Ihero job jar

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The IHE-RO Job Jar

The creation of a 'job jar' to collect tasks, prioritize them, and solicit volunteers.

The Priority correspond to the following

3 - High Priority
2 - Medium Priority
1 - Low Priority
0 - Should be removed from the list

The PC Co-Chair corresponds to one or more of the following:

RO - Radiation Oncologist
MP - Medical Physicist
V - Vendor
Publications - Publications Committee

Volunteers that have been identified should not be considered as owning the task. Other assistance is appreciated; please contact the IHE-RO co-chair responsible. Should we put names and contact info here ?
RO: Ramesh Rengan, rengan<at>xrt.upenn.edu ?
MP: Colin Field, colin.field<at>albertahealthservices.ca
V: Adam Earwicker, adam.earwicker<at>varian.com

Please replace <at> with @ to generate the correct email address.

IHE-RO Job Jar

Job Description Priority (1,2,3,4) PC Co-Chair Responsible Volunteers
PC TCONs & meetings Organize Calls RO, MP, V Sidrah
IHE Vision Document Prepare and Update annually RO, MP, V Colin, Sidrah
IHE-RO Structure Establish and publicize Terms of Reference, Position Terms, Succession planning RO, MP, V
Job Jar Organize and maintain the job jar RO, MP, V
PC Recruitment and expansion Recruit volunteers for IHE-RO effort. Identify new stakeholders, and volunteers from other countries RO, MP, V
IHE-RO compliance Define what IHE-RO compliance means. IHE-RO compliant planner means …IHE-RO compliant advanced planner means … RO, MP, V
IHE Communications Participate in IHE co-chair TCONs RO, MP, V Sidrah, Bruce, a PC co-chair
Other IHE-RO country domains Communicate with other IHE-RO country domains, e.g. Japan, Netherlands RO, MP, V
FDA Prepare white paper RO, MP, V
Publications and promotion Organize all communications with RO community RO, MP, V Charles, Akkamma
IHE Webinar Prepare and give IHE Webinars Publications Colin, Bruce
Connectathon results Publicize results Publications Bruce
RO Community Liaison Feedback, evaluation from user cases RO, MP
NROR Provide interface to National Radiation Oncology Registry RO, MP
Each profile in development
  • DPDW
  • TDW-II
  • QAPV
provide continual feedback to the TC for development of the profiles and reports progress back to the PC MP, V
SAM Prepare content for SAM RO Kevin, Tony, Ramesh, Akkamma, Colin, Rishabh
Distribution of info Take IHE-RO message to other meetings (Lung, GU, etc). Stop giving talks to ourselves RO
Physician communication strategy Develop simple concise statement of “what does this mean to me in the clinic ?” RO
Use Case Selection Organize use case solicitation, definition, selection, prioritization, interface with TC MP, V Colin, Adam, David, Sidrah, all PC during process
Use Case Followup Followup with individuals who submitted as use case to let them know what is happening MP, V
IHE-RO helper Web-based tool to publicize document IHE-RO solutions MP Rishabh (short term), ?? (long term)
Connectathon Judging Attend the connectathon and serve as an independent judge MP Lakshmi
Wiki keep it up to date MP Colin, Sidrah
RT Process flowchart Look at process map and re-examine where we have use cases on it (safety, workflow) MP
Patient Archive Develop Use Case, vision to include long term goal of providing a patient archive with patient access. EMR requirements ? MP
Communications Interactions with technical groups (e.g. TC, RT Shareholders, NEMA, others) MP
Business Model Manage our budget, set fee structures, develop funding opportunities. How do we use resources. V
Connectathons Support TC for connectathon planning and execution V
ESTRO Connectathon ? Will we have a presence at ESTRO ? V
Fund raising Identify and approach (or organize request) to organizations for funding V
Closing the Loop Ensure vendors release products  into the RO market within a certain time period from when the products passed at a Connectathon V
Re-testing at connectathons Prepare guidance document for re-testing at connectathon V
Test Laboratory Figure out what IHE-RO needs to do V