PCD DPI 2008-10-02 WebEx
Meeting Purpose
IHE PCD Device Point-of-care Integration (DPI) profile development discussions.
WebEx Information
Topic: IHE PCD DPI Profile TG
Date: Monday, October 2, 2008
Time: 10:30, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04:00, New York)
Duration: 90 Minutes
Note: Specific web & phone informaiton will be provided via e-mail to group members.
Contact Manny Furst for more information.
Proposed Agenda
- 1 DPI Status Review
- 2 WebEx Planning
- 3 F2F Planning
- 4 White Paper Outline
- 5 Open discussion
Attachments / Materials
(no minutes were reviewed in this meeting)
- Chair/Host: Todd Cooper (BSF)
- Steve Borchers (Spacelabs), Ken Fuchs (Draeger), Steve Merritt (Baystate Health), John Rhoads (Philips)
Item Topic Discussion 1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- ChairStatus/Discussion: No agenda was published. The group decided on the agenda listed above.
2 Approval of Minutes
- ChairStatus/Discussion: No minutes were reviewed Decisions/Issues:
3 Discussion & F2F Planning
- ChairStatus/Discussion: - The group should schedule 3-4 WebEx sessions for the next two weeks (leading up to the Boston F2F).
- The Friday 2008.10.24 F2F meeting should be held at CIMIT.
- (Todd) Publish Doodle poll for 3-4 WebEx sessions over the next two weeks.
- (Todd) Contact Susan Whitehead (CIMIT/MDPnP) to arrange for Friday's room.
4 DPI White Paper Outline
- ToddStatus/Discussion: The group discussed the general purpose & content of the proposed DPI White paper. The following content was suggested:
- Use Cases - a substantive section describing representative scnearios and providing an analysis that indicates what components fall within the DPI scope and which are addressed by other profiles and constructs.
- 11073-00000 Framework & Overview document: This DPI should be organized to directly inform the revised top-level 11073 Framework & Overview document.
- "ICE" Use Cases & conceptual architecture & requirements: The DPI should also directly address the use cases, requirements and architetures identified in the ASTM F29 "ICE" standard. The PCD DPI profiles should include support for ICE-compliant systems.
- DPI WP Front Matter...
- - Scope: Differentiate DPI vs. DEC
- - Audience: IHE TF developers
- - IHE PCD TF: Should describe the relationship of DPI to the other PCD & IHE TF's
- - Regulatory Considerations: Should point out that though DPI profiles support development of devices & systems that may fall under national regulatory oversight.
- Use Cases: There should be a section that presents the use cases that define the DPI scope & the logical relationship between them
- Topological Model (leading from the use cases)
- PnP: The WP should describe the notion of PoC plug-and-play (e.g., across all 7 OSI Layers)
- Technological Archittecture...
- - Transports / Service model / Abstract Device Sematic & Service model
- - Peer-to-peer communication
- - Network Manager / Agent
- DPI Profile Framework (anticipated development items)
- Anticipated IHE documents...
- - White Papers
- - Users Handbook
- Service Components
- - Device Reporting
- - Device configuration (simple control)
- - "Symmetric" communciation (device as client)
- - External Control...
- Basic PnP control
- Safety Interlocks
- "Simple" non-therapeutic Control
- Therapeutic controls
- Closed-loop control (incl. QoS requirements / "contract")
- ?ICE Supervisor function?
- ?Flight Recorder / Back Box (a la "real-time storage & retrieval")
- Relationship to ISO/IEEE 11073 Framework & Overview
- The DPI WP should be drafted so as to directly inform the revision of the ISO/IEEE 11073-00000 Framework & Overview standard.
- The PCD DPI profiles should include support for ICE-compliant systems.
- (Todd) Publish DPI White Paper outline & process by 2008.10.05
- (Todd) Coordinate with Dr. Julian Goldman re. the Boston F2F schedule & agenda, and regarding IHE PCD sync with ICE & MDPnP work.
5 Next Meeting
- ChairStatus/Discussion: Discusion topics for upcoming meetings should include:
- DPI Wireless Architecture
- White Paper Outline / Content Review (probably 2 sessions, one each week)
- 4th session topic TBD
6 Next Meeting
- ChairStatus/Discussion: Decisions/Issues:
- Next meeting will be scheduled for Thursday 2008.10.09
Next Meeting
Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, 2008-10-09 @ 10:00 - 11:30 Eastern
(Reviewed & approved by PCD DPI WG 2008-10-09)