IHE DCC Documentation Work Group Teleconference Minutes 2011-04-18

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  • Karen Witting
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo
  • Didi Davis
  • Wendy Scharber
  • Kevin O'Donnell


The group decided it does not need to vote/quorum/or to approve the DCC Documentation Workgroup meeting minutes. These are here just for referral.

Big welcome to Didi and Wendy to the group (QRPH representatives, but also represent the "overwhelmed new user" point of view.

  • Wendy thinks the Documentation Template and Process work which is underway will be a huge benefit to new Domains coming online.
  • Volume 0 Contents/Additional Notes:
  • Glossary will need to be at multiple level, e.g., for QRPH for very specific cancer medical defintions. There will need to be a description of depth at the intro to the Glossary.
  • OIDs: should include forward links to the Section level of the document where it is used (link within pdf) - action to Mary Jungers. Will need to handle the situation where OIDs are referred to in multiple documents.
  • OIDs: will need to indicate whether in Final Text or Trial Implementation e.g., OID webpage Appendix B.1 might be all Final Text OIDs, B.2 might be all Trial Implementation and Change Proposal OIDs
  • open issue - how are we going to handle Trial Implementation and Change Proposal level Actors, etc.?
  • HL7 has an OID list that they are creating. This is considered to be a longer term solution than the current IHE Appendix B proposal. fyi.
  • Other Volume Templates Numbering
  • Note that in the last call (but unrecorded in mtg minutes) it was agreed that when documents get very large (e.g., Rad Transactions) the numbering for all Domains will convert to 2A, 2B, etc. Same for Volume 3 (3A, 3B). Radiology, amongst others, will require a change since current Vol3 should now be called 2A.
  • Similar to ITI documentation, add an Appendix 2x, 3x, etc. Once a Volume breaks into multiple sections (ie., 2A, 2B, 2C) add a section 2X and ALL Appendices in Volume 2 go into 2X. Will need to explain this one to co-chairs.
  • "Add these OIDs to the Master Database" section so that it is easy for Mary to pick up.
  • Keep National Extensions within the Supplement for Public Comment review
  • Add a section "Can you approve the use of these OIDs in Germany?" as a reminder to copy them into their code book.
  • National Extensions (Vol 4):
  • current ITI process: If a country feels they need a National Extension, they write it up in English and there is a vote to adopt it. Would go into Vol 4.
  • Everyone seems to like Radiology's Vol 4 format/level of info, fyi. Radiology's vol 4 format is by Country first (e.g, Germany (Prof A ext, Prof B ext); then France (Prof B ext, Prof C ext).
  • In the Vol 4 Template - specifically state: try to use Conditional Elements instead of a National Extension, when appropriate.
  • The Vol 4 Template may be written as "useful guidance" as opposed to Normative template definition.
  • HL7 has an OID list that they are creating. This is considered to be a longer term solution than the current IHE Appendix B proposal. fyi.
  • Open Action: (Teri) talk to Keith Boone re. IHE CDA template library
  • Reviewed Volume 0 Transactions Summary options (Teri's doc). Concluded that value is ACROSS domains so that you do not need to open all pdfs. Concluded that the Transaction Summary was lower priority than Vol 0-3 and Supplement Templates and to put it to the back of the list.
  • Optionality Methods: bring R/R2 issues to DCC next Tues (Teri).

Next tcon Monday, May 9th at 3pm CT, NOT May 2nd as usually scheduled.

Documentation Work Group