IHE Domain Coordination Committee 2009-06-23 Teleconference Minutes

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1. General Committee Business

2. New Business: from Domain Coord - Future Agenda Topics Page

3. Review Action Items List

4. Domain Milestone Announcements

  • PCC and PCD supplement publications

5. Domain Coordination Issues

  • CP Process vote
  • Table of Cross Domain Dependencies
  • Review of updates to CP Process page (made January 2009) pursuant to Action Item.
  • Decide whether updates should be accepted as standard procedure or left to domain discretion.
  • Standard procedure includes file version codes of FT and IN to indicate CPs that have reached the Final Text and Incorporated states respectively
  • the update adds codes RJ, CA and CM for CPs that have reached the Rejected, Cancelled and Complete (for ballot) states.
  • the update clarifies <version #> as "starting at 00 and incrementing for each revision of the CP including when it is sent back to Assigned due to comments in ballot".

6. Webinar Series

  • Planning and scheduling update

7. Documentation, Websites and Public Information

8. Governance Implementation

9. Next steps and New Actions Items

  • Next call, Tues., July 7, 9-10:30am CDT

Domain Coordination Committee