
Events that occur during a flush (stop, pause, alerts)
Flush volume in PCD-03 with multiple meds
How to indicate a different fluid source (flush) vs a separate order
  • Discussion of new terms for Relay - .5 hr
How does switching sources and devices apply to relay
  • RTMMS ENUM description updates- .5 hr
  • 3:10 > Meeting Adjournment

Wednesday April 28, 2021

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Wednesday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:15 AM DEV PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 09:00 > Start DEV PCD PC meeting
  • Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)(Kurt)
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (Kurt)
General PCD Work Program Review (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- General update on PCD TF Vol 10 (John R)
- ACM (Monroe P)
- MEM DMC (Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Monroe P)
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Kurt)
- IPEC (Kurt)
- Pump (Kurt)
- PCIM (John R)
- Physio monitor (John R)
- DEC (John R)
- EC (John R)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
  • Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
Break 11:15 - 11:30 AM
Wednesday Pt. 2 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Planning Committee (PC)
11:30 >
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
None as of 4/26/2021
Adjourn Planning Committee meeting

Thursday April 29, 2021

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Thursday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 AM
  • 09:00 > Open DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Tom Kowalczyk)
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
  • DEV PCD Program review:
Update PCD TF Vol 10 (John R)
ACM (Monroe P)
MEM DMC (Monroe P)
MEM LS (Monroe P)
DEC (John R)
EC (John R)
PIV (Kurt)
IPEC (Kurt)
Pump (Kurt)
Physio monitor (John R)
PCIM (John R)
Vent (Paul Schluter)
IDCO (Alexander Kraus)
RTM (Paul Schluter)
RTM model update (Michael Faughn)
Quiet Hospital
Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Thursday, Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM DEV PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 11:00 Farewell Send-off to Paul Sherman
  • 11:15 > Continued topic discussions
PCD TC Action item review
196 Add PCD specific values to HL7 table 78
200 MDS and VMD Requirements
202 MEMDMC CP to make PID and PV1 segments optional

Friday, April 30, 2021 DEV Domain

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Friday Pt. 1 09:00 - 11:00 Joint IHE Devices (DEV) Meeting
  • 09:00 > IHE IP Management Process (Kurt)
  • 09:05 > Introductions and Agenda Review (Kurt and Thom)
  • 09:20 > Welcome (15 minutes)
  • 09:30 > Program Reports (20 minutes each)
09:30 PCD
09:50 PCH
10:10 DPI
  • IHE International Board - Update & Feedback (Todd)
  • Review 2021/2022 Milestones - [1]
  • Domain Discussions
DEV Domain Rosters and transition to new tools (Confluence and Zoom, possibly other).

Reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AWuSbQ5H9gxM_6fmalPoo90Z6fxUjcoN

Break 11:00 - 11:15 AM
Friday, Pt. 2 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 11:15 > Continued topic discussions

F2F Action Review (from this week)
- DEV - PCD Program
If approved, schedules for Fall 2021 F2F
Next F2F -
  • Week of Oct ?? , 2021
  • Plan on In Person F2F

Note: Time slot TBD: IDCO


Monday April 26

Chair: Kurt Elliason (Smiths Medical)
Participants: Al Engelbert (BBraun), Bill Haralson (Smiths), Brian Sullivan(BD), Brian Witkowski (BBraun), Caroline Cornelius (Baxter), Dan Kernan (Epic), Jeff Rinda (Interoperability Solutions), Lisa Digget (BD), Marufur Rahmen (ICU), Paul Schluter (), Shantanu Chawla (BD), Tom Kowalczyk (BBraun);

Wednesday, April 28

Chair: Kurt Elliason (Smiths Medical)

Thursday, April 29


Friday, April 30



Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Monday Pump WG Meeting

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Reviewed IHE IP Management Process


Agenda approved


2 Pump Terms containment model update
Reviewed status of terms and 10101b update.
Pump terms are final, have REFIDs and descriptions assigned. 10101b is working on ventilator terms expect it to be a few months yet before it is ready for final comments and balloting.
3 Rack/Pillar/Stack terms and CP
Review of proposed CP content.
Identifies number of pillars and which direction (horizontal or vertical pillars)
split pillar definitions from pump location. Pillar info goes in MDS, pump detail in VMD
clarified several enums
4 Units of measure
The constructs _UOM_DOSE_CONC and _UOM_DOSE_QUAN specify groups of units-of-measure that may be referenced by a METRIC observation or setting.  Any unit-of-measure belonging the specified _group may be used.  These are all documented on the NIST RTMMSv1 but may have been updated by the infusion pump WG.
Other possibly missing units were reviewed.
  • mgPE
  • Vials
  • Kunit
  • kunit/kg
  • EU
  • EU/kg
  • mcal
  • mcal/kg
  • kIU
  • kIU/kg
  • mIU  
  • mIU/kg
  • IU
  • IU/kg
International unit exist in the list. [iU] Paul referred to notes in IEEE11073 other units are identified by [USP] and [arb'U]
BD to follow up on mgPE, UCUM units may be extensible.
Vials are a question that requires further discussion. How are they different from syringes or other containers. Isn't the contents of the vial also in another UOM already?
Need more definition on EU
Kunit is this USP, IU or arb'U?
Some updates needed to list
4 entries have /hr instead of /h and not in a group
kcal and cal not in a group
Will schedule time for more discussion of units during a regular pump WG session.
5 Discussion of new terms for Maintenance (used for flush, prime, and KVO)
Adding new term to _MDC_PUMP_NOT_DELIVERING_REASON for pump-stopped-flushing
Consider adding new term to _MDC_PUMP_DELIV_STAT for pump-delivery-status-priming, needs more discussion and a complete description.
Will schedule time during a regular pump WG session for further discussion on flush and priming.
6 Discussion of new terms for Relay
Adding new term to _MDC_PUMP_NOT_DELIVERING_REASON for pump-stopped-switching-device
Reviewed CP -148 that added some new terms for Relay. 148 was not included in Revision 9, should by in Revision 10.
Use of PCD-03 to program pumps was not included in the initial CP, only documentation. More work needs to be done in order to program a relay across multiple pumps using PCD-03.
7 RTMMS ENUM description updates
New terms were proposed during the WG meeting but time ran out before the full list could be reviewed. Will schedule time during a regular pump WG session.

Pump WG F2F meeting adjourned at 3:10

Action(s): See above

Wednesday DEV PCD PC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Kurt Elliason reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Minutes approved



3 Agenda Items
- General update on PCD TF Vol 10 (John R)
Working with Todd on new Vol 1 material. Implementing SDPI material. John lost access to info on his Philips computer, which affected his Vol 2 work. Reconstructing it now and will push to Github. John will provide the publish date soon. It will include all CPs to date? Yes.
- ACM (Rob and Monroe P)
Have a list of 8 or 9 items, mostly technical. Also have a list of planning items:
- Nurse call - have 3 interested parties and have implemented in products. Hope to get them into the working group. Ascom a bit interested. Hill Rom is in CNs but need to contact them. Rauland is also a possibility. Nurse call vs. Alert Manager? Biggest difference is different type of alerts, generally not physiologic (Advisories). Actual alarms are a grey area. Nurse call is an AR, but can be AM via aggregating medical equipment alerts.
- Bed vendors - Talked to Hill-Rom and Stryker. Awaiting regular participation. They're interested, but not engaged yet.
- Documenting Lab and Radfiology results - There's a need for it. Have discussed with Radiology vendors plus some Neuro vendors. Most use proprietary interfaces, with no HL7 experience. PACS often have HL7 interfaces. There are some challenges adopting HL7; mACM hasn't been commercially implemented yet. Some discussion regarding immunization; ACM not really involved, perhaps if the patients become ACM recipients.
- Still pursuing need for AC actor in NIST tools. Often at risk of not passing CN.
- MEM DMC (Monroe P)
Some background on original focus (CMMS). Expanding into other utilization.
- MEM LS (Monroe P)
Location 'tags' are getting smarter, providing other signals and info. Can send info to CMMS as well as LS system. Can be helpful for utilization.
- WCM (Paul Schluter)
Nothing new happening, it's being tested and used. With vent terms, could provide more info.
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
Terminology revision mostly done, working with Michael Faughn to get them into RTMMS. Trying to sort out what is within standard terms and what's beyond that. Boston Scientific signed up for CN, but weren't able to test. Hopefully next time.
- RTM and Vents (Paul Schluter)
Have some notes and will put on Google Drive. Paul has worked with vent vendors to come up with a standardized model. Group 7 has some terms. Paul has set a deadline for new terms for this round. Will set up a ballot after that. Working with Dialysis, making progress and have a good approach. They're pushing terms to their industry.
- PIV (Kurt)
Nothing major planned
- IPEC (Kurt)
In FT for about a year. Discussing new terms. Nothing major.
- Pump (Kurt)
F2F on Monday. Notes in wiki. Working on some standardized numbering of pump 'stack' ID'd some missing units. Need to add some 'kilo' terms, as well as some for relays and flushes. Found some RTMMS enumerations that need cleaning up.
- PCIM (Tom and John R)
Workgroup starting up again. Focusing on pump-patient association. Goal to have something for the 2022 HIMSS conference (Orlando). Monroe - If interested in correlating people/equipment and location, there are some OBX identifiers for accuracy. Can use MEMLS work. There is a mechanism to set a location accuracy level. Question - Pump pulls info from PCD 16, is it accurate enough? MEMLS does provide the instances, but they're optional. Dalibor - confidence is provided via PCD-16 is at core of IEEE LS workgroup. Discussed accuracy of RTLS systems. The work on this will likely end up in multiple standards. John has set the base and the workgroup is running with it. Paul Sch - It would be great if the IEEE group can provide some background on where their work is and how it'll work with MEMLS and PCIM. Monroe - This may be beyond the scope of what IHE works on - let IEEE define the technology and accuracy requirements. IEEE group will provide method for vendors to identify their accuracy. 'Policing' will need to be via RTLS users. Rather extensive technical discussion on RTLS processes and technologies.
- Physio monitor (John R)
Some things are done, some things that they want to do, but we really need customer feedback. Need to ask ourselves - where's the pull and whose willing to sign up and do the work? had occaisions of strong pushback (good). What ought to be done now?
- DEC (John R)
Some things are done, some things that they want to do, but we really need customer feedback. Need to ask ourselves - where's the pull and whose willing to sign up and do the work? Need terms finalized. Paul Sch - invest resources into containment models. There are a lot of the pieces, but it needs to be tied together. We're very close to have something computable.
HL7 work underway for Devices on FHIR. Some skepticism due to large volumes of data. Some use cases can use this process. HL7 DEV meeting - discussing with anesthesiology community; have a small space of people seeing all info and a challenging patient. A different model from what we usually do. Their value is in looking at data after the case. FHIR could be a good model for this. Many are working on this. IHE and HL7 are working on joining the threads together. Todd proposes to write an IHE version of the HL7 work. Feedback: PCD needs to monitor and provide input as needed. Some PCD lessons being ignored. MEMLS is an example; they don't want the detail that is needed. Not sure it's valuable for Device - Device comms; not really set up for that. FHIR would be great for query based Profiles. Not good for sending models. Need to distinguish between FHIR core and implementations, FHIR has an 'escape hatch', extensibility. It's fairly well managed so far, to avoid full fragmentation. Still could collapse under it's own weight, but does have some control to limit the risk. John G provided some conformance background and how well we are doing with it.
- EC (John R)
- DCM Pulse Oximetry
  • Currently waiting for someone to take it to FT.
- Review current Action Item: PCD Planning Committee Action Items:
None as of 4/26/2021



Please review notes and and propose Action Items.

Wednesday Joint PCD PC&TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
IHE IP Management Process


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items



Thursday/Friday PCD TC Meeting Summary

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved
Meeting concluded on Thursday


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items
  • DEV PCD Program review:



Action Items - PCD PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

New Action Item - Incorporate EC work and guidance into TF Volume 2. Owner: John Rhoads
Five Year Plan - Do we still need it? Review at next PC meeting.
Next F2F -
  • Week of April 26, 2021
  • Plan on virtual, hope for F2F

Action Items - PCD TC and WGs

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Next Meetings