IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2013-04-09

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  • Chris Carr - RSNA
  • Bruce Curran - RO Tech
  • Tom Dolan - Cardiology Tech
  • La Shawn Edwards - RSNA
  • Laura Heermann - PCC Plan
  • Flora Lum - Eye Care
  • Chris Pauer - RO Tech
  • John Rhoads - PCD Tech
  • Antje Schroeder - Rad Tech
  • Amber Sims - ASTRO
  • Susan Whitt - Dental Planning
  • Karen Witting - ITI Plan

Absent domains: Anatomic Pathology; Endoscopy; Laboratory; Pharmacy; Quality, Research and Public Health


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

  • Quorum attained

2. Review today's agenda

  • Approved as published

3. Approval of March 26 Minutes

4. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • Reinvigorating volunteers to get better document reviews/quality
  • Radiology and QRPH have implemented Designated Reviewers policy that requires named committee members to provide comments on a given profile. Encourage all domains to adopt this policy.
  • Deferred further discussion.

5. Review Action Items List

  • RSNA staff to update.

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • Action Item: RO, PCC and Dental to provide outstanding milestone dates

2. Domain Board Reports

  • Rad Onc - one month overdue; preparation in process
  • Endoscopy - one month overdue
  • Anatomic Pathology - due

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group
  • Domain survey

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Annual Domain Webinar Series
  • Action Item: Co-chairs to discuss in committee whether they will hold a webinar this year, so that we can start building schedule.
  • Documentation Work Group
  • Profile template feedback: as profile authors have issues with the template they should submit them using the form found here: http://www.ihe.net/ihetemplates.cfm.
  • Shared elements release: DWG will meet on April 29 to complete resolving public comments.

Governance Implementation

Next steps and New Actions Items

  • Next Call Tuesday April 23rd 9:00am central time

Domain Coordination Committee