Rad Plan Minutes 08.02.22

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Refer to Roster


Proposed Scope Expansions

  • Shouldn't get in the way of getting the assigned workitems done
  • Resolve other Public Comment work first

PDI Proposal from Tech Cmte

  • Agreed work of evaluating DVD compatibility at the North American Connectathon has been completed
  • Based on results, Technical Committee is proposing scope of work for this year be expanded to include publishing for Public Comment a supplement adding options for DVD, USB and Compression to the PDI Profile.
  • Since DVD/USB/Compression was not part of discussions in November and was only briefly discussed at the February meeting, don't be quick to push it out to Trial Implementation
  • If there are open questions from Pub Comment that can't be easily closed, hold til next cycle
  • The Public Comment Draft can be a useful way to engage Germany and Australia in discussions
  • Summary: OK to public comment, don't rush to Trial Imp.

Mammo Workflow Proposal from Tech Cmte

  • Technical Committee also proposing to prepare normative Mammography Workflow text for Public Comment this year in addition to the informative text which was in the approved work item.
  • One issue is bandwidth
    • There is a danger of the Mammo Work (allocated bandwidth: 15%) taking too much time away from SWF II (allocated bandwidth: %50)
    • Tech Cmte members (including SWF II editors) feel that the extra work on Mammo WF is contributing effectively to accomplishing the assigned SWF II Goals, so it is acceptable for the Mammo work to use some of the SWF II time
    • Also, SWF II Use Cases are planned to get done by June, not for the Public Comment window so the work can be staggered
  • Another issue is packaging
    • There is a Mammo Image profile. Following up by addressing Mammo Workflow makes sense.
    • SWF partially addresses Mammo, but not completely. SWF II might address it completely, but later.
    • Other options are: Informative text for SWF, extensions to SWF, a separate Mammo WF, or inclusion in SWF II.
    • At some point, we need to decide which of these will be pursued for Trial Implementation.
    • Pursuing all of them could be confusing for users and vendors, especially if some conflict with each other.
  • Summary: OK to Public Comment. Don't "take away" from SWF II.

Profile Pages for ISO

  • Need a plan to complete Profile Pages for existing profiles
  • Part of agreement with ISO TC-215 for recognition of those profiles
  • April Deadline; should do/review in March
  • Proposed Plan
    • Each PC member should volunteer to prepare the page for one or two profiles
    • Kevin will call for volunteers (first come first served)
    • Kevin will ask un-volunteered Cmte members to pick up un-claimed profiles on Feb 29th
    • Kevin will circulate guidance on what is expected to the volunteers
    • Chris C will extract or provide references to previously prepared material for some of the profiles pulling some of our previous work
    • Final Text Profiles are first priority, Trial Implementation second
    • Deadline for draft pages: March 17th
    • Pages will be reviewed in Early April
  • Open Issue: To what extent do we want to promote profiles that are "up for review" and may be changed/superceded (e.g. Reporting Workflow, Post-Processing Workflow) and what do we want to say about them?

Board Representative

  • Need plans to designate a representative to the IHE Board for the IHE Radiology Domain
  • Decided to hold election.
  • Kevin will post email with details

Other Items

  • Kevin will set up and populate a "Future Agenda Items" page
    • Plan for June Webinar
    • Update on RSNA Courses
    • Establish a baseline of regular meetings (e.g. once per month)

Next meetings

March 5, 10am Central - Teleconference