PCC Committee Activities in 2009-2010

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Revision as of 21:33, 16 August 2009 by Tsoutherland (talk | contribs)
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Important Dates

  • May 3rd - completed drafts for volume 1 and 2
  • May 4th-7th - technical committee face to face
  • May 18th - publication material to secretariat
  • June 1st - July 1st, public comment period
  • July 27th - Trial Implementation Supplements due to HIMSS for publication

Profile Development 2009-2010

Profile Editor/Mentor List

All profiles should be written in Word documents and saved to the ftp site; links from the wiki should also be provided. Component work and communication should continue on the wiki as profile development continues. See the Template for Profiles

Below are links to wiki pages to be used for collaboration on work for each of the supplements and white paper this cycle. Please post any information that will be useful to the group. If you are new to editing wiki pages all you have to do is click the link, type something in the new page and click "Save page" at the bottom. The wiki also keeps history of all saves so you need not worry with "messing things up."

Profile Selection Current Cycle 2009-2010

During our face to face meeting November 18-19, 2008 four profiles and a white paper were selected to be submitted to the PCC Planning Committee for evaluation. A PCC Planning Committee conference call was held on November 26th, 2008 to discuss these proposals and all were approved by the planning committee.

Click to download spreadsheet showing editors and other resources for the profiles from our discussion at the 11/18-11/19 face to face meeting: PCCTech_ProfileReview.xls