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Revision as of 12:48, 6 June 2007 by Kboone (talk | contribs) (Normalizing Section Content)
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The PCC Wiki Content is used only for development of IHE PCC Content. The Normative content of the PCC Technical Framework and the current supplements can be found at https://www.ihe.net/resources/technical_frameworks/#pcc

Comment.gif Pre-procedure Impressions Section
Template ID
Parent Template (
General Description The Impressions section shall contain only the required and optional subsections dealing with the updated problem list, the general risks the patient faces from the procedures, and the fixed and modifiable risks the patient faces because of specific patient findings.
LOINC Code Opt Description
Subsections Opt Description R Pre-procedure Risk Assessment

Parent Template

The parent of this template is

Sample Pre-procedure Impressions Section
<templateId root=''/> <templateId root=''/> <id root=' ' extension=' '/> <code code='34895-3' displayName='EDUCATION NOTE' codeSystem='2.16.840.1.113883.6.1' codeSystemName='LOINC'/> <text> Text as described above </text>  <component> <section> <templateId root=''/> <!-- Required Pre-procedure Risk Assessment Section content --> </section> </component>
    </section> </component>
<pattern name='Template_1.'> 
 <rule context='*[cda:templateId/@root=""]'> 
     <!-- Verify that the template id is used on the appropriate type of object --> 
   <assert test='../cda:section'> 
      Error: The Pre-procedure Impressions can only be used on sections. 
   <!-- Verify that the parent templateId is also present. --> 
   <assert test='cda:templateId[@root=""]'> 
     Error: The parent template identifier for Pre-procedure Impressions is not present. 
   <!-- Verify the section type code --> 
   <assert test='cda:code[@code = "34895-3"]'> 
     Error: The section type code of a Pre-procedure Impressions must be 34895-3 
   <assert test='cda:code[@codeSystem = "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"]'> 
     Error: The section type code must come from the LOINC code  
     system (2.16.840.1.113883.6.1). 
   <assert test='.//cda:templateId[@root = ""]'> 
     <!-- Verify that all required data elements are present -->
     Error: The Pre-procedure Impressions Section must contain a(n) Pre-procedure Risk Assessment Section.
     See http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=

See Templates using the Pre-procedure Impressions Section