IHE DCC Documentation Work Group Teleconference Minutes 2011-05-09

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  • Chris Carr
  • Mary Jungers
  • Lisa Nelson
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Teri Sippel-Schmidt
  • Karen Witting


  • Document Module definition template
  • Add new members to list; send draft of optionality document and ask for their input on how to incorporate in template
  • Technical Framework Archive Page
  • Chris Carr set up a copy of Technical Frameworks page as basis for archive
  • Use IT Infrastructure as initial instance
  • Domains should determine the contents of their archives; only published documents should be archived
  • Process will be that Mary moves links to any superseded documents to Archive page. Domain can request to have links removed from Archive page where they feel appropriate.
  • Enabling links to specific locations in Technical Framework documents - update from Mary
  • Mary will try out process for creating internal links and generating list of link locations
  • National extensions are handled differently in different domains
  • A template would be helpful to provide content list, instructions, etc.
  • Reference documents in local language rather than translating to English
  • Next meeting: May 23, 3-4:30pm

Documentation Work Group