PCD PC&TC 2012 April F2F

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Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the committees involved:
  • Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
  • Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

NOTE: Original "Suggested Agenda Items/Topics" was moved further down the wiki page.

Location & General Schedule

Technology Center – Bld C
6055 Lusk Blvd
San Diego, CA 92121
Meeting room TC-C1-A307/A309

April 23 ACM only
April 24 - 25 (noon) PCD Planning Committee
April 25 - 27 (mid-afternoon) PCD Technical Committee
Wednesday morning is joint with Planning & Technical Committees

Daily Schedule
08:00 - 08:30 Meet at CareFusion, San Diego, CA
Meeting will start promptly at 08:30 Pacific Time each day.
08:30 - 10:30 Session #1
11:00 - 12:30 Session #2
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch (location to be announced)
13:30 - 15:00 Session #3
15:30 - 17:00 Session #4
Friday the meetings will end by 15:30

Attachments / Materials

Documents related to the meeting when established will be found at ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/FaceToFaceMeetings/2012-SanDiego/ unless otherwise noted. Documents are available without a password.

PCD Schedule/Deadline Information: http://tinyurl.com/PCD-Publication-Deadlines, Schedule/Deadlines: Patient Care Device and Domain Milestones

PCD PC Action Items PCD Planning Committee Action Items. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Detailed Schedule & Agenda


Date Hours Committees Topics


08:30 - 17:00 ACM Special Meeting
  • 08:30 > Meeting Starts
o Greeting & Introductions (10 minutes)
o Review & Approve Agenda (10 minutes)
o Intellectual Property Policy
o Starting state of reference document: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Profiles/ACM/IHE_PCD_Suppl_Alarm_Communication_Management_ACM_TI_Rev1.3_2012-04-19.doc
-Is an "alarm object" a Profile? (Fuchs)
-Discussion of focus of special session
o What we're here to do
o What we're not here to do
- Cleaning up ACM TI - housekeeping and corrections
o Required profiles - ITI CT
o Related profiles - PCD WCM
o Security common text
o Attribute tables cardinality corrections
o MSH-21 - OIDs or text?
o PCD-04 - ORU_R01 structure or an ORU_R40 structure?
- Getting it ready for eventual inclusion in PCD TF
o To keep PCD-05 or to eject it as was done for AA actor
o If keeping PCD-05 then…
Need to change it from ORA R42 to ORA R41
Need to submit R41 description change to HL7
IPEC WG needs to submit R42 description change to HL7
Aside from default, need to define PCD-05 content filter in PCD-04
- Reevaluation of ACM scope
o In light of EC
o In light of IPEC
- Broaden definition of location to support any location or unit in hospital
o GPS to operator recognizable text
- Make it very clear that cancel does not cancel the alarm at the source
- Multiple OBR segments as multiple alarms per PCD-04 instance
- AR actor provided, operator recognizable message text
o Nurses don't know from MDC codes and references
- Focus on WCTP protocol usage consistency
o Polling and/or push response (POST) for PCD-07
o PCD-07 is a required message, but some PCD-07 response types (PRT-3-2) are optional
Received by AC actor indication is required
One-way devices (pagers, and marquees) or not, if not then the following are required
Delivered/undeliverable to endpoint
Read receipt
Accept/Reject by endpoint
o Version Query response
Need to respond with at least 1.2 to support MCR tuples
o Multiple Choice Response
Tuples, not singlets, so as to abstract responses from response data
- Extending WCTP to support WCM
o Evidentiary data (embedding PCD-04 in PCD-06)
o Graphical snippet for non-medical device AC actors
- Formalization of PCD-06 operator presented message text
- Why is there an HL7 v3 message at the end of the ACM TI document when the ACM profile only supports v2?


Date Hours Committees Topics

Tuesday Morning


08:30 - 12:30 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 08:30 > Introduction
- Greeting & Introductions (20 minutes)
- Review & Approve PC Agenda (10 minutes)
- IHE IP Management Process (5 minutes)
  • 09:00 > Review Current PCD Program:
- SpO2 Specialization (Wednesday)
- Pump Specialization
  • 09:30 > Device Management Communication (30 minutes)
  • 10:00 > Cybersecurity Educational Session; Update on Device Management White Paper with ITI (Axel)(60 minutes)
  • 11:00 > Break (15 minutes)
  • 11:15 > Integration Statement update (15 minutes)
  • 11:30 > Brainstorm Cycle 8 Work Item Ideas (30 minutes)
- Profile Supplements
- White Papers
  • 12:00 > ADQ Requirements (30 minutes)
  • 12:30 LUNCH
Tuesday Afternoon


13:30 - 17:00 PCD Planning Committee (PC)
  • 13:30 > PCD Marketing & Funding (30 minutes)
- PCD 101
- Education opportunities
- What information are we missing to educate providers?
- MDFire collaboration
  • 14:00 > Interop Showcase 2013 Planning (15 minutes)
  • 14:15 > Update on FDA MDICC activities (30 minutes)
  • 14:45 > Review current Action Items (30 minutes)
  • 15:15 > Break (15 minutes)
  • 15:30 > Continue review of current Action Items (30 minutes)
  • 16:00 > Overflow discussions (60 minutes)
  • 17:00 > Adjourn

Joint PC and TC Meeting, May 9, 2012 PCD PC&TC 2012-05-09 May Webex

TC May 16, 2012 PCD TC 2012-05-16 Webex

PC May 23, 2012 PCD PC 2012-05-23 Webex


Date Hours Committees Topics

Wednesday Morning


08:30 - 12:30 Joint PCD Planning and Technical Committees
  • 08:30 > IHE IP Management Process
  • 08:35 > Introductions and Agenda Review
  • 08:45 > Recap Tuesday highlights
  • > Report on IHE International Board
  • > Reports on National / Regional Deployment Committee Activities (esp. PCD related)
  • 09:00 > Review and update Roadmap
  • 09:45 > Review and update PCD Schedule Wiki
  • 10:15 > Break
  • 10:30 > SpO2 Specialization (VA) (30 minutes)
  • 11:00 > Wrap-up Planning/Technical Committee joint meeting
- Location, Dates of the Fall F2F
- Elections
- Other Business
- May PC, TC Meeting Schedule
  • 12:15 > Adjourn Planning Committee
  • 12:30 > LUNCH
Wednesday Afternoon


13:30 - 17:00 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • Location, Dates of the Fall F2F
  • Elections
  • CP practices
  • Pre-set/agreed "notification list"? to external (Q posed by Rinda)
  • Timetable
  • 14:00 Review of ongoing work
  • PCIM
  • ADQ
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • WCM
  • MEM Whitepaper
  • Device Management Communications

Joint PC and TC Meeting, May 9, 2012 PCD PC&TC 2012-05-09 May Webex

TC May 16, 2012 PCD TC 2012-05-16 Webex

PC May 23, 2012 PCD PC 2012-05-23 Webex


Date Hours Committees Topics
Thursday Morning


08:30 - 12:30 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • Technical Framework Architecture (Cooper)
  • TF Modeling - general - WORK IN PROGRESS!
  • Conformance Testing (Garguilo)
  • Modeling (incl. levels: message vs. interaction vs. transaction)
  • Transaction versioning support
  • (in process) HL7 R/RE/O conformance criteria specification (from reporter & consumer perspectives)
  • NIST Tooling Support for Device Specializations - (Cooper/Martinez)
  • Conformance and nomenclature tooling (Garguilo)
  • RTMMS Application Status and Process Overview (Garguilo) / Martinez)
  • Rosetta Update (Garguilo/Martinez)
  • RTMMS Demo and discussion (Martinez)
  • ICSGenerator Update (Sandra Martinez)
  • 10:00 Break
  • 10:15 Device Specialization Supplements Review (Cooper)
  • IPEC - CP to add note re. planned partitioning to Foundational & Specialized components
  • PIV (Cooper + Pump WG)
  • Issues with PIV in TF FT?
  • CP to add note re. planned support in pump DS profiles
  • DS - General Content Module Supplement
  • DS - Infusion Pump Content Module Supplement
  • DS - IP - LVP Profile Supplement
  • DS - IP - SYR (syringe) Profile Supplement
  • DS - IP - PCA Profile Supplement
  • Schedule & distribution channels for Public Comment Supplement publication
  • Device Specialization Profile Testing @ Connectathons (Cooper/Rinda from Pump Summit)
  • Actors + Transactions + Content: Binding it all together!
  • How are they bundled? Standalone / Grouped / Fused ...
  • Device Specialization Profiles: Options vs. Core Capabilities
  • Multi-Component Add-mixture Support (e.g., in PCD-03)
  • 12:30 Lunch
Thursday Afternoon


13:30 - 17:00 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 13:30 Technical Framework Change Proposals
  • General proposed CP list review
  • Prioritized discussions of specific CPs
  • 15:30 ACM (Patillo)
  • Report Out from Monday session
  • Review remaining issues + resolutions


Date Hours Committees Topics

Friday Morning


08:30 - 12:30 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • Rosetta Status update (Schluter)
  • Rosetta for Alarms and Events - General Discussion(Schluter)
Friday Afternoon


13:30 - 15:00 PCD Technical Committee (TC)
  • 13:30 Etc.: topic overflow time and Issues arising
  • 14:00 Next actions planning
  • 15:00 Adjourn
Note: Additional evening working sessions may be scheduled as needed.
Note: Time slot TBD: IDCO

Webex Support

Webex will be available for those who cannot attend in person. The links below will be available IF remote participants indicate in advance that they will be participating. Because this is a F2F meeting please let us know you are present (do not log in anonymously). Reminder: the IP agreement is in force, and participation counts toward voting rights.

NOTE: Meeting phone numbers and passwords are the same as the ones used for all committee and working group meetings.

To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-866-469-3239
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300
Global call-in numbers: https://himss.webex.com/himss/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=179551912&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
For security the password is not shown. If you don't have it readily available email or Skype Manny or a co-chair.
Date Hours Committees Topics


Morning (11:30 ET - Lunch) ACM Special Meeting

Meeting Number: 929 705 268

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179551912&UID=0&PW=NNTJmODkzYTFm&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179551912&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=1FOWXA/BI2Lgv/H-cZTsZlO127RkqGkTEeWF5TLqu4Q=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D



Afternoon (Lunch 'til adjournment) ACM Special Meeting

Meeting Number: 927 098 195

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179551997&UID=0&PW=NYzZiMjgyNTJj&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179551997&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=pg-catjb6ODa2UT5iZVkeec8kipLIPpATYiuOY0Hi4k=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Tuesday Morning


Morning (11:30 ET - Lunch) PCD Planning Committee (PC)

Meeting Number: 928 194 723

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552002&UID=0&PW=NOGEwNzU3NzA5&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552002&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=wKxiJIuNB4DP1DaTNKtZ3xWlqh/fA-asMgOxt0CesYw=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Tuesday Afternoon


Afternoon (Lunch 'til adjournment) PCD Planning Committee (PC)

Meeting Number: 922 733 912

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552007&UID=0&PW=NZTRlZWRjMjlh&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552007&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=B8xdilQrOTVCybWNAaDRRJmRBQI5EYIYVnTejr-fzhA=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Wednesday Morning


Morning (11:30 ET - Lunch) Joint PCD Planning and Technical Committees

Meeting Number: 925 035 583

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552012&UID=0&PW=NZTRmOGY4MzJh&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552012&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=xYCo0KFXE9EuASUtDFwc4gmt-tT7stX60gcrvr6bhh0=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Wednesday Afternoon


Afternoon (Lunch 'til adjournment) PCD Technical Committee (TC)

Meeting Number: 929 367 070

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552022&UID=0&PW=NNmRiMTY3MjVi&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552022&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=iFAXwNMJdqIb09Z3G-w0PJxj-fju-JG4oll6Hfse-ts=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Thursday Morning


Morning (11:30 ET - Lunch) PCD Technical Committee (TC)

Meeting Number: 924 274 586

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179551982&UID=0&PW=NODA4NDBhYjU1&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179551982&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=fP2UN-YNCKlkuFOidizQGYBJoRUFzFE98Tvtl5nOuvw=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Thursday Afternoon


Afternoon (Lunch 'til adjournment) PCD Technical Committee (TC)

Meeting Number: 927 239 590

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552047&UID=0&PW=NMmQ2ZWNlYjRk&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552047&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=3Le2atHi1dgrW2C0ybVrEMEvBoxPlKvymC-pNtIDWQk=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Friday Morning


Morning (11:30 ET - Lunch) PCD Technical Committee (TC)

Meeting Number: 924 652 655

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552057&UID=0&PW=NNTAxNjJkNWU3&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552057&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=ilv/BxnqTQgjGvYWyVkNMH6ANipe3TRCmb6-jWVHCyA=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Friday Afternoon


Afternoon (Lunch 'til adjournment) PCD Technical Committee (TC)

Meeting Number: 923 828 676

Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552062&UID=0&PW=NM2RjMjkyYjM2&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

To add this meeting to your calendar program (for example Microsoft Outlook), click this link: https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?ED=179552062&UID=0&ICS=MI&LD=1&RD=2&ST=1&SHA2=6I/oBZeP0bIgXRbYn7/bJp5y8xFQGYRrgLAWLhPJNiw=&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

Suggested Agenda Items/Topics

Agenda Suggestions for the Alarm Communication Management WG F2F:

- Infusion Events and Alarms
- NIBP Complete Set (Paul)
- ECG Pattern and Numberic Limit Examples (Paul)
- Prototype hRTM with event names, properties and content models that would lead to complete list for NIST test tooling
- ACM Harmonization with IPEC
- Review the ACM TI Version in Detail
- Consider further alignment of ACM and IPEC Events
- See agenda below for the adopted agenda

Agenda Suggestions for the Planning Committee Received in Advance:

- IP Notice
- Integration Statement Maturity Index.
- Device Management Profile
- Device Management White Paper with ITI
- FDA/MDICC (Medical Device Interoperability Coordinating Council)
- Cybersecurity (education session)
- Roadmap
o Cycle 8 Brainstorming
- MD Fire
- Review of PCD documents (including guidance doc)
- ADQ Clinical Requirements
- Location, Dates of the Fall F2F
- Elections
- Action Items

Agenda Suggestions for the Technical Committee Received in Advance:

- IP Notice
- Location, Dates of the Fall F2F
- Timetable
- Volume 3 Review and Comment Resolution
- Review and clean up existing documents (1 day)
- Architecture
- Rosetta for Events
- RTMMS Overview
- Pulse Oximetry
- WCM Review and Update
- Device Management Profile
- The Grand Unified OID scheme (Garguilo)
- Allow risk anlysis to support delayed association of patient ID to PCD-01 data?
- Administrative issues
-Make it a practice when preparing to send out a CP or publication for comment to list organizations outside of IHE who should be notified (from Jeff Rinda)
- Elections
- Action Items


Monday, April 23

On Site: Jim Beggs (West Wireless), Todd Cooper, Paul Elletson, Ken Fuchs, Manny Furst, Vivek Kamath (West Wireless), Sandra Martinez, Monroe Pattillo, Doug Pratt (Siemens), John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Khalid Zubaidi

Remote: Jon Blasingame, Jeff Price (West Wireless), Richard Swim, John Zaleski

Tuesday, April 24

On Site: Todd Cooper, Al Engelbert, Ken Fuchs, Manny Furst, Aaron Goldmuntz (Western Wireless), Jack Hoffman, Sandra Martinez, Jeff McGeath, Gary Myers, Monroe Pattillo, Amnon Ptashek (West Wireless), John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Erin Sparnon, Greg Staudenmaier, Khalid Zubaidi

Remote: Steve Merritt, Larry Schwartz (Smiths Medical), Axel Wirth, John Zaleski

Wednesday, April 25

On Site: Jim Beggs, Todd Cooper, Al Engelbert, Ken Fuchs, Manny Furst, Jack Hoffman, Vivek Kamath, Sandra Martinez, Jeff McGeath, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Ioana Singureanu, Brian Smith (Western Wireless), Erin Sparnon, Greg Staudenmaier, Khalid Zubaidi

Remote (morning, PC & TC): Jon Blasingame, Steve Merritt,

Remote (afternoon, TC): Jon Blasingame, Robert Flanders, Steve Merritt, Serafina Versaggi

Thursday, April 26

On Site: Todd Cooper, Al Engelbert, Ken Fuchs, Manny Furst, Vivek Kamath, Sandra Martinez, Jeff McGeath, Gary Mills, Gary Myers, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Ioana Singureanu, Brian Smith, Erin Sparnon, Khalid Zubaidi

Remote: Robert Flanders, John Garguilo, Steve Merritt,


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Monday April 23

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Participants introduced themselves.

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.

It was decided to move PCD-04, PCD-06 and PCD-07 to Final Text as quickly as possible.

- To be encapsulated as a Change Proposal to the current Final Text Technical Framework
- PCD-05 to be archived for future inclusion
- The Alarm semantics will ultimately be moved to Volume 3. In the short term the semantics will be left as is and transferred to Final Text.
- Volume 1 content will be handled by K. Fuchs. Volume 2 will be handled by J. Rhoads. M. Pattillo to provide updated text ASAP.
- Order Filler Number (OBR-3) to be used as unique alarm identification. Message Control ID (MSH-10) will not be used.
- Discussion of alarm end to end traceability
o MSH-10 is a transport instance identifier, not an alarm identifier
o OBR-3 is an instance alarm phase or status notification identifier
o Need an overall parent identifier to the alarm that is presented in a different field for clarity
o Two alternatives were identified and are to be proposed to HL7 representative:
> OBR-29 as alarm ID, and OBR-3 as the individual OBR within the alarm
> OBR-52 as alarm ID, and OBR-51 as the individual OBR within the alarm
> An alarm is same patient, same device, but left outstanding is if a second device, performing CDS, injects an alarm cancel for an active alarm from a different device
> Sequencing is an item left outstanding but is needed if it is required to confirm either
> You received everything
> You didn’t miss anything
- Decision that PCD-04 can only include a single alarm, however may have multiple OBRs of other types for future compatibility. (see next item…)
- Discussion concerning how we would include alarm display order. Initial resolution is to create a new OBR for alarm display list, and an OBX with a list of Order Filler Numbers in priority order. To be captured as an Issue in the supplement, not to be included in Final Text.
- References to WCM in the ACM profile will be removed and not included in the Final Text. Hints will be left in the document so that implementers can understand how WCM will be integrated in the future.
- Intelligence for the graphical UI resides between the AM and AC. Decision is that the AM will offer as an option the ability to pass the evidentiary to those AC vendors that have no issue with being a regulated medical device and a second option for the ability to format the evidentiary data into a graphical object to pass to the AC in support of those AC vendors that do not wish to be regulated medical devices. The FDA’s guidelines on medical device applications on mobile devices contains specific text associated with products that take ECG data and display images from it.
- Delete references to MEM since it is not a profile.
- AR will pass human readable text in CWE data type component Original Text to identify the alarm. This will be in the OBX instance that contains the MDC code for the alarm (MDC_EVT_...) The OBX data type (OBX-2) will be changed from ST to CWE and OBX-5.9 will contain the text. The text is to identify the alarming condition and not to include any parameters associated with the alarm.
o Need to capture these in examples: Infusion pump event (occlusion), high heart rate (e.g. HR 130 > 120), Bradycardia, …
- Provide guidelines but not requirements concerning how to display the information to form the message text content of the PCD-06 WCTP message and to identify the distinction between the verbose message text used in validation testing versus the more terse message text used in deployments.
- Resolved that OBR-4 will contain the type of OBX information to follow such as: ALARM, WAVEFORM, EVENT, PROCEDURE, TREND, etc.
o This is so that the package of alarm OBR + OBX array can be modularized and used in other profiles as a message content module similar to what is being done for WCM
o Need to generate MDC codes for these…
o This is a change from what AR actors do today where OBR-4 contains vendor or device ID
- Discussion about external standards groups and their impact to ACM profile
o IEC 60601-1-8 Distributed Alarm System (DAS)
o ISO 80001-2-5or6 Trusted Distributed Alarm System (TDAS)
o Trusted being defined as including safety, effectiveness, and security
- Need proper MDC codes for ACM OBX-3 values
o Etc.
- MSH-21 is to contain OIDs
- Continua has interest in PCD-04 over WAN similar to their use of PCD-01 over WAN
- As an optional attribute to the Alarm data structure you should have an OBX for GPS Coordinates or other location description of the equipment, person other than the patient or the patient
o IntelligentInSites is an RTLS vendor that utilizes HL7 to send RTLS data



Tuesday Morning April 24

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Participants introduced themselves.

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Discussion Summary of previous meeting PCD PC 2012-04-11 Webex was ___


3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.



Tuesday Afternoon April 24

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

Discussed in the morning.

Brainstorming Cycle 8:

- Profiles:
o PCIM continued
o Device Specializations (e.g., ventilators, anesthesia, pulse ox)
o Really Consistent Time
o Collaboration with Pharmacy Domain depending upon outcome of the WP in Cycle 7
o Collaboration with ITI on Medical Device Cybersecurity
- Recruiting
o PCD needs additional committed participants to help move work forward
o PCD also needs those who will implement IHE profiles
o Needs: more visibility, more EHRs¸ more detail about how to implement a profile,
> the User Handbook should help, needs additional profiles/applications to be useful
> the VA is moving toward standardization and will help in this way
> companies’ marketing and sales forces can promote – and the handbook can also provide template responses that vendors can use to indicate that they conform and this can include reference to Connectathon success
> MDFire is available to help users determine their needs (version 1.7, March) has reference to IHE, PCD. There are some concerns about the reference. Steve will follow up with Dr. Goldman, including a note that PCD has included reference to MDFire in the handbook Wiki page for inclusion in the next version. Greg suggested including Sue Whitehead in the message.
> Steve recommended that we find two reference sites for each profile; Erin suggested that detail about benefits and effort/costs required to install
> Aaron requested that the Interoperability Coordinating Council seek to quantify the benefits

PCD 101:



- Ken reviewed the effort. They have several groups, including landscape (survey of what standards are available) and internal and external communications. Aaron noted that there will be additional meetings include one alongside the AAMI/FDA meeting in October.



Wednesday Morning April 25

Item Topic Discussion
1 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.

Ken provided the IP Policy review. Most participants had been present yesterday. Todd very briefly noted the AAMI project has been favorably viewed by Mary Logan, AAMI to this point. Ken led discussion of the Roadmap.

- Discussion of the calendar years vs. cycles resulted in agreement that a cycle begins in one year (e.g., Cycle 7 beginning in 2011), ending in the next with publication of the TI versions.
- HL7 v3: will be left on roadmap, work is continuing within the HL7 Medical Devices WG with anesthesia; consensus in HL7 is that a CDA instance would be clearly defined and IHE will then consider how to implement in PCD. John Rhoads indicated it is likely to be ready by the October F2F where a Brief Profile Proposal would be considered. PCD will also need to determine where it will fit in the TF; Todd suggested volume 2 unless another volume devoted to persistent items is added, but it may fit in volume 3. Discussion will continue at the HL7 meeting.
- ACM: PCD-05 remains, Archiver and ITI-PCD Enterprise ACM moved out.
- Event Communication moved to Cycle 8.
- PIV for PCA now noted as Autoprogramming – changes required to PIV.
- Security WP (work item proposal) joint with ITI likely will complete in Cycle 9.
- Operation Status Monitoring – deleted (subsumed in other items).
- DPI remains in Cycle 8.
- RTM specifics: Vent, PHD, IDC, Annotated ECG near completion, Event/Alarms start in Cycle 8. SNOMED added to Rosetta is also included in Cycle 8.
- WCM postponed one year.
- Continua is moving along as expected. They are looking at a third transport mechanism, interactive questionnaires, and in the future – command and control. Paul suggested that PCD’s alarms and events work is an important factor. They are also looking at continuous waveform transmission over phones.
- PCC collaboration with Perinatal was deleted due to lack of specifics.
- Collaboration with AAMI proceeds. Manny asked if the AAMI sponsorship is leading to increased involvement in IHE by AAMI vendor members. Discussion included several suggestions including increased participation by users and the need for additional communication focused in ways that lead them to promote PCD – for the clinical, technical and vendor members who are not the developers. Erin, Ioana, Todd, Paul will consider additional approaches.
- VA interdisciplinary workgroup will meet in September and will address other efforts that will be related to PCD.
- The updated Roadmap will be posted to the ftp site ____________ .

PCD Development Calendar

- Ken noted the confusion about the Cycle number vs. year.
- John Rhoads noted the need to correct several dates. Steve will update the calendar.

Pulse Ox Specialization

- Ioana led discussion of the VA’s work. Her slides are available at ____ .
- The effort focuses on device to information systems, with allowance for device managers, consideration of information and work flows.
- Clinicians consider clinician verification of data to be an essential element.
- There was detailed discussion and a few suggested changes.

HIMSS Roundtable Meeting (at HIMSS13):

- PCD topics suggested:
o Pulse Ox
o Other: Ken, Ioana, Erin will address the question.

Fall Meeting:

- Cannot be Oct. 8-11 HIMSS Vendor Meeting, or 2/3 FDA/AAMI Interoperability
- Cannot be Oct. 7 – 12 Showcase Planning Meeting (Manny)


- Ken noted that we need at least one candidate.



Wednesday Afternoon April 25

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Participants introduced themselves.

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Discussion Summary of previous meeting PCD TC 2012-04-18 Webex was ___


3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.



Thursday Morning April 26

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Participants introduced themselves.

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Discussion Summary of previous meeting was ___


3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.



Thursday Afternoon April 26

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Participants introduced themselves.

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Discussion Summary of previous meeting was ___


3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.



Friday Morning April 27

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Participants introduced themselves.

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Discussion Summary of previous meeting was ___


3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.



Friday Afternoon April 27

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Participants introduced themselves.

Decisions/Issues: Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Discussion Summary of previous meeting was ___


3 Agenda Items
- As Noted

IP Patent and Disclosure

___ summarized the IP policy and displayed the Wiki page. All present represented IHE member organizations. Discussion followed about the obligations of participants who are required to notify IHE if the work in process may be impacted by a patent.



Next Meetings

Joint Planning and Technical Committee: PC and TC May 9 PCD PC&TC 2012-05-09 Webex

Planning Committee: PC __PCD PC 2012-__-__ Webex

Technical Committee: TC __ PCD TC 2012-__-__ Webex