IHE Lab Domain Face to Face Minutes

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Revision as of 16:16, 13 October 2010 by Skrejci (talk | contribs) (New page: == Face to Face Action Items == # Thursday, Sept 30th Assignments # Present the delta of use cases between IHE and IICC (Jean Christophe to do) ==> DONE # Change Proposals to existing te...)
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Face to Face Action Items

  1. Thursday, Sept 30th Assignments
  2. Present the delta of use cases between IHE and IICC (Jean Christophe to do) ==> DONE
  3. Change Proposals to existing technical framework (IHE has a form for this).
  4. OBX 8-Abnormal flag for repeatability (Andrzej, Francois) ==> DONE
  5. SPM14-Specimen description repeatability ==> WITHDRAWN
  6. LTW1-No changes. Clarification of actor of automation manager needed?
  7. LDA- documentation changes to make the break of the pre-/post- analytical
  8. On the wiki, the decision documented with logic behind the decision going forward. Just written (Filip)
  9. Then send out an email on the Google Group about this suggestion asking for comments and feedback.
  10. Explanation should include what is planned to be done with LDA (all aspects). Document prior to end of meeting Saturday. (Analytical profile with Analyzer Manager and Analyzer)
  11. On the wiki, to add the slides Ed presented with the bullet list. This may be in collaboration with the delta of the use cases. (Ed Heierman)
  12. Connectathon opportunities to visit North American connectathon (Chicago) in Jan or the European connectathon (Veneto region) in April or Japanese connectathon. There is a day for visitors, except Japan. (IICC marketing task)
  13. On the wiki, add the HL7 decision rationale (v2 vs. v3). Discuss with Hans and report back to IHE Lab (Bill O)
  14. Merge the use cases from patients and QC.
  15. Add Orchard Software to the wiki pages (2 pages) (Rob)
  16. Putting documents on the FTP server. Create a folder for these materials (Sondra). Add to the FTP server additional docs (Ed H and Sondra)
  17. Create a link to the Google docs off the ELDA wiki site (Sondra)
  18. The profile needs to be named from ELDA
  19. Decide on how to switch term in the documents from use case to transaction or scenario?
  20. GIR (Francois) with Sondra following up with Mary Jungers?
  21. Friday, October 1st Assignments
  22. Take Filip’s write on Wiki and link to it to Google groups (Sondra)
  23. CP to vol2, section (Francois)
  24. To better expand on a use case for the expected behavior (broadcast) when you have multiple devices, but it is only run on a single instrument (Rob) (inventory is out of scope)
  25. Add an out of scope section to the wiki (Ed Heierman)
  26. Write up the discussion with guidance concerning broadcast mode (Ed Heierman)
  27. Enhanced Acknowledgement updated/added to vol 2 to fix MSH 15 and MSH 16 (Francois)
  28. CP for vol 2 Table 9.5-2 to change the segment from an X to an Optional. (Francois)
  29. Documentation of a decision on the wiki that IICC will take the LDA acknowledgement as OK as is (Andrzej) ==> DONE
  30. Documentation overlapping and sequential queries decisions on the wiki (Ed, Andrzej) ==> DONE
  31. Follow up on the CPs for LCSD (Filip)
  32. Followup on CP for XD Lab (Francois and Sondra)
  33. Can specimen collection be attached to the entry level?
  34. If there are implications for specimen receiving…
  35. Documentation for ID specimen container position time. (Filip)
    1. <draft version>
  36. Review TF for use of OBX-18 requirements, write CP (?) (Andrzej) ==> DONE
  37. Recruit participants for a call to discuss pooling use case. (Andrzej, Sondra)
  38. Review MLLP protocol (1-2 port communication) (Ed H, Andrzej, Francois)