Patient Care Device

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IHE Patient Care Device addresses ... <BRIEFLY describe the scope of the domain: e.g. IHE Radiology addresses information sharing, workflow and patient care in radiology, including mammography and nuclear medicine.>

IHE Patient Care Device is sponsored by the American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) and the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and manages the IHE Patient Care Device Profiles and the IHE Patient Care Device Technical Framework.

Timeline : 2007-2008 Development Cycle

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
Aug. Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Planning Committee (PC) Sept 20 - Deadline E-mail
Sept. PC Selects "Short List" of Profiles Sept 21 10am T-Con
Oct. PC Selects Final Profiles Chicago
June. TC Publishes Trial Implementation Supplements
Jan. Test implementations at Connectathon Chicago


This document <Insert link to your roadmap doc> outlines goals and plans over the next 5-10 years.

Current Activity

<BRIEFLY describe the current focus of attention of the domain committees. This should only change a few times a year. e.g. IHE Radiology has started work in the 2006-2007 Cycle on a Mammography Workflow Profile and possible updates in the area of Reporting. Contact the Technical Committee if you would like to participate, or watch for Public Comment drafts in mid-February 2007. >

Profile Selection

These Brief Profile Proposals were submitted for the 2006-2007 Development Cycle:

  • <links to proposals>
  • ...

These Detailed Profile Proposals were short-listed and evaluated by the Technical Committee

  • ...

These items were selected by the Planning Committee for this Cycle:

  • <links>
  • ...
  • TF Maintenance

Demonstrations & Presentations

Date Location Event Details
2006.11.26-30 Chicago, IL RSNA 2006 XDS-I Demo, TCE Demo, Educational Sessions

Supporters and Endorsements

IHE Patient Care Device is supported or endorsed by the following organizations:

See Also


This page is based on the Domain Template.