PCCTech Minutes 2012 07 19

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Attendees: Laura Heermann Langford, Anne Diamond, Claudio Saccavini, Mauro Zanardini, Vincent van Pelt, Tone Southerland, Emma Jones, Denise Downing, Laura Bright, Thom Kuhn

Call in Attendees: Valentina Ferrarini,


  • Review of changes made to document during the week. A few outstanding items remain for editing. Expect to have those done by early next week. Agree to have the document completed and posted to new ftp site by next Friday.


  • Review of changes made to document during the week, especially after meeting last night meetings. Also reviewed final outstanding comments and provided input on correcting english grammer. Discussion regarding more clarification of the clinical perspective of the statuses and the technical definitions of statuses in Volume 1. Decision to see if the work can be done during the next week and it not able to complete it to proceed with publication for trial implementation and work towards improving that area of the template with next cycle.

Joint with QRPH

  • Review of change proposal
  • Decided we needed to split the proposal into at least two change proposals. The first to be of the simple clean up and reorganization issues. The second to include all proposed additions. It is likely there are more consequences to the additions and need more review and study.
  • Discussion re: value sets being coupled or de-coupled. Having SHALL value sets may limit the uptake of the profiles. In this case requiring LOINC codes can be a limiting factor. Proposal to change SHALL to MAY. This is a larger discussion that could affect all profiles. Decision today is to leave the SHALL in place here, add other items as needed to pass connectathon (through a change proposal). PCC Tech will keep the discussion of changing the SHALLS to SHOULDS or MAY.
  • Do not need to call out payers specifically. They are included in the Medical Summary Parent Document. For the US there will need to be a national extension (Volume 4) to call out the requirement (R or R2) for the payer section. A section that is not as needed in other countries.
  • CP - for clean up, CP to add patient transfer entry to coded event outcome, CP for Antenatal testing codes to be added.


  • Call for approving the QRPH Change Proposal