DEV Joint 2024-08-28

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IHE DEV Domain Joint Meeting - ALL PROGRAMS 4th Wednesday of Each Month @ 8amPT/10amCT/11amET

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Participants:Ben Elliot, Eldon Metz, Javier Perez, Michael Faughn, John Garguillo, Kurt Elliason, Monroe Pattillo, Silas Morris, Todd Cooper, Brian Witkowski, Rob Wilder

Proposed Agenda and Discussion Notes

Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- Last Dev Joint Meeting DEV Joint 2024-07-24



3 Standards Coordination Status/Discussion:
Todd – 11073-10701 Metric PKP standard
SDPi 2.0 - EOY 2024
Alert PKP for product ready: Ballot planned for 4Q24 or 1Q25
2 new actors for add discovery proxy: #46 and #47 moving from add-hoc method to a
managed discovery option to utilize a secure connection
Javier – Domain Information & Service Model for Service-Oriented Point-of-Care
Medical Device Communication: 11071-10207 getting ready for ballot
4 Domain Coordination Meeting Status/Discussion:
DCC Review – ITI Domain – a bunch of CP’s are out for review
Insurance/Finance ; not for US or Europe
Discussed new SDPi actors
4 Marketing and Recruitment Status/Discussion::
- IHE Newsletter Signup
The IHE Marketing and Communications Committee has been meeting regularly and working to revamp the IHE Newsletter; one area of focus has been to highlight important milestones within IHE Domains.
Domain co-chairs will be asked to provide specific text to the MarComm Committee about domain milestones.
5 Ballots Status/Discussion::
Ballot_2024_02 results
CP005, 006, 007, 008 were not approved, comments will be reviewed with submitters.
CP009, 010, 011 approved.
CP’s for MEMLS and MEMDMC are being reviewed and then being set up for ballots.
Also, same for two CP’s for PCIM.
PCD TF vol 2 (mainly) is going through final review from John Rhoads, then John will route back to Kurt and Tom a WORD version of this before sharing with the wider audience for a 30 day review cycle. Goal is to start review cycle by the F2F time (September 10th). NOTE: Moving this to AsciiDoc is delayed for the next 6 months or so due to higher priority tasks.
6 Action Item Review Status/Discussion::
- Complete DEV Domain Action Items
7 PCD Report-Out
worked on Multi-step programming, Flush whitepaper, and Remote Device Control
8 PCH Report-Out
9 DPI Report-Out
Finalize SDPi ver 1.4 in process. Near complete
Next focus is vers 2.0
- Sept-Nov: development/work
- HL7 ballot cycle in Feb. 2024
- FDA formally recognizes vers. 2.0 (CDRH)

10 Other Business Status/Discussion:
Face to Face Agenda DEV_Domain_F2F_Sep_2024_IEEE consolidated Pump and PCIM sessions to Tuesday morning, consolidated PCD and DEV sessions to Wednesday morning
CARD IVI Support
IHE Cardiology (dormant profile), but a group of interested vendors want to push forward IVI (Intra Venous Imaging), but they need someone to help with the formal process. Plan A is to ask the Radiology Domain to pick it up and help; Plan B is for DEV to help. Radiology is definitely where this task should reside.
Discussion about adding a less formalized Plugathon type track for Dialysis for next Connectathon in Feb, 2025 in Toronto. Beginning talks; nothing decided on, yet.

Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

- Next PCD TC-PC Meeting DEV_Domain_F2F_Sep_2024_IEEE
- Next DEV Joint DEV Joint 2024-09-25

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