Topic: PCD Unique Device Identification

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    • Unique Device Identification

Devices need to be uniquely identified in IHE PCD messages so that the source of a measurement or an item of device information. Patient safety can be affected.

IHE PCD has long used the IEEE EUI-64 as a system of unique identification of devices.

The US FDA is now bringing the Unique Device Identifier into use. Regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions have been involved in the planning and in the future can be expected to use closely similar methods.

As of 2015, the use of this system in IHE PCD messages is not yet required, but is described in the IHE PCD Technical Framework Version 5.0 (2015) and will be supported in versions of the IHE PCD Technical Framework after Vresion 5.0.

A description of IHE PCD usage of UDI is in:
