PCC TC Face to Face May 01-2013

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Attendees: Laura Bright, Keith Boone,Denise Downing, George Cole, Emma Jones, Tone Southerland, Tom Kuhns, Stacey Marovich, Ed Larsen, John Donnelly

MCV (formerly PVVS)

Phone in attendees: Benjamin Flessner, Denise Downing

  • Led by George Cole
    • Open issue to check with Keith about the stylecode property need to use an "x" and if CDA has made any changes
    • Updates: Narrative formatting - capability for multiple stylesheet, Content creator SHALL provide capability for multiple views. Currently is a SHALL - may need to change with feedback from public comment.
    • New HL7 update to the style code (security fix) is a good thing for the consuming system because it enables the data to display.
    • New Semantic tagging option for content creator and content consumer
    • work on the table - have two separate tables, one for the formaatting and the other for clinical semantics
    • Additional work needed


Phone in Attendees: Karen Whiting, John Feikema, Nagesh Bashyam; Angelique Cortez; Gayathri Jayawardena

  • led by Keith Boone and Nagesh Bashyam (Dragon)
    • Comments received from Karen Whiting and Stacey Marovich; reviewed

RECON (formally RCCCP)

Phone in Attendees: Denise Downing

  • Led by Emma Jones and Denise Downing
    • Discussion about the process of reconciling and the end result of reconciling.

Joint Meetings

    • update provided by domains on profiles currently being worked on by the various groups.


  • ITI, PCC, Pharmacy

Change Proposal Review

  • Led by Laura Bright
    • Various change request assigned and resolved


  • DAF
  • MCV