Treatment Planning Image Content

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Profile defines the content of images to be used as reference images for positioning at a treatment session, usually being transferred from the Treatment Planning System to the Treatment Management System.


The Treatment Planning Image Content (TPIC) Profile will make the workflow more reliable, since it ensures that all information needed for positioning is present.

1. The profile will eliminate the need to further enhance / complete the images at the treatment management system prior to their use at the treatment session.

2. The profile will eliminate uncertainties at the Treatment Management System, where deficiencies in received images may be detected, but resolved with some guesswork, leading to error and incorrect positioning for treatment.

3. Fewer uncertainties will also reduce the time physicists, therapists, and physicians need to visit the treatment room to assist therapists in technical issues, where such issues are not caught up front by the Treatment Management System, but only detected later at treatment time.

The profile will substantially contribute to patient safety, because it will explicitly specify what content is needed to safely determine the patient position correction in all dimensions. The applications involved are Treatment Planning Systems and Treatment Management Systems.


Systems Affected

  • Treatment Planning System (TPS) creates or imports the image content.
  • Treatment Management System (TMS) imports the images for patient setup verification

Actors & Transactions:

TPIC Actor Diagram.JPG


Profile Status: Trial Implementation

Documents: File:Ihe ro suppl tpic rev1.3.doc

Underlying Standards:

See Also

The TPIC FAQ answers typical questions about what the Profile does.

The TPIC Purchasing describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile.

Implementer Information

The TPIC Implementation provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software.

Reference Articles

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template