PCC Document Hierarchy

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PCC documents are defined in volume 2 of the PCC TF and associated supplements. This is non-normative text that is designed to help developers.

The columns of the table list document types that are building blocks for PCC. The row entries are PCC documents. You read the table using the IS A phrase. If there is an X in the table, then the document marked by the row entry IS A document of the type marked by the column. For example, a PCC Referral Summary IS A "HL7 CDA" (pardon the grammar).

Referral SummaryYYY
Discharge SummaryYYY
ED ReferralYYYY
PHR ExtractYYY
Antepartum SummaryYYY
ED Triage Note Y
ED Nursing Note Y
ED Composite Triage and Nursing Note Y
ED Physician Note Y
Antepartum RecordYYY

FSA is not a document by itself. The FSA profile defines how to modify other documents with FSA requirements.