PCD PC 2011-04-13 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

PC Regularly Scheduled Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Planning Committee

Regularly Scheduled Meeting Time

Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summaries: Planning Committee March 30 PCD PC 2011-03-30 Webex
3. Roadmap Update
4. Brief and Detailed Profile Proposal Updates
5. Existing Profile and TF Development Updates
  1. TF update
6. F2F
7. AAMI Mini-Showcase
8. Cochair Election
9. Action Item Review
10. Next and Recent Meetings
11. Additional Business
12. Next Meetings

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: Ken Fuchs

Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Sarah Hopkins, Brad Lunde, Khalil Maalouf, Sandra Martinez, Steve Merritt, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Erin Sparnon, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
  • Discussion Summary of previous meeting was accepted



3 Agenda Items
- All

4. Profile Updates:

- ADQ: Khalil indicated that work has begun and expects to have it ready for the Connectathon. Ken added that requirements definition is the current focus and very important; he invited additional participants. Khalil suggested that ADQ be added to the list of potential profiles in the TF FT volume 1. It will be added in the next version.
- Cybersecurity WP: Public comment period ends Friday. Steve invited additional comments. The WG will propose a profile to address medical device security.
- Event Communication: John Rhoads has developed a rough draft incorporating pump events for discussion this afternoon.
- PCIM: Robert has collected all prior information and will begin work.
- Supplements will need to be ready for publication by May 29 to be included in the January Connectathon.
- John Rhoads encouraged everyone to post to the Wikis and noted that an account needs to be established. Those needing accounts should contact Manny.

5. Existing Profile and TF Updates: The FT versions are out for ballot, with deadline next Tuesday.

6. F2F: There is a Wiki page where members can add suggested agenda items. For the PC the Roadmap will be reviewed, updated. John Rhoads noted that the DCC is considering another approach to Roadmaps. John Garguilo recommended that PCD become proactive in presenting its accomplishments as part of a marketing effort and develop a list of meetings and groups. Manny suggested adding journals and newsletters.

7. AAMI Mini-Showcase: Progressing nicely. ACCE is sponsoring the costs associated with the booth.

8. Cochair Elections: Likely in July, with new Cochairs in place in September. Nominations open; please let Manny know of your interest.

9. Action Items: See separate item below.

10. Next and Recent Meetings: See list at bottom of the page.

11. Additional Business: None.


Action(s): Add identified items to the F2F agenda.

4 Action Items
- Cochairs

Agenda Items: Add Action Items review to F2F.

- 71. Recruit Clinicians: Steve received no response.
- 72. Press Release: Ken suggested a press release for the Survey Monkey results. Manny to send note encouraging companies to post conformance in preparation for a press release. Manny to develop a poster for this purpose.
- 78. Stakeholder Survey: Christel will survey the Clinical Informatics group she supports. Manny suggested that depending upon results a modified version may be useful in surveying other constituencies. Change date.
- 93. Conformance Testing: Ken suggested we may need to do something in response to ONC’s work. Paul asked about Continua’s use of NIST test tools; an agreement will be developed. John Garguilo noted that NIST will address the communication wrappers (e.g., WS-*). Paul described work toward computable RTM coding for Continua.
- 103. RFP Language: Will be rolled into the User Handbook. Erin will develop a PCD 101 document. Paul suggested a series of documents, the PCD 100 series of tutorials. Change date to F2F. Ken suggested this be on the agenda.
- 105. Implementation Guide: John Garguilo said NIST is looking at this and it will have a section on PCD. It will address issues not found in the TF, but important for developers. Change date to June 1.
- 107. Clinical System Integration: Erin referred to her position on the AAMI Infusion Pump Safety Committee. Clinician’s on the group will define any missing items. Seeking to have this done in 2011.
- 109. Recruiting Corporate Clinicians: No change.
- 111. Recruit WCM and Other Vendors: No change.
- 116. Integration Statements: Add to F2F agenda.
- 117. Glossary: Kevin O’Donnell and Karen Witting are working on this.
- 119. Final Text: After this ballot it will be posted to the web site.
- 120, 124: Close
- remainder tabled



Next Meeting

The next meetings are:

TC April 20, 2011 PCD TC 2011-04-20 Webex

PC April 27, 2011 PCD PC 2011-04-27 Webex

PC & TC Face to Face May 10-13, Boca Raton PCD PC&TC 2011-05-10 to 13 F2F

PC & TC Webex May 18 PCD PC&TC 2011-05-18 Webex

PC May 25, 2011 PCD PC 2011-05-25 Webex

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