IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2012-10-23

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  • Laura Bright - PCC Tech
  • Chris Carr - RSNA
  • Bruce Curran - RO
  • La Shawn Edwards - RSNA
  • Didi Davis - QRPH
  • Tom Dolan - Card
  • Derrick Evans - ITI Tech
  • Mary Jungers - Documentation Specialist
  • Flora Lum - Eye Care
  • Joan McMillen - RSNA
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Rad
  • Jessica Palmer - HIMSS
  • Antje Schroeder - Card/Rad
  • Karen Witting - ITI

Absent domains: Anatomic Pathology, Dental, Endoscopy, Laboratory, Pharmacy.

General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

  • Quorum attained

2. Approval of minutes

  • Approved unanimously.

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • Status tracking of supplements
  • Action Item: Mary Jungers will present initial version of page for review on Nov. 6 tcon.
  • Review of action items or tasks assigned to DCC under Strategic Plan and Next Steps documents to identify specific action items and next steps
  • Goal 1: Collect and analyze internal metrics to identify trends and improve results
  • Reviewed action items assigned on Oct. 9 tcon
  • Goal 2: IHE will have a unified strategic view and consistent implementation of standards and quality across domains in addressing users’ real needs.
  • Brainstormed approaches to meet goal:
  • Promotion to get adoption in clinical practice is key to ensure you are addressing real needs
  • Promote the profiles in a unified manner
  • Improve educational materials for profile authors
  • Get more end users to review draft documents; sponsors can provide access to clinicians
  • Improve feedback from implementers, eg, from surveying Connectathon participants. Ask about clarity and completeness of the specification. Make sure input gets back to domain committees as input to the review of lifecycle of profiles
  • Develop user group to review profile proposals and technical documents
  • Better internal communication: eg, PRPH-Ca included as a requirement for meaningful use
  • Replace the outreach provided by annual workshops in the past with Webinars, direct outreach to member organizations
  • Survey the domains:
  • Do you think your domain has a unified view?
  • Do you think the quality of your profiles meets the standards it should to be effective?
  • Do you think the profiles you develop meet user needs?
  • Improve internal communications by having domain committees include discussion of news from other domains on their agendas
  • Participate in additional conferences, eg, eHealth Canada, Ontario Hospital Association; dark areas of conference university, AHRA; Conferences that are more about end user rather than about technology
  • Review brainstormed items to prioritize and identify any action items on Nov. 6 Tcon
  • 2.2 IHE will support and encourage cross domain sharing of best practices and new profile development.
  • Review and brainstorm on future call

4. Review Action Items List

  • Reviewed list and identified items to close

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • Domains requested to fill in known dates for meetings and development milestones

2. Domain Board Reports

  • Status
    • Anatomic Pathology - updated report due to DCC (6 months overdue to the board)
    • Patient Care Coordination - 2 months overdue to the board
    • QRPH - to be presented to the board 11/8
    • ITI - to be presented to the board 11/8
  • Review
    • N/A

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group
  • Addressed under new business in review of strategic plan

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Documentation Work Group
  • Approved unanimously

Governance Implementation

  • Next call Nov. 6th

Domain Coordination Committee