IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2010-08-17

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  • Chris Carr - RSNA
  • Yvonne Horton - HIMSS
  • Mary Jungers - Documentation Specialist
  • Flora Lum, MD - Eye Care
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Rad Plan
  • Sondra Renly - Lab
  • John Rhoads - PCD Tech
  • Antje Schroeder - Cardio TC
  • Mike McCoy - PCC Plan
  • Tone Southerland - PCC Tech
  • Lisa Spellman - HIMSS
  • Karen Witting - ITI Tech


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Review of Minutes

  • <Motion>: Minutes approved with one abstention.

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • Action Item: Chris Carr to clean up page and invite new submissions from co-chairs

4. Review Action Items List

  • Action Item: Chris Carr to update with items from recent tcons

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • Eye Care doing pre-Connectathon testing, preparing for Oct. face-to-face testing
  • IT Infrastructure has published 16 Trial Implementation supplements
  • Laboratory has published on supplement for public comment
  • Version 3 of Lab TF ready to be published

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Documentation Workgroup
  • Tcon scheduled for Aug. 24, 3:30-4:30pm CT
  • HL7 Task Force
  • Cross-domain Strategic Planning
  • Schedule tcon for week of Aug. 30

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

Next steps and New Actions Items

Domain Coordination Committee