IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2010-08-31

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  • Juergen Brandstaetter - Pharmacy Plan/Tech
  • Rick Butler - Eye Care
  • Chris Carr - RSNA
  • Tom Dolan - Cardio Tech
  • Laura Heerman - PCC Tech
  • Yvonne Horton - HIMSS
  • Mary Jungers - Document Specialist
  • Lisa Nelson - Tech Proj Mgr (QRPH)
  • Mike Nusbaum - ITI Plan
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Rad Plan
  • Antje Schroeder - Cardio Tech
  • Karen Witting - ITI Tech


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Review of Minutes

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • Pharmacy Domain
  • Meeting next week to work on 5 draft profile supplements (on ftp site in Pharmacy folder)
  • Goal is to have public comment versions of supplements published by mid- to late September
  • Hope to have available for testing at IHE-E Connectathon in Pisa
  • Cardiology
  • ITI
  • Lab
  • Face-to-face in September to develop supplements
  • PCC
  • Radiology

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Documentation Workgroup
  • Document publication team will investigate implementing improved document cross-linking capabilities
  • Karen Witting investigating pdf Open Parameters to see whether there is a simple protocol for addressing individual pdf pages
  • Mike Nusbaum looking into add on that allows creation of bookmarks within pdfs
  • Chris Carr and Mary Jungers to improve author documentation on Wiki and Webinar presentation on authoring process for profile authors
  • HL7 Task Force

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Document publication status update
  • All PCC and QRPH documents except EHDI and MCH ready for publication
  • Document review process and quality criteria
  • Quality review by Technical Project Managers is vital
  • Ideally it should be a simultaneous part of the committee review process
  • Review committee publication dates and see if they can be staggered
  • Dependencies among profiles under development simultaneously causes special complications; take interpendencies into account in the planning of development cycle
  • Technical Project Managers should be representatives of member organizations and subject to the usual IP policy provisions; could be representatives of sponsoring organizations (they are not currently represented this way on rosters)
  • Action Item: Chris Carr to propose policy for committee status of Technical Project Managers

Next steps and New Actions Items

  • Next Meeting: Sept. 14, 9am CT
  • Agenda Items:

Domain Coordination Committee