PCD: HL7 Version Differences
This page focuses on changes from version to version in HL7 2.x that affect IHE PCD Profiles. As of Technical Framework Version 4.0 (2014), we are using 2.6 as a base version, but the PRT segment, which is new with 2.7, is being "borrowed from the future" in certain profiles.
For good, straightforward presentations of HL7 v2.x changes, see write-ups by Frank Oemig and René Spronk on http://ringholm.com. Specific references below.
New features in HL7 v 2.6
CE deprecated in favor of CNE and CWE TS (timestamp) withdrawn in favor of DTM (date-time)
For details, see http://ringholm.com/docs/00720_en.htm
New features in HL7 v 2.7
PRT segment for ‘participations’, by people, places and descriptions, to take the place of many fields in various segments with narrower meanings, like “transcriber" Field length changes
For details, see http://ringholm.com/docs/00750_en_HL7_27_features.htm
New features in HL7 v 2.8.2
PRT segment re-jiggered to contain FDA UDI