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Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE)

IHE is an intitiative that brings healthcare professionals, healthcare information specialists and the vendors that supply systems to healthcare together to solve complex, healthcare information management problems that span multiple information systems from multiple vendors. The IHE Process involves identifying a problematic information management process and existing information technology standards that could be used to solve the particular problem. These Problem-Solution statements are termed, Integration Profiles. Integration Profiles are codified in Technical Frameworks that detail precisely the agreed upon solution. Vendors can then implement the Technical Frameworks and test their implementations at Connectathons. Customers can then view Conformance Statements and include IHE functionality requirements in their purchase documents.

Systems that support IHE Integration Profiles interoperate better, are easier to implement, and help care providers use information more effectively. The goal is efficient delivery of optimal patient care. Several hundred products support one or more IHE Profiles.

Integration Profiles describe a clinical information need or workflow scenario and document how to use established standards (e.g. HL7, DICOM, ...) to accomplish it. A group of systems that implement the same Integration Profile address the need/scenario in a mutually compatible way.

  • Integration Profiles are implementation guides for equipment vendors
  • Integration Profiles are an effective shorthand for healthcare providers to specify integration requirements when purchasing systems.

Integration Statements are simple documents prepared and published by a vendor to list the IHE Profiles supported by a specific release of a specific product.

Technical Frameworks are the detailed documents which specify the Integration Profiles and the associated actors (systems) and transactions.

Connectathons are annual events where equipment vendors bring products with IHE Profiles and test them with other vendors.

This Wiki is currently for collecting/preparing IHE materials and for IHE Committee work.

For Official IHE Publications, please see

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