SDC@IHE WP WebEx 2019-10-24

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Post-Boston F2F Discussions

Last week - HERE are the notes from that meeting

1) Review SDPi White Paper status
2) SDPi Roadmap review and planning
2) Review PCD 2.0 Status and Plan


Todd Cooper, Michael Faughn, Koichiro Matsumoto, Eldon Metz, J-Uwe Meyer, Monroe Patillo
Regrets: Ken Fuchs, Stefan Schlichting

Discussion Notes

Note: Todd continues to have WebEx challenges and was not able to screen share.

1) HERE are the Boston SDPi slides including the roadmap
  • White Paper cleared for publication
  • Work beginning on SDPi profiles supplement drafting - due by end 2019
2) HERE are the Boston PCD 2.0 slides
  • IHE PCD is being renamed to IHE Devices, with three subdomains:
- PCD (home of the current IHE PCD Tech Framework content)
- DPI - SDPi home
- PCH - Home for the HIMSS/PCHAlliance "Continua" work
  • Public announcement targeted for January 2020
2) HERE is a Health 4.0 white paper that Uwe provided for consideration both in the white paper as well as in the IHE DEV TF development.

Next Meeting: 2019.11.14

Action Items

  • (Todd) Finalize the IHE wiki White Paper sections and launch a new SDPi supplement drafting section