QRPH Minutes 2010 07 15

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  • Ana Estelrich - ASIP Sante (Co-Chair)
  • Jason Colquitt - Greenway (Co-Chair)
  • Mark Aratoon - GE (via Webex)
  • Landen Bain - CDISC
  • John Eichwald - CDC
  • Teresa Finitzo - OZ Systems
  • Steve Moore - Technical Project Manager
  • Anna Orlova - PSDHC
  • Vassil Peytchev - Epic
  • Lori Reed-Fourquet - eHealthSign, LLC
  • Charles Rica - ASIP Sante
  • Ed Scharber - Registry Widgets
  • Wendy Scharber - Registry Widgets
  • Harry Solomon - GE
  • Michelle Williamson - CDC
  • Alan Zuckerman, MD - Health Resources and Services Administration (Guest)
  • Chris Carr - RSNA

See Roster


  • Provider Reporting to a Public Health Repository - Cancer Registry (PRPH) - Vote to approve for publication
  • Approved unanimously
  • Wendy Scharber to provide copy for publication by August 5

Publication Schedule

  • Approved for publication:
  • Redaction Services - Landon Bain making final clean up edits
  • Provider Reporting to a Public Health Repository - Cancer Registry (PRPH) - Wendy Scharber making final clean up edits

  • Profiles requiring remaining substantive changes:
  • RPE - Mark Aratoon revising document
  • MCH - Ana Estelrich revising document
  • Lori Forquet revising Appendix (value sets extensions) document
  • Tcon to review MCH document, Friday, July 23, 10-11am CT
  • EHDI - Anna Orlova revising document
  • Documents due for review, July 26
  • Teleconference to review and approve for publication
  • Friday, July 30, 8am CT
  • All Trial Implementation documents due in publication form by August 2, 5pm except:


  • July 23 - Friday, 10-11am CT, Review of MCH changes
  • July 26 - Final MCH, RPE, and EHDI supplements due to be circulated to iheqrphtech google group for committee review prior to vote on July 30.
  • July 27-30 - Committee review and comment via email communication during the week.
  • July 30 (8:00-9:00 CST) Voting Meeting - We will vote to move MCH, RPE, and EHDI to Trial Implementation at this meeting.
  • Aug. 2 - Publication Due Date - All document edits are due to Chris Carr this day.
  • Aug. 17 - Presentations Due - All editors will need to collaborate for a webinar presentation on Aug 24. A ppt template to be forwarded at a later date. The audience will be potential implementers. Each profile will have 15 min to be presented by editors. We ask that the limit is 10 slides.
  • Aug. 24 (11:00-12:30 CST) - QRPH Webinar: Jason and Ana to act as moderators; authors to present slides on their profiles

Quality, Research and Public Health Technical Committee