IHE Domain Coordination Committee 2008-10-21 Teleconference

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Schedule Future Agenda Topics for upcoming meetings

  • Add to Oct. 14 agenda: New Committee Member Welcoming Process

4. Review previous action items

  • Action Item: Chris Carr to separate open, in process and completed action items to be reviewed (add year to date columns)

Domain Coordination Checkpoint Announcements

  • No new announcements

Domain Coordination Issues

1. Domain Timeline Coordination

  • ITI, PCC, PCD and QRPH are all scheduled to publish on June 1: up to 20 profiles total
  • This would create stress for reviewers and publishers
  • PCD and Quality will discuss moving their publication dates
  • Consider proposal that Trial Implementation profiles need to be published 30 days prior to end of sign up for North American Connectathon
  • Webinar/workshop should be presented after development of Trial Implementation versions
  • Action Item: Committee to hold discussion to map sequence of development cycle across domains and set some standards for minimum time periods

2. Review of definitions of R2 and RE (see discussion in 2008-08-18 minutes)

  • Rob Horn has documented the precise difference between R2 and RE optionality definitions
  • Details to be added respecting behavior of sending and receiving systems
  • Define requirements for systems responsible for gathering information
  • Group involved has also set some principles for referencing optionality definitions of underlying standards (eg, HL7, DICOM)
  • Action Item: Secretary will set up dedicated tcon to review Rob Horn's document

3. HL7 Task Force Update

  • Progress toward updated Appendix C with HL7 version compatibility info
  • HL7 CDA schemas on forge to be organized by HL7 versions and include version guidance
  • Discuss with PCC and other domains whether these are changes that need to be indicated in profiles in Technical Framework documents (rather than only publishing on Forge)

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

1. Implementation support material

  • Review updated implementation templates and domain implementation guide links under Implementation Guidance
  • Use of INRIA Forge for Distributing WSDLs and Schema Rules in Controlled Environment
  • Karen W has added ITI material to forge using the explanatory page from the Wiki
  • Action Item: Kevin O'Donnell to encourage Rob Horn to add schema definition for ATNA

2. Technical Framework Publication Page

  • Goal of the page is to provide implementers with all the information they need
  • Divide materials into standard set of categories:
  • Put public comment supplements and white papers on a separate page with prominent link
  • Not clear whether all white papers are for comment only; some may be relevant to implementation
  • Put all trial implementation supplements in a single list (changes tracked and otherwise)
  • Archive old versions on separate page
  • Action Item: Planning Committee Members to review sample ITI TF page and comment to group on structure and categories
  • Action Item: Committee Secretaries to update publication page to reflect structure of ITI

3. Recruitment message for clinicians to participate in Domain Committees

  • Chris Carr sent general recruitment message to ihenews list 2008-09-24

Governance Implementation

1. ITI notes on implementing governance in domain committees [deferred to 2008-10-28 tcon]

  • Review and consider for adoption across domain committee process for presentation and evaluation of profile proposals

2. Roadmap Development [deferred to 2008-10-28 tcon]

  • Discuss method for strategic planning exercise to develop Roadmap
  • How to reflect strategic direction of Board
  • Have well-defined process and reference document for 2008-2009 publication cycle
  • Include coordination among domain (eg, for ITI, QRPH)
  • Action Item: Mike Nusbaum will circulate generalized approach for brainstorming strategic issues

Next Tcon

  • October 28, 10:00am - 11:30am CDT

Domain Coordination Committee