PCD PC&TC 2014 October 21-24 F2F

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Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the committees involved:
  • Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
  • Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

Philips Healthcare,
951 Yamato Rd, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Suite 175W
- Note: This is a new location
Meeting room

Monday October 20 Pump Working Group
Tuesday October 21 Joint PCD Planning and Technical Committees
Wednesday October 22 morning: PCD Planning Committee
Wednesday October 22 afternoon through Friday: PCD Technical Committee
Daily Schedule - Placeholder
08:00 - 08:30 Meet at Philips, Boca Raton, FL
Meeting will start promptly at 08:30 Eastern Time each day.
08:30 - 10:30 Session #1
11:00 - 12:30 Session #2
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (location to be announced)
13:30 - 15:00 Session #3
15:30 - 17:00 Session #4
Friday the meetings will end by 12:00

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

From the PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items:

78. Stakeholder Survey
140. AAMI Alarm Safety Committee
155 VA/Maximo DMC participation
157 Update cookbook to include ACM implementation
162 PCD vignette for Innovation Center
166 Increase notification of intellectual property policy

From the TC Action Items: PCD Technical Committee Action Items:

110. WCM Attributes
118. Implementation Guide
136. WCM Parameter List
140. Assemble the Baseline Set of Standards for Easy Reference
141. Create Matrix Matching Profiles to Standards
150. Seek null flavors in HL7 2.9
157. POI Issues
158. POI CPs
159. POI Rosetta Terms
167. Versioning and Archiving
171. Put list of workgroup leaders on PCD wiki
174. POI code validation
175. Develop a PCD UDI whitepaper for IHE
179. IPEC and EC documentation
182 Configure POI document to required format
183 CP for WCM and implementation
186 Review and reformat ftp site


Webex meetings have been set up in anticipation of interest. They will be provided when requested in advance; i.e., the log in information is provided here, and the Webex will be initiated for those portions of the agenda that are of interest. Please let the co-chairs and Manny know of your interest and when you are available. The co-chairs will try to arrange the agenda to permit your remote participation.

Reminders: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

Please note: the log in and phone number for each meeting is the same as for our WG meetings. The password is different, and has been included in the email sent to participants. These are not provided here for security reasons (this is a public Wiki page).

Monday morning: Pump WG: Meeting Number: 926 957 072

Monday afternoon: Pump WG: Meeting Number: 921 969 156

Tuesday morning, October 21: Joint PC, TC: Meeting Number: 924 835 272

Tuesday afternoon, October 21: Joint PC, TC: Meeting Number: 925 568 395

Wednesday morning, October 22: PC: Meeting Number: 926 488 924

Wednesday afternoon, October 22: TC: Meeting Number: 929 868 535

Thursday morning October 23: TC: Meeting Number: 927 914 096

Thursday afternoon October 23: TC: Meeting Number: 925 342 671

Friday morning October 24: TC: Meeting Number: 921 023 597

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when established will be found at ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/FaceToFaceMeetings/2014-October-Boca Raton/ unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

PCD Schedule/Deadline Information: http://tinyurl.com/PCD-Publication-Deadlines, Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

PCD TC Action Items PCD Technical Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda

Monday - Pump Workgroup

Date Hours Committees Topics
Monday Morning


08:30 - 12:30 Pump workgroup
  • Pump model - discuss and determine best option for channels and containment
  • IPEC - determine changes needed based on revised pump model
  • 12:30 > Lunch
Monday Afternoon


13:30 - 17:00 Pump workgroup
  • Continue discussions
  • Review of action items
  • Publish document with all pump terms and codes
  • Summarize changes made to pump profiles since last year
  • Wrap-up

Tuesday October 21, 2014

Date Hours Committees Topics

Tuesday Q1 08:30 - 12:30 Joint PCD Planning and

Technical Committees (PC/TC)

  • 08:30 > IHE IP Management Process
  • 08:35 > Introductions and Agenda Review
  • 0900 > PC and TC Co-Chair Recruiting
  • 09:15 > Update from C4MI (Todd)
1. FHIR Update
2. IHE International Update
- Financial Sustainability
- Strategic Coordination
3. FDA @ IHE PCD Update
Break 10:15 - 10:30 AM
Tuesday Q2 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Joint PCD Planning and

Technical Committees (PC/TC) (Cont)

  • 10:30 > Continue Update from C4MI
4. HL7 @ IHE Coordination WG
5. FDA UDI @ HL7 V2.8.2 & FHIR
6. New Directions Testing & Showcase
7. Medication Administration Clinical Integration White Paper (PCAI 161)
8 Update CP097 and submit for balloting (TCAI 184)
Lunch 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Tuesday Q3 1:30 - 3:00 PM Joint PCD Planning and

Technical Committees (PC/TC)

  • 1:30 > Location, Dates of the PCD 2015 Spring F2F
  • 1:45 > Review IHE Milestones from now until Pre-Connectathon
  • 2:30 > CP to Convert IPEC to EC (Todd) (TC Action Item 170)
  • 2:25 > MSH-5 and Connectathon (TC Action Item 178)
Break 3:00 - 3:15 PM
Tuesday Q4 3:15 - 5:00 PM Joint PCD Planning and

Technical Committees (PC/TC)

  • 3:15 > New remote patient monitoring profile (Brian Reinhold, via Webex)
  • 4:00 > Continue MSH-5 discussion

Adjourn Joint PCD Planning and Technical Committees (PC/TC)

Wednesday October 22, 2014

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items

Wed Q1 08:30 - 10:15 AM PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 08:30 > Introduction
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
  • 08:45 >
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (10 minutes)
- Review Discussion Summary Last PC Meeting PC October 8, 2014 PCD PC 2014-10-08 Webex
  • 09:00 > Review PCD Calendar and Update
- visionary stuff
  • 09:15 > :* Review Current PCD Program:
- ACM (Monroe P)
- DEC (updated PCD TF) (John R)
- IDCO (Paul Schluter)
- PIV (Al E, Paul E)
- IPEC (Al E)
- EC (John R)
- WCM (Ken F)
- OMS (Ken F)
- RTM (Paul Schluter)
- RDQ (John R)
- DPI (John R)
- PCIM (John R)
- MEM DMC (Monroe P)
- MEM LS (Monroe P)Specializations (statuses, plans only, details during TC sessions):
- DCM Pulse Oximetry Integration Supplement(Completed)
- Pump (Al E, Paul E, Jeff R.)
- Physio monitor (John R)
- Vent (Paul Schluter)
Break 10:15 - 10:30
Wed Q2 10:30 - 12:30 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 10:30 > Cycle 10 Work Items (Monroe P)
- Parking Lot Item Review (Monroe)
  • 11:00 > Standards coordination/Continua - overview (Paul Schluter)
- HIMSS/Continua (Paul Schluter)
  • 11:30 > Restoring PCD-05 to ACM (Monroe)
  • > FTP Site Review (Jeff Mc, Paul Sh) (PCAI 163)
  • 11:45 > White paper on PCIM-DEC series to address unknown/no patient challenges (John R)
  • 12:00 > Meet with Alex to discuss Remote Patient Monitoring and DSB
  • 12:30 > Adjourn Planning Committee
Lunch 12:30 - 1:30
Wed Q3 1:30 - 3:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
Announcement – Decision Making meeting (TC Co-Chairs)
  • 1:40 > TC Welcome and Agenda Review (Jeff McGeath)
- Incoming TC CoChair (Garguilo term completed 1 Sept 2014)
- Intellectual Property Requirements
  • 1:45 > OBX-4 (John Rhoads)
  • 2:15> Identify unique Identifiers (John G) (TC Action Item 189)
  • 2:45 > Describe HL7 Version Implications (John R, John G)(TC Action Item 143)
Break 3:15 - 3:30 PM
Wed Q4 3:15 - 5:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 3:30 > FDA UDI and how to integrate into PCD messages (John R/Monroe)
  • 4:00 > PCIM white paper (John R)

Thursday October 23, 2014

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Thursday Q1 08:30 - 9:45 AM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • ACM (Monroe)
  • RDQ
  • WCM (Ken F)
  • OMS (Ken F)
  • RTM / RTMMS (Paul Schluter)
  • MEM DMC (Monroe P)
  • MEM LS (Monroe P)
Break 09:45 - 10:00 AM
Thursday Q2 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 10:00 > Joint PCD PCC meeting (via Webex)
  • Remote Patient Monitoring Profile
  • 10:45 > Device Observation Semantic Bridge Proposal (Alex Lippitt and PCC via Webex)
  • 11:45 >
  • 12:00 > Connectathon and Showcase Update (Sandy via Webex)
Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Thursday Q3 1:30 - 3:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 1:30 > Remote Command Control/Continua (Barry Reinhold)
  • 2:30 > Medical device Cybersecurity project (Axel, via Webex)
Infusion Pump use case (John G and Axel)
Break 3:00 - 3:15 PM
Thursday Q4 3:15 - 5:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 3:15 >
  • Wiki page Maintenance

Friday October 24, 2014

Quarter Time Lead Agenda Items
Friday Q1 08:30 - 10:15 AM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
Break 10:15 - 10:30 AM
Friday Q2 10:30 - 12:00 PM PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 10:30 > F2F Action Item Review (from this week)
  • 12:00 > TC + Meeting Adjournment (McGeath)
Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 Paul Sherman
  • Box Lunch (if sufficient number of participants on site)
Friday Q3 1:00 - 3:00 PM Working Groups
Separate WG Meetings if needed

Note: Additional evening working sessions may be scheduled as needed.
Note: Time slot TBD: IDCO

Webex Support

Webex will likely be available for those who could not attend in person. The links will be provided below. Reminder: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.


Tuesday, October 21

On Site:


Wednesday, October 22

On Site:

Remote (morning, PC & TC):

Remote (afternoon, TC):

Thursday, October 23

On Site:


Friday, October 24

On Site:



Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.



Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved Placeholder


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- Accepted: Planning Committee November 14 Placeholder



3 Agenda Items
- Standards Coordination



4 ___ Status/Discussion:





Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Monroe reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Introductions and Agenda Review
- Monroe – Agenda modified to reflect scheduling with presenters and other groups.


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair



3 Agenda Items

PC and TC Co-Chair Recruiting
- If interested contact Jeff, Monroe or Paul Sh
- Todd - Modified term limit requirement to recommendation
Update from C4MI (Todd)
- 1. IHE International Update -
450-500 organizational members
- Financial Sustainability
Clear message from HIMSS and RSNA – not funding in perpetuity. Needs to be self supporting
PCD was asked why not meet with other domains at RSNA, etc. Most PCD members don't attend those meetings, no real financial benefit.
IHE sent out a survey early this year – what activities would the members be able to support?
- Set up membership dues and activity fees.
- Service offerings? Like continuous virtual CN. Not put forth as a revenue model yet.
- Other sustainability models? Not sure – check the poll.
- Members discussed the company looking for certificates - is this a possible revenue stream?
International /New countries
- John G – Questions regarding Colombia CN Is ther any formal process, guidelines, etc? Would like to discuss with Todd.
Discussion - Sponsors must be non-commercial. Usually someone on board helps mentor – not required. Vladimir participates quite a bit. Provide deployment committee reports. Board may have someone work with that country.
- Strategic Coordination
Internally – Board retereat early July. Prioritize what needed done. IHE wide integration strategy, nothing currently exists for multi domain profiles. Tooling and reference designs high priority.
Monroe – concern of repeated work; LS and ACM as examples. Some discussion at DCC about this.
TC - can go back before next reteat and bring this up
- 2 FDA @ IHE PCD Update
Got past ANSI process/standard requirement.
FDA asked for a briefing. Slides provided, will be posted to the ftp site. IHE PCD compliant list impacted FDA.
- 3 PIM (Protocol interoperability Manager) - Supports various protocols (HL7, IHE PCD, IEEE 11073, etc.) Package includes source code, risk analysis, support documentation, etc. Hope to have some deliverables mid 2015. Outlined architecture. Submitted standardization projects to IEEE.
- 4 Conformity Assessment – In final stages of progress for IHE Int'l. Will have a CA by CN2015.
Overview of program. (I gone from recorder 1:19 – 1:22). Companies inconsistent. Described deployment process IHE >certification. Plan to get to the actor level. Trying to get a virtual lab at the Innovation center.
- 5 ONC update
Created JASON task force – recommended open source API, HL7 FIHR, not too positive on IHE. Testimony last week – using IHE, well baked. IHE has filed formal response. Not strong device activity. Met with IPSIDOO – interested in device semantics, IEEE 11073, LOINC, etc. Not main focus. Yesterday's pump meeting talked about My Device.
- 6 Monday Pump meeting Summary
Long list of open issues, dealing with modes and status. Made it through the list: Flushing, priming, intermittent delivery. Have a model most agree on, should scale well. Looked at all receiving mechanisms and addressed them. C4MI engineer comparing with RTMMS – should be able to map and export. Will make sure RTMMS is consistent.
For CN: Will compare 1.3 with 1.1 then decide what to use. How it will affect CN – John G: Shouldn't be a problem, as long as all are aware of it. Who is responsible for drafting text? Todd will. Paul Sc has the codes.
- 7 Olympics Demo – Effort to use IHE there. Large healthcare section there. Use EU-US MOU to work on this. A lot of interest and support. GE is the the healthcare provider for the Olympics. Brazil may be too early, but Korea wants to do this for 2019 Olympics. (Gone until 2:30 on recorder)
- 8 FHIR Update – Todd will provide presentation.
Best opportunity to put device informatics into HL7 V.3 – almost for free.
- 9 FDA UDI @ HL7 V2.8.2 & FHIR
John R and Todd worked hard on it. How can you consistently represent UDI in HL7? Drafted an implementation guidance document. John and Todd created a CP for 2.8.2; could be out next year. Use PRT segment to capture UDI, asked them to include devices. PRT10 updated for UDI and other data (bar code, EUI-64). Could this be used for user defined identifiers? Yes. Suggest providing user guidance on how to implement. Concerns about not requiring information placed in PRT segments. That may be in a UDI implementation guide; some profile specific requirements can be placed in the specific domain guidance. ISO will state who 'owns' a segment; will be more specific as it drills down. Can ask a party which one they own. Can we take this 2.8.2 work and specify it in 2.6? Yes, it's quite common.
- 10 HL7 - IHE Coordination
Working on a financial model that works. Need to coordinate between two groups
Now working on this – Todd is HL7 rep to IHE. Slides will be available. Both recognize need, but execution struggling.
-11 Update CP097 and submit for balloting – OBX-4 (TCAI 184)
Dealing with intermediaries. Much is in TF, but not tested yet. The Tiger Team may address this (not started yet). How do device capabilities get advertised? Paul Sc: prepare a list of needs. Can move OBX-4 topic forward to after Brian Reinhold discussion today.
Location, Dates of the PCD 2015 Spring F2F
- Location - Cleveland doesn't meet our participant's cost model. ECRI is available and willing. Paul and Bikram can check on Portland. C4MI San Diego or DC.
- Dates – Week of April 27.
Review IHE Milestones from now until Pre-Connectathon
- * PCD Key Dates (Cycle 9)
Unable to determine at this time – will depend upon proposals and resources available.
- * IHE 2015 Publication Schedule [2]
Monroe will draft and circulate to Paul Sh and Jeff M, then submit to the committees. Will discuss on co-chair call Oct 28
CP to Convert IPEC to EC (Todd) (TC Action Item 170)
- No current progress. Input from pump group. About to do a major rework of the pump profile. Why go to final text now? Most changes are in content, not structure. Some IPEC items may end up device specializations, eventually obsoleting IPEC. Suggest finalizing IPEC within 1-2 years, then create EC with device specializations. Pump group will work on this and come back with a proposal.
MSH-5 and Connectathon (TC AI 178) (Started recording)
- Receiving application – if MSH 5 blank, receiver can do different things, somewhat randomly. (Back at 14 mins). Should know who it's sending to when one to one. Whatever we decide needs to be in sync with NIST. Conclusion: Test to what's registered in Gazelle. If MSH-5, then receiver can send acknowledgement. Add text to
New remote patient monitoring profile (Brian Reinhold, via Webex)
- Done unofficially at CN, not a recognized profile. Want to make this a ratified profile. Brings info from outside the enterprise to within. Meant to be done in stages. This is basic – patient device measurements into an EHR. Low cost home devices interface with hosting device, which would create message to facility. Use case: Ability to monitor patient outside the hospital.
- Discussion
John R – What would be PCD's initial steps? Not exactly sure. JR - Perhaps a workgroup and some use cases? Outline the sequence for a profile. BR - PHMR not in the standard, he's working on that. Introduce necessary text into TF to outline profile and steps needed. Trying to get it alive as an HL7 document. First stage document – Trial implementation documents the flow and this profile. The implementation exists, but isn't official. DSTU is HL7's Trial Implementation, but if standards work isn't done, it's sunsetted. This happened to this process. Paul Sc - Will need to test CDAR2 document. BR – it may exist. PSc – Use existing parts? Good, but not quite complete. MP – Seems like all the pieces are in place, just need official recognition. Get Personal Health folks to recognize PHMR. PSc – Many of the device pieces are in place, many of the challenges are in PCC and ITI domains. Can start with WAN interface and PCD messages. PCD happy with device to hosting/accumulating system then out to WAN. From there on it would be a different domain. PSc – Use new status as part of HIMSS to discuss with big her vendors. Break into two pieces: Med equip to EHR/WAN then EHR/ to HL7 clinical messages and PHMR. Brian will break this into two parts for thursday call with PCC; PCD and PCC. He'll show the original and separated briefs, and send the PCD one to us. For PCD, it could be the DEC profile with the WAN Option added. Would need a CP to the DEC Profile to enable this. Section 4.2 Vol 1 of PCD TF has the actors and options assume MLLP transport. Just add lines using WSI. Vol 3 talks about remote monitoring use case. Can back translate definitions to match up; then PCC can cross reference to their profile.
- MSH-5 and Connectathon (cont from above)
Reviewed proposed additions to tests. Monroe drafted documents. Epic may have concerns with this. MSH-3 on ACK may be an issue. Need to write the rules in the TF to address this. Can we can go from Conditional to RE? Will need to discuss this with EPIC. Suggest rephrasing as Conditional. Reason: Some were blindly posting MSH-5 messages into MSH-3 as ACKs; if blank, then it would trigger an error. Will put 1st sentence in tests and Gazelle.
Do we need anything in MSH-05 if we do MSH-03 correctly? No. 2nd sentence adds clarity. Send to Showcase and Connectathon Google group. Group outlined new structure

Adjourn Joint PCD Planning and Technical Committees (PC/TC)



4 ___ Status/Discussion:




Wednesday Morning


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Monroe reviewed the IHE IP Management Process
Reviewed & approved PC Agenda (10 minutes)
Reviewed and approved Oct 8 PC Meeting discussion summary
Reviewed PCD Calendar and Update "PCD ftp site [[3]]"
- Added 2016, discussion of FHIR/HL7 V3


2 ____________
- Chair



3 Agenda Items
- Cycle 9 -
MDISS security – a white paper drafted, in review (John R)
DPI, CNS – much work focus on tooling support, device support. Could use updating. CNS on hold (John R).
DEC – PCD01 in final text.
PCD-16 and 15 added this cycle
- No new transactions currently. DMIO
ACM – added Alert Inventory; resend with present indication
RDQ – No activity, many senders don't have ability to store historical data. Those that do haven't dedicated resources to send that data. They have about 72 hours of data, more than that would probably be in the realm of research, not enough interest to support. More harmonized interfaces and a 'past' time stamp could help. SPD query type is archaic re HL7.
Question on calendar – the year is effective the Showcase of that year.
PCIM – progress, preliminary WP draft circulated last week. Discussion this afternoon.
Multi component add mixtures – Can move into general PIV enhancements
PCA/Syringe – Done
Med Admin Management white paper – extended.
RTLS/MEMDMC – Available as TI
DPI – Continues
Device Data Reporting – Continues
Content Management -
- 10101A – Balloting starting Nov 2014 Paul Sc ready to take comments from anyone for ballot group to consider. Coordinating Efforts
- UL2800 – Work in process. Not handled that well, going slowly.
Quality - Smart Alarm TIR coming along – meeting in december (Stan W)
- Add row to Coordination to cover Julian's efforts? No – UL2800 and 11073 efforts cover that. Not a lot of IHE meetings with them lately.
Review Current PCD Program:
- ACM (Monroe P) – In TF, some CPs backlog and a CP for alert list, integrated in TF. Resurrection of PCD-05 as a workflow notification; closing loop on notifications. Looking to be used for lab results notification. Discussions? In acm wg calls. Looking at sample messages – not enough, effort stalled. Continued next cycle.
- DEC (updated PCD TF) (John R) – Updated PCD TF should be published soon
- IDCO (Paul Schluter) – Active defining new terms. Craig Reister and Alexander Krauss running group well. Seeing use in research and production environments
- PIV (Al E, Paul E) – PCA and syringe integrated into TF. Confident it's pretty mature.
- IPEC (Al E) – Spent last year discussing how best to define models. Profile will need dissected and rebuilt for new models. Events won't change substantially, but reporting modes will.



4 ___ Status/Discussion:




Wednesday Afternoon


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair



3 Agenda Items



4 ___ Status/Discussion:






Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved Placeholder


2 ____________
- Chair



3 Agenda Items



4 ___ Status/Discussion:






Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Agenda approved Placeholder


2 ____________
- Chair



3 Agenda Items



4 ___ Status/Discussion:




Action Items - PC

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Action Items - TC and WGs

The Action Items that follow and approved in subsequent committee meetings will be added to the committee Action Item page.

Next Meetings

Joint Planning and Technical Committee: PC and TC __ PCD PC&TC 2014-11-19 Webex

Joint PC, TC ______

TC _____

PC _______