Treatment Delivery Record Content- Brachy

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This profile standardizes the content of the RT Treatment Record for brachyrtherapy treatments of the following type:

High Dose Rate (HDR) Afterloading

Pulse Dose Rate (HDR) Afterloading


Resolves potentially differing interpretations of the Brachytherapy RT Treatment Record within brachytherapy.


Systems Affected

  • Brachytherapy Treatment Delivery System (TDD) creates the content of the treatment record.
  • Brachytherapy Treatment Planning System (TPS) imports the treatment record.
  • Treatment Management System (TMS) imports the record for tracking of the delivery

Actors & Transactions:

TDRC-Brachy Actor Transaction Diagram.JPG


Profile Status: Public Comment

Documents: TDRC-Brachy Public Comment Supplement

Underlying Standards:

See Also

Related Profiles

Consumer Information

The TDRC-Brachy FAQ answers typical questions about what the Profile does.

The TDRC-Brachy Purchasing describes considerations when purchasing equipment to deploy this Profile.

Implementer Information

The TDRC-Brachy Implementation provides additional information about implementing this Profile in software.

Reference Articles

This page is based on the Profile Overview Template