PCD Cochairs 2015-03-17 Webex

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Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary PCD_Cochairs_2015-03-10_Webex
3. Profiles and TF Updates
- Review public comments Link to Comments
- And at ihe.net public comment domain page http://www.ihe.net/Public_Comment/#pcd
4. Standards Coordination.
5. IHE International
6. Review PC & TC Agenda: PCD PC&TC 2015-03-18 Webex
7. Review one Wiki page and an ihe.net page for updating
- PCD pages needing work
8. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
- IHE Milestones
9. Recruiting and Membership
- Cochair
10. Action Items
11. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- PC, Apr 1
- PC & TC Mar 18
- PC & TC F2F April 28-May 1
- TC Apr 8
12. Additional Business

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Monroe Pattillo, Kurt Elliason
Technical Project Manager: Paul Sherman,
Chair: Monroe Pattillo, Kurt Elliason
Guests: John Garguilo, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Christopher Doss, Paul Petronelli, Gora Datta


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair:


Agenda Accepted


- No new Action Items
2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair:
Status/Discussion: Meeting notes reviewed



3 Agenda Items
- As Indicated
3. Profiles and TF Updates
- Review public comments Link to Comments
- And at ihe.net public comment domain page http://www.ihe.net/Public_Comment/#pcd
4. Standards Coordination.
- Stood up mHealth profile and IEEE location services, FIHR later this call.
- IEEE 10101a – Good discussion, coming to closure, ready for public review soon.
5. IHE International
- Todd published report
- Lengthy discussion Monday on tool conformity assessment. PCD in very good shape.
6. Review PC & TC Agenda: PCD PC&TC 2015-03-18 Webex
7. Review one Wiki page and an ihe.net page for updating
- PCD pages needing work
8. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
- IHE Milestones
9. Recruiting and Membership
- Cochair
10. Action Items
11. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- PC, Apr 1
- PC & TC Mar 18
- PC & TC F2F April 28-May 1
- TC Apr 8
12. Additional Business
- HL7 mHealth WG proposal - initiating a Project Scope Statement. for the preparation of a framework to support the development of mobile healthcare applications.
Provided overview of project goals, process and what's needed for a co-sponsor. Want to create API specs for mobile apps to enable passing info to an EHR. Proposal caters to FHIR.
Some questions of how the data flows and what it flows through.
Will help to define use case to increase clarity
PCD will provide info where needed.
4 Other Business
- All



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be March 31, 2015 PCD Cochairs 2015-03-31 Webex

Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates

- PC Apr 1, PCD PC 2015-04-01 Webex
- PC&TC Mar 18, PCD PC&TC 2015-03-18 Webex
- PC&TC F2F Apr 28 - May 1, PCD PC&TC 2015 April 27 - May 1 F2F
- TC Apr 8, PCD TC 2015-04-08 Webex

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