PCD Pump 2018-09-10 WebEx

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Meeting Purpose

IHE PCD Infusion Pump Working Group discussions.

WebEx Information

Topic: IHE PCD Infusion Pump WG

Date: Monday, September 10, 2018

Time: 11:00, Eastern Time (GMT -05:00, New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Note: Specific web & phone information will be provided via e-mail to group members.

Contact Kurt Elliason for more information.

Proposed Agenda

1. Review today's Agenda
2. Review 2018.07.23 WebEx Discussion Notes & Action Items
3. Review Drug table for 2019 Connectathon (see attachment)
4. New terminology for equipment status data elements
5. Proposed agenda items for Face to Face Oct. 16
6. Continue discussion of common drug vocabulary
7. Review PCD Device Infusion Pump Action Items
8. New Business / Next Meetings

Attachments / Materials

Drug table for infusion pump profiles 2014-08-12 revised.xlsx

Discussion Notes

Chair/Host: Kurt Elliason (Smiths Medical)
Participants: Bill Haralson (Smiths), Brian Witkowski (Epic), Caroline Cornelius (Baxter), Christophe Fournier (Fresenius), Jeff Rinda (ICU Medical)

NOTE: Action Item Review updates have been posted directly to the Infusion Pump Action Items wiki page

Item Topic Discussion
1 Agenda & Discussion Notes Review
- Chair



2 Drug table for 2019 Connectathon
- Chair
Could change Morphine used in PCA section something else FENTanyl or some other typical PCA drug? No changes needed at this time, will revisit with larger group at F2F.



3 New terms for Equipment status elements
- Chair
Battery Full Capacity = 4088 -- MDC_ATTR_CAPAC_BATT_FULL
Charge Discharge Count = 15 -- MDC_ATTR_BATT_CHARGE_CYCLES
Drug Library Version = 01.00.00001 -- MDC_PUMP_DRUG_LIBRARY_VERSION
Hardware Revisions = 00100002 -- MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_HW
Firmware Version = V1.7 -- MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_FW
Software Version = V1.6 -- MDC_ID_PROD_SPEC_SW
Power On Time = 9697 (minutes)
Power On Time Since Last Calibration = 4378 (minutes)
Total Time Infusing = 4257 (minutes)
Total Motor Revolutions = 138 (revolutions/1000)
Last Calibration Date = 2014-11-26
Language = English
Wired Ethernet State = Not Configured
Wired Ethernet Mode = DHCP (optional if active)
Wired IP Address = (optional if active)
Wired Net Mask = (optional if active)
Wired Gateway Address = (optional if active)
Wireless Ethernet State = Active
Wireless Ethernet Mode = DHCP (optional if active)
Wireless IP Address = (optional if active)
Wireless Net Mask = (optional if active)
Wireless Gateway Address = (optional if active)


Jeff said ICU has some additional terms, will send to Kurt to include in spreadsheet


4 F2F Agenda
- Chair
Planning to attend: Kurt & Bill - Smiths, Caroline & Ray - Baxter, Brian +2 - Epic, Christophe - Fresenius, Jeff - ICU
Agenda suggestions:
Drug table for connectathon 30min
Common terminology for drug library import/export 1 hr
Whiteboard session, create simple UML diagram of workflow 1.5 hr
Review new terms in RTMMS 1.5 hr
Work on containment tree for terms 1.5hr
Future idea status check: multistep, child order, bolus from bag 1hr



5 Common Drug vocabulary
- Chair
Possible white paper for next cycle. WG to work on proposal for process to make integration between pump vendors and EMR vendors more efficient.
When to import/export
What to import/export
Format for the import/export



6 Next Meeting
- Chair


  • Topics will include ...


Next Meeting

NOTE: Next Meeting will be held during the regularly scheduled time: 11:00 (Eastern) on September 24 (60 minutes)

(Reviewed & approved by PCD Infusion Pump WG on <TBD>

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