PCD Cochairs 2015-06-16 Webex

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Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary PCD_Cochairs_2015-06-09_Webex
3. Profiles and TF Updates
- Review public comments Link to Comments
- And at ihe.net public comment domain page http://www.ihe.net/Public_Comment/#pcd
4. Standards Coordination.
5. IHE International
6. Review Agenda: PCD TC 2015-06-17 Webex
7. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
- IHE Milestones
8. Recruiting and Membership
- TC Cochair candidate Tom Kowalczyk - Ballot closes today
9. Action Items
10. Additional Business
- Approve Annual PCD Domain Report
- Use of next three CN calls for MEM vendor orientation.
11. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- PC June 24
- PC & TC July 15
- TC June 17

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Monroe Pattillo, Kurt Elliason,
Technical Project Manager: Paul Sherman,
Chair: Monroe Pattillo
Guests: John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, John Garguilo, Tom Kowalczyk.


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair:


Remove page review
Agenda Accepted


- No new Action Items
2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair:
Status/Discussion: Meeting notes reviewed



3 Agenda Items
- As Indicated
3. Profiles and TF Updates
- Review public comments Link to Comments
- And at ihe.net public comment domain page http://www.ihe.net/Public_Comment/#pcd
- MEMLS and PCD have some CPs they're working on.
- WCM is restarting after a hiatus. Epic is very interested. Calls are every other Monday, 2PM CDT, next one June 22.
- Several CPs in the queue
4. Standards Coordination.
- 10101a; Now entered 98% of items. Another tcon Wednesday for work of breathing. Most concerns addressed.
- AAMI/UL2800 committee is making progress, focusing on testing and regulatory processes, including monitoring of PCA.
- Discussion of IEEE and LOINC crossover. Agreement for royalty free use of some terms is underway. More to come.
5. IHE International
- Recognition of Fresenius as members.
6. Review Agenda: PCD TC 2015-06-17 Webex
7. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
- IHE Milestones
- Discussion of papers due for public comment in July, as well as White Papers due in August. Tom wants to push medication WP to get it ready. Jeff R will have someone scribing changes.
8. Recruiting and Membership
- TC Cochair candidate Tom Kowalczyk - Ballot closes today
- John R helping
9. Action Items
- 106 move out a week
- 116 Monroe will update this week.
10. Additional Business
- Approve Annual PCD Domain Report. Monroe reviewed the report for the group. Need to update commercial deployment information.
- Manny will use next three CN calls to bring vendors in to MEM. Similar to early PCD, use gateway systems to jump-start process. Monroe described useful messages from equipment.
11. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- PC June 24
- PC & TC July 15
- TC June 17
4 Other Business
- All



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be June 23, 2015 PCD Cochairs 2015-06-23 Webex

Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates

- PC June 24, PCD PC 2015-06-24 Webex
- PC&TC July 15, PCD PC&TC 2015-07-15 Webex
- TC June 17, PCD TC 2015-06-17 Webex

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