PCD PC 2009-09-23 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly scheduled meeting of the PCD Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review of Discussion Summary PCD PC&TC 2009-09-02 Webex
2. Review of Brief Profile Proposals and Work Items Previously Submitted
3. PCD Issues
- Reduced Weight PAM for DEC - see Steve Moore's thread and decisions reached at meeting with ITI

for details on the following, see below and Todd's email of August 12

- Validation vs. Verification Testing
- One problem - multiple PCD TF solutions!
- Profile Option Specification and Testing
- Keeping our House in Order
4. Update on White Papers and Supplements:
- MEM out for public comment
- ACM Open Issues / Extensions
- Medical Equipment Management (other)
- PIV/Infusion Pump Open Issues / Extensions
- RTM Open Issues / Extensions
- Medical Device Semantic Architecture
- Regulatory Considerations
5. Continua
6. Connectathon/Showcase Update
7. ARRA/Meaningful Use
8. Next Meetings - Dates
- F2F October 5-9

Discussion Summary and Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items page.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: Ken Fuchs
  • Terry Bettis, Anupriyo Chakravarti, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, Sarah Hopkins, John Hotchkiss, Yarisa Jaroch, Jianguo Jiang, Brad Lunde, Maureen Richards, Sandy Weininger, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Accepted


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair
  • Accepted as posted


3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 41: Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID -
  • 71: Recruit clinicians -
  • 72: Press releases as recruiting tool - Call for Brief Profile Proposals and MEM Public Comment period the subject of recent press releases.
  • 74: Mapping PCD into v3 CDA -
  • 78: 2009 Survey Development -
  • 82: Users Guide -
  • 86: Contribute to, or develop a glossary -
  • 90: Monitor HITSP’s Work (also on TC list) -
  • 91: Develop New Brief Profile Proposals for Cycle 5 - The following new (and old) proposals were discussed:
- Multiparameter Decision Support Data Integration (Zaleskis) re clinical decision support system: Ken summarized the proposal.
- Location Tracking (Fuchs) has been submitted to the ITI domain because the scope is broader than devices. ITI will consider taking the lead and PCD will participate.
- Medical Equipment Management (Merritt). TheWP is out for public comment. Ken asked for comments on the priorities, sequence. He observed that for some of the use cases the data can be sent within existing profiles with additional coding.
- PIB Enhancements (Flanders). This addresses technical requirements and recommended practices. This arises from the potential for various system components having different patient identification data (race conditions, PDQ vs PAM issues, etc.)
- Enterprise ACM (Cooper). Management of alarms across the enterprise may include non-device alarms. Ken asked if this should also be submitted to ITI.
- Middleware Systems (Stiefel). Some of this appears to be outside the scope of IHE. Steve suggested a WP would be useful. Ken suggested that some of this may be of interest to AAMI.
- Energy Delivery (Richards). Maureen summarized the proposal. Ken suggested this could be addressed as a device specialization issue. Terminology, semantics and parameters would be required. Ken asked if Maureen can help identify other companies and physicians that would be interested. IT system vendor participation would be worthwhile. Discussion with regard to recruiting receiving systems as well. MANNY to send an email to

Maureen, Anupriyo, John Hotchkiss.

- Query for Bulk Data (Fuchs). Carried forward from last year.
- Device Specialization (Cooper). Placeholders were provided, but Todd was at the HL7 meeting.
  • 92: Vendor Recruiting for Cycle 5 -
- Manny working to get AC actors, requested help with that and other recruiting.
  • 93: Certification of Systems Claiming Conformance -
  • 94: HITSP’s Meaningful Use -
  • 95: HIMSS10 Showcase - Manny noted registration is still open and recruiting can proceed. He noted efforts to attract participants in the AM-AC loop and shared the registration update. He will contact the ADT vendors to learn if they will support PCD this year, and HITSP to learn about CT and PCD-01 as HITSP profiles. ADT: We will use PAM, PDQ and have dropped the concept of reduced weight PAM. Robert is working on use cases, etc.



4 Profile and White Paper Updates
- Chair
  • Updates
TF/DEC - ACM vs DEC for carrying certain information.
ACM - working on CPs
IDCO - WG is moving to GG and Webex
MEM - WP is out for public comment
PIV/Infusion Pump - on hold
RTM - continues to add to the tables, and is considering how best to reflect the IEEE model. This has implications for WCM which has attributes and needs to be incorporated within the dot notation hierarchy. A proposal was distributed to the WCM WG yesterday.
Semantic Architecture –
Regulatory Considerations - Validation/Verification: How can the Connectathon be used by companies?



5 Announcements
- Chair



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be a joint PC/TC meeting, September 30, 2009: PCD PC&TC 2009-09-30 Webex.

<For Decision Meetings add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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